William Blake (1757–1827). The Poetical Works. 1908.
Selections from ‘Jerusalem’[A Female Will]
(Jerusalem, f. 34, ll. 25–35.)
To have power over Man from Cradle of corruptible Grave?
There is a Throne in every Man: it is the Throne of God.
This, Woman has claim’d as her own; and Man is no more:
Albion is the Tabernacle of Vala and her Temple,
And not the Tabernacle and Temple of the Most High.
O Albion! why wilt thou create a Female Will,
To hide the most evident God in a hidden covert, even
In the shadows of a Woman and a secluded Holy Place,
That we may pry after him as after a stolen treasure,
Hidden among the Dead and murèd up from the paths of Life?