The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XIII. The Victorian Age, Part One.
- There is a complete bibliography of Thackeray’s writings, arranged in chronological order, in Melville, L., William Makepeace Thackeray, vol.
II, pp. 146–376, which supersedes previous bibliographies. - A. P
RINCIPAL WORKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS FICTION - The Professor. A Tale. Ptd. in Bentley’s Miscellany, Sept., 1837; rptd. in Comic Tales and Sketches, vol.
II, 1841, as by Goliah Gahagan, and in A Shabby Genteel Story, etc., New York, 1852, 1853. - The Yellowplush Correspondence. Ptd. in Fraser’s Magazine (8 nos.), Nov., 1837–August, 1838, without Mr. Yellowplush’s Ajew. Philadelphia, 1838. Rptd. in Comic Tales and Sketches, vol.
I, with Fashnable Fax and Polite Annygoats omitted, and Mr. Yellowplush’s Ajew (August, 1838) and the epistle to sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, bart. (Epistles to the Literati, no.XIII, Jan., 1840) added, 1814. Also, in Miscellanies, Prose and Verse, vol.II, 1856, under the title Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush, and in a separate vol. with The Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq., 1856. - Some Passages in the Life of Major Gahagan. Begun in The New Monthly Magazine, Feb., 1838; continued as Historical Recollections by Major Gahagan, March, 1838, and as Major Gahagan’s Historical Reminiscences (3 nos.), Nov., 1838–Feb., 1839. Reminiscences of Major Gahagan in Comic Tales and Sketches, vol.
II, 1841, and as The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan in Miscellanies, vol.I, 1855. - Catherine, a Story, by Ikey Solomons, Esq., junior. Ptd. in Fraser (7 nos.), May, 1839–Feb., 1840. Not rptd. until 1869 (Library edn., vol.
XXII ). - Stubbs’s Calendar; or, the Fatal Boots. 1839. (Cruikshank’s Comic Annual, ill. by Cruikshank, George.) Rptd. in Comic Tales and Sketches, vol.
II, 1841. New York, 1850. Also, as The Fatal Boots, in Miscellanies, vol.I, and with Cox’s Diary, 1855. - The Bedford Row Conspiracy. Ptd. in The New Monthly (3 nos.), Jan.-April, 1840. Rptd. with A Shabby Genteel Story, New York, 1852, 1853, in Comic Tales and Sketches, vol.
I, 1841, in Miscellanies, vol.III, 1856, and with A Little Dinner at Timmins’s, 1856. - A Shabby Genteel Story. Ptd. in Fraser (4 nos.), June-Oct., 1840. With The Professor, etc., New York, 1852, 1853. Rptd. in Miscellanies, vol.
IV, and separately, 1857. - The Paris Sketch Book, by Mr. Titmarsh. 2 vols. 1840. The contents included some miscellaneous sketches, already ptd., with new matter.
- An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. 1840. Rptd. from The Westminster Review, June, 1840.
- Barber Cox and the Cutting of his Comb. 1840. (Cruikshank’s Comic Annual, ill. by Cruikshank, George.) Rptd. as Cox’s Diary, in Miscellanies, vol.
I, and with The Fatal Boots, 1855. - The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. Ptd. in Fraser (4 nos.), Sept.-Dec., 1841. As The Great Hoggarty Diamond. New York, 1848. Under original title. 1849. Rptd. in Miscellanies, vol.
IV, 1857. - The Second Funeral of Napoleon and The Chronicle of the Drum. 1841. The Chronicle of the Drum rptd. with the Ballads in Miscellanies, vol.
I, 1855. - Sultan Stork; being the One Thousand and Second Night, translated from the Persian by Major G. O’G. Gahagan, H.E.I.C.S. Ptd. in Ainsworth’s Magazine (2 nos.), Feb. and May, 1842. Rptd. in Sultan Stork, and other Stories and Sketches…now first collected [ed. Shepherd, R. H.], 1887, and in vol.
XX of the American collected edn., Boston, 1889. - The Fitz-Boodle Papers. Ptd. in Fraser (5 nos.), June, 1842–Feb., 1843 (viz. Fitz-Boodle’s Confession, June, 1842; Professions, by George Fitz-Boodle, on July, 1842; Fitz-Boodle’s Confessions: Miss Löwe, Dorothea, Ottilia, August, 1842, Jan., Feb., 1843). The Confessions of Fitz-Boodle; and Some Passages in the Life of Major Gahagan. New York, 1852. Rptd. as The Fitz-Boodle Papers, without Miss Löwe, Dorothea and Ottilia, in Miscellanies, vol.
IV, and with Men’s Wives, 1857. Dorothea and Ottilia were rptd. with the rest in the Library edn., 1869, vol.XXII. Miss Löwe was rptd. separately in vol.XXIII, 1885, and collected with the rest in the pocket edn., 1887. - Men’s Wives. Ptd. in Fraser (8 nos.), March—Nov., 1843, under the general title Confessions of George Fitz-Boodle; Men’s Wives (viz. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry, March; II The Ravenswing, April—June, Aug., Sept.; III Dennis Haggarty’s Wife, Oct.; IV The——’s Wife, Nov.). New York, 1852. Rptd. (without IV) in Miscellanies, vol.
IV, and with The Fitz-Boodle Papers, 1857. - Bluebeard’s Ghost, by M. A. Titmarsh. Ptd. in Fraser, October, 1843. Rptd. in Early and Late Papers, Boston, 1867, and collected in the Library edn., vol.
XXIII, 1885. - The Irish Sketch-Book, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 2 vols. 1843.
- The Luck of Barry Lyndon, a Romance of the Last Century, by Fitz-Boodle. Ptd. in Fraser (12 nos.), Jan.—Dec., 1844. 2 vols. New York, 1852. Rptd. as Memoirs, etc., 1856.
- The History of the Next French Revolution, from a forthcoming history of Europe. Ptd. in Punch (9 nos.), 24 Feb.—20 April, 1844. See Library edn.
- A Legend of the Rhine, by M. A. Titmarsh. Ptd. in Cruikshank’s Table-Book (7 nos.), June—Dec., 1845. With Jeames’s Diary and Rebecca and Rowena. New York, 1853. Rptd. in Miscellanies, vol.
III, and (in Burlesques) with Rebecca and Rowena, 1856. - Jeames’s Diary. Ptd. in Punch (12 nos.), 8 Nov., 1845–7 Feb., 1846. (Jeames’s Diary; or Sudden Wealth, by M. A. Titmarsh, Esq.). New York, 1846. Also, with A Legend of the Rhine and Rebecca and Rowena. New York, 1853. Rptd., as The Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq., in Miscellanies, vol.
II, and with The Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush, 1856. Three additional papers from Punch of 1845 added in Library edn. - The Snobs of England, by one of themselves. Ptd. in Punch (53 nos.), 28 Feb., 1846–27 Feb., 1847. (The Book of Snobs), with seven chapters, viz.
XVII–XXIII, omitted. 1848. New York, 1852. Rptd. in Miscellanies, vol.I, and separately, 1855. The missing chapters were restored in the Library edn., vol.XXIII. - Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo…by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 1846. New York, 1846.
- Vanity Fair, Pen and Pencil Sketches of English Society. Ptd. in 20 serial nos.,
- Jan., 1847–July, 1848. (Vanity Fair, a Novel without a Hero.) 1848. Also 2 pt. New York, 1848. Revised edn. 1853. 2nd revised edn. 1863 [1864].
- Punch’s Prize Novelists. Ptd. in Punch (20 nos.), 3 April–9 Oct., 1847. (Omitting Crinoline and The Stars and Stripes), with The Fat Contributor and Travels in London. New York, 1853. Rptd. in Miscellanies, vol.
II, and with Character Sketches, 1856, under the title Novels by Eminent Hands. - Mrs. Perkins’s Ball, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 1847. Rptd. in Christmas Books, 1857.
- A Little Dinner at Timmins’s. Ptd. in Punch (6 nos.), 27 May–29 July, 1848. Incomplete rpt. with A Shabby Genteel Story. New York, 1852. Complete. 1853. Rptd. in Miscellanies, vol.
III, and with The Bedford Row Conspiracy, 1856. - The History of Pendennis, his Fortunes and Misfortunes, his Friends and his greatest Enemy. Ptd. in 24 serial nos. Nov., 1848–Dec., 1850. 2 vols.: vol.
I, 1849; vol.II, 1850. Also 2 vols. New York, 1850. Revised edn. 1863 [1864]. - Our Street, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh, 1848. Rptd. in Christmas Books, 1857.
- Dr. Birch and his Young Friends, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 1849. New York, 1853. Rptd. in Christmas Books, 1857.
- The Kickleburys on the Rhine, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 1850.
- Rebecca and Rowena, a Romance upon Romance, by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh (ill. by Doyle, Richard). 1850. Rptd. with Jeames’s Diary and A Legend of the Rhine, New York, 1853. Also, in Miscellanies, vol.
III, and with A Legend of the Rhine (Burlesques), 1856. - The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. 3 vols. 1852. New York, 1852. Revised edn. 1858.
- The Newcomes, Memoirs of a most respectable Family, ed. by Arthur Pendennis, Esq. (ill. by Doyle, Richard). Ptd. in 24 serial nos. Oct., 1853–Aug., 1855. Also, in Harper’s Monthly Magazine, New York, Nov., 1853–Oct., 1855. 2 vols.: vol.
I, 1854; vol.II, 1855. 3 vols. New York, 1855. 1860. Last revised edn. 1863. - The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century, a series of lectures delivered in England, Scotland and the United States of America. 1853. New York, 1853.
- The Rose and the Ring; or, the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo; a fireside Pantomime for Great and Small Children, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 1855. New York, 1855.
- The Virginians, a Tale of the Last Century. Ptd. in 24 serial nos. Nov., 1857–Sept., 1859. Also, in Harper, New York, Dec., 1857–Nov., 1859. 2 vols.: vol.
I, 1858; vol.II, 1859. New York, 1859. - Lovel the Widower. Ptd. in The Cornhill Magazine (6 nos.), Jan.–June, 1860. Also in Harper, New York, Feb.–July, 1860. 1861.
- The Four Georges: Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court and Town Life. Ptd. in The Cornhill (4 nos.), July–Oct., 1860. Also, in Harper, New York, August–Nov., 1860, and in Littell’s Living Age. New York, 1860. 1861.
- The Adventures of Philip on his Way through the World, Shewing who Robbed him, who Helped him, and who Passed him by (some ills. by Walker, Frederick. Printed in The Cornhill (20 nos.), Jan., 1861–August, 1862. Also in Harper, New York, Feb., 1861–Sept., 1862. 3 vols. 1862.
- Denis Duval (ill. by Walker, Frederick). Ptd. in The Cornhill (4 nos.). April–June, 1864. Also in Harper, New York, April, May, July, August, 1864.
- B. C
OLLECTIONS OF MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, STORIES, ETC. - Comic Tales and Sketches, edited and illustrated by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh. 2 vols. 1841.
- Mr. Brown’s Letters to a Young Man about Town; with the Proser, and other Papers. New York, 1853. Mr. Brown’s Letters were rptd. from Punch (18 nos.), 24 March–18 August, 1849. The Proser, Essays and Discourses by Dr. Solomon Pacifico, was ptd. in Punch (7 nos.), 20 April–3. August, 1850; only three nos. were rptd. in this edn. The other papers, nine in number, were rptd. from Punch of 1845, 1848, 1849, 1850.
- Punch’s Prize Novelists, The Fat Contributor and Travels in London. New York, 1853. For Punch’s Prize Novelists, see sect. A, ante. The Fat Contributor included, with a few exceptions, the scattered articles which had appeared under that name in Punch (17 nos.) from 3 August, 1844, to 30 Oct., 1847. Travels in London included, with one exception, the contributions to Punch ptd. under that title (14 nos.) from 20 Nov., 1847, to 25 March, 1848, Waiting at the Station, from Punch, 9 March, 1850, and Going to See a Man Hanged, from Fraser, August, 1840.
- Miscellanies, Prose and Verse. Vol.
I. 1855. In addition to The Book of Snobs, The Fatal Boots, Cox’s Diary and Major Gahagan, this included the collected Ballads, which were also issued in a separate vol. These consisted of 44 fugitive pieces from various sources, the earliest in date being Four German Ditties, originally ptd. in Fraser for May, 1838. The most important are The Legend of St. Sophia of Kisiff, originally ptd. as The Great Cossack Epic of Demetrius Rigmarolovicz in Fraser for Dec., 1839; The Chronicle of the Drum, published separately in 1841 with The Second Funeral of Napoleon; and The Ballad of Bouillabaisse, from Punch, 17 Feb., 1849. Some occasional lyrics were rptd. from the prose works in which they first appeared. Various contributions to Punch bear the sub-titles Love Songs Made Easy (from Punch, 1846); Lyra Hibernica, or the Poems of the Molony of Ballymolony (from Punch, 1845, 1848, 1851); and Ballads of Policeman X (from Punch, 1845, 1848, 1850). Other pieces were added later in collected editions of Thackeray’s works, and in their final form the Ballads include all the lyrics from his prose works. - Miscellanies, Prose and Verse. Vol.
II. 1856. These, in addition to Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush, The Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq., and Novels by Eminent Hands, included (I ) Sketches and Travels in London, combining Mr. Brown’s Letters to a Young Man (now called Mr. Brown’s Letters to his Nephew) with Travels in London (omitting one of the nos.) rptd, in 1853; and (2) Character Sketches, three miscellaneous pieces originally ptd. in 1839 and 1841. Sketches and Travels in London were, also, published separately, and Character Sketches with Novels, by Eminent Hands, 1856. - Miscellanies, Prose and Verse. Vol.
III. 1856. Vol.IV. 1857. - Christmas Books. 1857.
- Roundabout Papers. 1863. New York, 1863. Rptd. from Cornhill (18 nos.), Jan., 1860–Jan., 1862, with two additional papers originally ptd. in Cornhill, Feb. and Nov., 1860.
- Early and Late Papers, hitherto Uncollected (introd. by Fields, J. T.). Boston, 1867. These included rpts. of articles from Fraser, originally ptd. between June, 1841 (Memorials of Gormandising) and May, 1844 (Little Travels and Roadside Sketches), John Leech’s Pictures of Life and Character, from The Quarterly Review, Dec., 1854, the last nine nos. of Roundabout Papers
- from The Cornhill Magazine, April, 1862–Feb., 1863, four other papers from The Cornhill, April, 1860, April, August and Nov., 1863, and four other miscellaneous papers.
- Works. Library (1st collected edn.). 22 vols. 1867–9. Ballads (vol.
XVIII ) included numerous additions, chiefly of lyrics from the prose works. Roundabout Papers included nos. 1–8, as in 1863, no. 19, from The Cornhill, Feb., 1862, nos. 20–28, and the miscellaneous articles from The Cornhill already rptd. in 1867. Two supplementary vols. were published in 1885 and 1886. Vol.XXIII included several miscellaneous articles chiefly from Fraser, and, with other articles from Punch, Wanderings of the Fat Contributor, with the exception of one no. but with additions not included in the New York edn. of 1853. Much of the material had been rptd. in Early and Late Papers, Boston, 1867, and in Miscellanies, vol.V, Boston, 1870. Vol.XXIV consisted mainly of articles rptd. from Punch, and included inter alia the remaining piece by the Fat Contributor and Miss Tickletoby’s Lectures on English History, from Punch (II nos.), 2 July–1 Oct., 1842. - Thackerayana, notes and anecdotes illustrated by nearly six hundred sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray. [Ed. Grego, Joseph.] 1875.
- The Orphan of Pimlico, and other Sketches, Fragments, and Drawings (notes by Thackeray, Isabella Anne). 1876.
- Works. Cheaper Illustrated edn. 24 vols. 1877–9. A few miscellaneous pieces added to Travels and Sketches in London (vol.
IXV ) and Ballads (vol.XXI ). - Sultan Stork, and other Stories and Sketches, by William Makepeace Thackeray (1829–44), now first collected. 1887. For Sultan Stork see sect. A, ante. Several early miscellaneous articles were included, the most important being Dickens in France, from Fraser, March, 1842, and the review of Carlyle’s French Revolution, from The Times, 3 August, 1837. The doubtful Elizabeth Brownrigge, from Fraser, August and Sept., 1829, and Thackeray’s contributions to The Snob, 1829, and The National Standard, 1833–4, were also collected for the first time.
- Works. Pocket edn. 27 vols. 1887.
- Works. 22 vols. Boston, 1889. Miscellaneous additions from Punch rptd. in vol.
XXI and three additions made to Miscellaneous Papers and Sketches (vol.XXII ). The review of Carlyle’s French Revolution and other articles, already rptd., were added to a collected edn. of the Works for the first time. - Loose Sketches, An Eastern Adventure, etc. 1894. Loose Sketches, by M. A. Titmarsh, rptd. from Britannia (6 nos.),
I May–5 July, 1841; An Eastern Adventure of the Fat Contributor (ill. by Leech, John), from Punch’s Pocket-Book, 1847. This vol. also included the preface to Sketches after English Landscape Painters, by Marvy, L., with Short Notices by Thackeray, W. M. 1850. - Works, with Biographical Introductions by Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. 13 vols. 1898–9.
- The Hitherto Unidentified Contributions of W. M. Thackeray to Punch, with a complete authoritative bibliography from 1845 to 1848, by Spielmann, m. H. London and New York, 1899.
- Writings in The National Standard and The Constitutional. 1899.
- Stray Papers … being Stories, Reviews, Verses, and Sketches (1829–51), edited with an introd. and notes by Melville, Lewis. 1901.
- Prose Works. Ed. Jerrold, Walter. 13 vols. 1901–3.
- Works. 20 vols. 1901–7. Vols.
VIII–XX, ed. by Melville, Lewis, from the text of the first edns., and including many miscellaneous articles rptd. for the first time. - The New Sketch Book, being Essays now first collected from The Foreign Quarterly Review (ed. Garnett, Robert S.). 1906.
- Works. Ed. Saintsbury, George. 17 vols. Oxford, 1908. Many miscellaneous papers rptd. in a collected edn. for the first time, and a few additions.
- C. B
IOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL - Brookfield, Charles and Frances. Mrs. Brookfield and her Circle. 1905.
- FitzGerald, Edward. Letters, etc. Vol.
I. 1889. - Gilfillan, G. Galleries of Literary Portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - Lang, A. Lost Leaders. 2nd edn. 1892.
- Melville, Lewis. William Makepeace Thackeray, a biography. 2 vols. 1910. [A full list of authorities, including many scattered magazine articles, in vol.
II, pp. 133–142.] - —— The Thackeray Country. 1905.
- Merivale, Herman C. and Marzials, Sir F. T. W. M. Thackeray. 1891.
- Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. Chapters from Some Memoirs. 1894.
- Saintsbury, G. Corrected Impressions. 1895.
- Spielmann, M. H. The History of Punch. 1895.
- Thackeray, W. M. A Collection of Letters of W. M. Thackeray, 1847–55 (ed. Brookfield, J. O.). 2nd edn. 1887.
- —— Letters to an American Family. (Introd. by Baxter, L. W.) 1904.
- Thackerayana, Notes and Anecdotes. [Ed. Grego, J.] New edn. 1901.
- Trollope, A. Thackeray. (English Men of Letters.) 1879.
- Whibley, C. William Makepeace Thackeray. 1903.