William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
Small Comfort Might My Banish’d Hopes RecallWilliam Alexander, Earl of Stirling (1567?–1640)
When ’whiles my dainty fair I sighing see;
If I could think that one were shed for me,
It were a guerdon great enough for all:
Or would she let one tear of pity fall
That seem’d dismiss’d from a remorseful eye,
I could content myself ungrieved to die,
And nothing might my constancy appall.
The only sound of that sweet word of “love,”
Press’d ’twixt those lips that do my doom contain,
—Were I embarked—might bring me back again
From death to life, and make me breathe and move.
Strange cruelty! that never can afford
So much as once one sigh, one tear, one word!