William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
Upon Combing Her HairLord Herbert of Cherbury (1583–1648)
Open and shine yet more, shine out more clear,
Thou glorious, golden-beam-darting hair,
Even till my wonder-stricken senses fail.
Thou much more fair than is the Queen of Love
When she doth comb her in her sphere above,
And from a planet turns a blazing star.
Depends on thee, than on her influence;
No hair thy fatal hand doth now dispence
But to some one a thread of life must be.
Those glories which, if they united were,
Might have amazèd sense, and shew’st each hair
Which, if alone, had been too great a wonder.
While she withdraws these glories which were spread;
Wonder of beauties! set thy radiant head,
And strike out day from thy yet fairer eyes.