William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. (1878–1962). Anthology of Massachusetts Poets. 1922.
And the silent evening darkens over hill and over plain,
And earth holds no more sorrow, no more grief, and no more pain,
Shall we weary for the battle and the strife?
And we breathe the breath of conquest, and the voices that we hear
Are the great companions’ voices that have hallowed year on year,
Shall we know an instant’s grieving as we pass?
Take one last long look of wonder at the dimming of the lands,
Love the earth one glowing moment ere we pass from its demands,
Cull all beauty in its essence as we gaze?
Scale the highest crags glad-hearted, fearful only lest the bliss
Of an earth-remembering instant should delay the great sun’s kiss—
Consuming us within the flame?