William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
A NosegayJohn Reynolds (c. 1588–c. 1655)
With Violet blue;
Since you have seen the beauty of my saint,
And eke her view;
Did not her sight (fair sight!) you lonely fill,
With sweet delight
Of goddess’ grace and angels’ sacred teint
In fine, most bright?
With Pink most fine;
Since you beheld the visage of my dear,
And eyes divine;
Did not her globy front, and glistening hair,
With cheeks most sweet,
So gloriously like damask flowers appear,
The gods to greet?
With Daisy gay;
Since you have viewed the Queen of my desire,
In her array;
Did not her ivory paps, fair Venus’ bower,
With heavenly glee,
A Juno’s grace, conjure you to require
Her face to see?
With Primrose fair,
Since ye have seen my nymph’s sweet dainty face,
And gesture rare,
Did not (bright Cowslip, blooming Pink) her view
(White Lily) shine—
(Ah, Gilly-flower, ah Daisy!) with a grace
Like stars divine?