William Stanley Braithwaite, ed. The Book of Elizabethan Verse. 1907.
The Love CallAnonymous
Titan shineth clear.
Corydon.Who is it that calleth Corydon?
Who is it that I hear?
Phyl.Phyllida, thy true love, calleth thee,
Arise then, arise then,
Arise and keep thy flock with me!
Cor.Phyllida, my true love, is it she?
I come then, I come then,
I come and keep my flock with thee.
Eat them for my sake.
Cor.Here’s my oaten pipe, my lovely one,
Sport for thee to make.
Phyl.Here are threads, my true love, fine as silk,
To knit thee, to knit thee,
A pair of stockings white as milk.
Cor.Here are reeds, my true love, fine and neat,
To make thee, to make thee,
A bonnet to withstand the heat.
To set in thy cap.
Cor.I will gather pears, my lovely one,
To put in thy lap.
Phyl.I will buy my true love garters gay
For Sundays, for Sundays,
To wear about his legs so tall.
Cor.I will buy my true love yellow say,
For Sundays, for Sundays,
To wear about her middle small.
Making melody—
Cor.When my lovely one goes to her wheel,
Singing cheerily—
Phyl.Sure methinks my true love doth excel
For sweetness, for sweetness,
Our Pan, that old Arcadian knight.
Cor.And methinks my true love bears the bell
For clearness, for clearness,
Beyond the nymphs that be so bright.
Been, alack! her swain—
Cor.Had my lovely one, my lovely one,
Been in Ida plain—
Phyl.Cynthia Endymion had refused,
Preferring, preferring
My Corydon to play withal.
Cor.The Queen of Love had been excused
Bequeathing, bequeathing
My Phyllida the golden ball.
Whither shall I fly?
Cor.Under yonder beech, my lovely one,
While she passeth by.
Phyl.Say to her thy true love was not here:
Remember, remember,
To-morrow is another day.
Cor.Doubt me not, my true love, do not fear;
Farewell then, farewell then!
Heaven keep our loves alway.