William Blake (1757–1827). The Poetical Works. 1908.
Selections from ‘The Four Zoas’[Vala’s Going Forth]
Walking on mountains, or flying in the open expanse of heaven.
She heard sweet voices in the winds, and in the voices of birds
That rose from waters; for the waters were as the voice of Luvah,
Not seen to her like waters, or like this dark world of death;
Tho’ all those fair perfections, which men know only by name.
In beautiful substantial forms appear’d, and servèd her
As food or drink or ornament, or in delightful works
To build her bowers. For the elements brought forth abundantly
The living Soul in glorious forms; and every one came forth,
Walking before her Shadowy face and bowing at her feet.
But, in vain, delights were pourèd forth on the howling Melancholy!
For her delight the Horse his proud neck bow’d, and his white mane;
And the strong Lion deign’d in his mouth to wear the golden bit;
While the far-beaming Peacock waited on the fragrant wind
To bring her fruits of sweet delight from trees of richest wonders;
And the strong-pinion’d Eagle bore the fire of Heaven in the night-season.