Thomas R. Lounsbury, ed. (1838–1915). Yale Book of American Verse. 1912.
Thomas Buchanan Read 1822–1872
Thomas Buchanan Read149 The Celestial Army
And looked upon the night,
And saw the westward-going stars
Pass slowly out of sight.
Went down the gleaming arch,
And my soul discerned the music
Of their long triumphal march;
Stretching far beyond the poles,
Became the eternal symbol
Of the mighty march of souls.
Red Mars led down his clan;
And the Moon, like a mailèd maiden,
Was riding in the van.
And some were faint and small,
But these might be in their great height
The noblest of them all.
Behind Earth’s dusky shore
They passed into the unknown night,
They passed and were no more.
And downward is not just;
For the sight is weak and the sense is dim
That looks through heated dust.
Though they seem to fall and die,
Still sweep with their embattled lines
An endless reach of sky.
May hide the bright array,
The marshalled brotherhood of souls
Still keeps its upward way.
I see their march sublime,
And hear the glorious music
Of the conquerors of Time.
That the palest, fainting one
May to diviner vision be
A bright and blazing sun.