William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
Man’s Civil WarRobert Southwell (c. 1561–1595)
And quiet nestle in the sky,
Fain would my ship in Virtue’s shore
Without remove at anchor lie.
With heavy poise of mortal load,
And blustring storms deny my ship
In Virtue’s haven secure abode.
Doth draw my longing heart’s desire,
The world with jesses of delights
Would to her perch my thoughts retire,
Though Reason stiffly do repine;
Though Wisdom woo me to the saint,
Yet Sense would win me to the shrine.
And overrules the captive will;
Foes senses are to Virtue’s lore,
They draw the wit their wish to fill.
Yet divers bents breed civil fray;
Hard hap where halves must disagree,
Or truce of halves the whole betray!
With love doth kill a favouring foe,
Where peace with sense is war with God,
And self-delight the seed of woe!
Their sugared taste doth breed annoy;
O fickle sense! beware her gin,
Sell not thy soul to brittle joy!