William Blake (1757–1827). The Poetical Works. 1908.
Selections from ‘The Four Zoas’[Introduction to Night the First]
Sometimes Called ‘Vala’
(MS. circa 1797–1804)
(Four Zoas, Night I, ll. 1–8)
(MS. circa 1797–1804)
(Four Zoas, Night I, ll. 1–8)
Hearing the march of long-resounding, strong, heroic Verse,
Marshall’d in order for the day of Intellectual Battle.
Cannot exist but from the Universal Brotherhood of Eden,
The Universal Man, to Whom be glory evermore Amen.
What are the Natures of those Living Creatures the Heavenly Father only
Knoweth: no Individual knoweth, nor can know in all Eternity.