Thomas R. Lounsbury, ed. (1838–1915). Yale Book of American Verse. 1912.
SummerJames Russell Lowell 1819–1891
James Russell Lowell131 Auf Wiedersehen
Half hid in lilacs down the lane;
She pushed it wide, and, as she past,
A wistful look she backward cast,
And said,—“Auf wiedersehen!”
Lingered reluctant, and again
Half doubting if she did aright,
Soft as the dews that fell that night,
She said,—“Auf wiedersehen!”
I lingered in delicious pain;
Ah, in that chamber, whose rich air
To breathe in thought I scarcely dare,
Thinks she,—“Auf wiedersehen!”
The turf that silences the lane;
I hear the rustle of her dress,
I smell the lilacs, and—ah, yes,
I hear, “Auf wiedersehen!”
The English words had seemed too fain,
But these—they drew us heart to heart,
Yet held us tenderly apart;
She said, “Auf wiedersehen!”