William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
The CrierMichael Drayton (1563–1631)
But help me to a crier;
For my poor heart is run astray
After two eyes that passed this way.
O yes, O yes, O yes,
If there be any man
In town or country can
Bring me my heart again,
I’ll please him for his pain.
And by these marks I will you show
That only I this heart do owe:
It is a wounded heart,
Wherein yet sticks the dart;
Every piece sore hurt throughout it;
Faith and troth writ round about it.
It was a tame heart and a dear,
And never used to roam;
But, having got this haunt, I fear
’Twill hardly stay at home.
For God’s sake, walking by the way,
If you my heart do see,
Either impound it for a stray,
Or send it back to me.