The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- I. H
ISTORY AND CRITICISM - Ainger, Alfred. Lectures and Essays. Vol.
I. 1905. - Ashton, John. Chapbooks of the Eighteenth Century. 1882.
- Dobson, H. Austin. De Libris. 1908. [On Maria Edgeworth and Kate Greenaway.]
- Eckenstein, Lina. Comparative Studies in Nursery Rhymes. 1906.
- Field, E. M. The Child and his Book. 1892.
- Godfrey, Elizabeth. English Children in the Olden Time. 1907.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. Catalogue of Chapbooks, Garlands, and Popular Histories. Privately ptd. 1849.
- —— The Nursery Rhymes of England. (Percy Society. Early English Poetry, vol.
IV. ) 1842–3. Enlarged edn. 1846. - —— Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales. 1849.
- Keightley, Thomas. Fairy Mythology. 1828. Enlarged edn. (Bohn.) 1847.
- Lucas, E. V. Forgotten Tales of Long Ago. 1906. Selections, with introduction.
- —— Old-Fashioned Tales. 1905. Selections, with introduction.
- Mackarness, Mrs. H. (born Planché). Children of the Olden Time. 1874.
- Pearson, Edwin. Banbury Chapbooks and Nursery Toy Book Literature of the Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries. (Limited edn., privately ptd.) 1890.
- Salmon, Edward. Juvenile Literature as it is. 1888.
- Tuer, A. W. The History of the Horn-Book. 2 vols. 1896.
- —— Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Children’s Books. 1898–9.
- —— Stories from Old-Fashioned Children’s Books. 1899–1900. See, also, his introduction to reprint of Lamb’s Prince Dorus, 1889.
- Tytler, Sarah (Keddie, Henrietta). Childhood a Hundred Years Ago. 1877.
- Welsh, Charles. A Bookseller of the Last Century [i.e. John Newbery]. 1885. See, also, his introductions to A. Berquin’s Looking-Glass for the Mind; to W. Roscoe’s Butterfly’s Ball; to Mrs. C. A. Dorset’s The Peacock “At Home,” and The Lion’s Masquerade; and to Elizabeth Turner’s The Daisy and The Cowslip; of which details are given below.
- Yonge, C. M. A Storehouse of Stories. 2 vols. 1870. Selections, with introduction.
- A work which cannot be overlooked by anyone who studies the subject, but which defies classification, is The Story of Pet Marjorie [Fleming], with her Journals. Ed. Macbean, L. 1905. See, also, Marjorie Fleming, a sketch. By Brown, John. 1863.
- Magazine Articles
- The Atlantic Monthly, 1888; Chambers’s Journal, 1855, 1862 (on chapbooks); The Cornhill Magazine, 1900; The English Illustrated Magazine, 1883 (The New Hero, by Watts-Dunton, Theodore); Fraser’s Magazine, 1846 (Thackeray, W. M.); The Guardian of Education, 1802–4 (a retrospect by Trimmer, Mrs.); The Imprint, 1913 (Crane, Walter, and others); The Library, 1901; Macmillan’s Magazine, 1869 (Yonge, Charlotte M.); National Review, 1905; Newbery House Magazine, 1890–1 (Welsh, Charles); Notes and Queries, 1913 (11th series, vol.
VII: largely bibliographical); Opuscula of the Sette of Odd Volumes, nos. 11 and 13 (privately ptd., by Welsh, Charles); Quarterly Review, vols.LXXI, LXXIV, CLXII, CLXXXIII, CXCII, CXCIV; The Studio (Winter Number), 1897–8 (White, Gleeson); The Sunday at Home (1894). - Germane to the subject, but not concerned with it primarily, are very many works on education (for which see the various chapters in this History), many on morals and the state of society (particularly in the reign of George III) and many biographies. Most of the introductions to reprints of individual works contain historical matter. Welsh’s Bookseller of the Last Century gives a full bibliography of all Newbery’s publications from 1740 to 1802. Eckenstein’s Comparative Studies in Nursery Rhymes contains a brief list of works on this highly-specialised branch of the subject: except for the few convenient summary treatises mentioned above, books on folk-lore pure and simple are not included here. The Folk-lore Society has traced most fairy tales to their oral appearance all over the world.
- For early writers whose works passed into the hands of children, see the references in the text to previous volumes of this History. “Adult” writers who also wrote books for children are mentioned below.
- II. C
HAPBOOK EDITIONS - These often piratical productions not merely included any new popular work of the day, but preserved many traditional tales and rimes not otherwise recorded in print. They were seldom dated, and the old blocks were used over and over again, in different circumstances. It is impossible to give a strict bibliography of them. So far as children are concerned, they began about 1700 and died out about 1820; towards the end of that period, the more responsible publishers copied the chapbook format to some extent, but provided new type, new blocks and good paper. The chief works regularly produced in chapbook form were: Bevis of Southampton; The Children (or Babes) in the Wood; Cock Robin; Cries of London; Cries of York; Robinson Crusoe; Eastern Tales (Arabian Nights and similar stories); Fables; Fairy Tales (Perrault, etc.; usually single tales, not collections); John Gilpin; Guy of Warwick; Tom Hickathrift; The House that Jack Built; Mother Hubbard; Jack The Giant-Killer; Jack and Jill; Nursery Rimes of all kinds, under various titles; Adventures of Philip Quarll; Riddle-books; The Seven Champions of Christendom; Tom Thumb; Valentine and Orson; Dr. Watts’s poems, under various titles; Sir Richard Whittington.
- III. S
ELECTED AUTHORS - In this and the following section only the most important authors and works are included. In some cases, the first edition cannot be traced, though it is known that existing editions are not the first. Where dates are given in brackets, they are those which are certified by the known facts of the author’s life, or by the work of an illustrator, or by the publisher’s name.
- (Anonymous works are included among Minor Writers, below.)
- Aikin, Anna Laetitia (afterwards Mrs. Barbauld). Hymns in Prose for Children. 1781.
- —— Lessons for Children. 4 parts. 1808.
- —— Life of. Memoir of Mrs. B., by Le Breton, A. L. 1874.
- Aikin, A. L. and J. (Barbauld and Aikin). Evenings at Home. 6 vols. 1792–6.
- Aikin, John. The Calendar of Nature. 2nd edn. 1816.
- Aikin, Lucy. Juvenile Correspondence. 2nd edn. 1816.
- —— Poetry for Children. (Selected by L. A.) 1803.
- —— Memoirs etc. of. Ed. by Le Breton, P. H. 1864.
- Also many versions of classical works in words of one syllable, under pseud. Godolphin, Mary.
- Argus, Arabella. The Adventures of a Donkey. 1815. Further Adventures. 1821.
- —— The Juvenile Spectator. 2 parts. 1810.
- —— Ostentation and Liberality. 2 vols. 1821.
- Ballantyne, Robert Michael. See Reference Catalogue of current literature, issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons), and the D. of N. B.
- Barbauld, Mrs. See Aikin, A. L., ante.
- Belson, Mary. See Elliott, Mary, post.
- Blake, William. Songs of Innocence. See, Chap.
IX, ante. - Bunyan, John. A Book for Boys and Girls: or, Country Rhimes for Children. By J. B. 1686. A Book for Boys and Girls: or, Temporal Things Spiritualised (a revised and shortened version of the first edn.), 1701; 3rd edn., 1707; 9th edn., as Divine Emblems or Temporal Things Spiritualised, 1724. Facsimile reprint of 1st edn., with introd. by Brown, John, 1889.
- Burton, Richard See Crouch, N., post.
- “Carroll, Lewis” (i.e. Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. 1865. Through the Looking-Glass and what Alice found there. 1871. Both illustrated by Tenniel, Sir John. The Nursery Alice. 1890.
- “Carroll, Lewis.” The Hunting of the Snark. 1876.
- —— Sylvie and Bruno. 1889.
- —— Sylvie and Bruno concluded. 1893.
- —— Life and Letters of. By Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson. 1898.
- Chapone, Mrs. See ante, Chap.
XV. - Cole, Sir Henry (pseud. Summerley, Felix). The Home Treasury. 12 vols. 1843–55.
- Crossman, Samuel. The Young Man’s Calling: or the Whole Duty of Youth.… And also, Divine Poems. 1685. Other edns.: 1695, 1725.
- Crouch, N. (pseud. Burton, Richard, or B., R.). Winter Evening Entertainments; in two Parts. 6th edn. 1737. [The first edition appears to have been published at least by 1685.]
- —— Youth’s Divine Pastime. 3rd edn. 1691.
- Day, Thomas. The Children’s Miscellany: in which is included the History of Little Jack. 1787.
- —— The History of Sandford and Merton. 3 vols. Vol.
I. 1783. Vol.II. 1786. Vol.III. 1789. Translated into French, “An VI de la République.” - Dickens, Charles. Holiday Romance. 1868.
- Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. See “Carroll, Lewis,” ante.
- Dorset, Mrs. C. A. The Lion’s Masquerade. 1807. Facsimile rpt. ed. Welsh, C. 1883.
- —— The Peacock “At Home.” By a Lady. 1807. Facsimile rpt., ed. Welsh, C. 1883.
- —— The Peacock and Parrot on their Tour. 1816.
- —— Think before you Speak, or The Three Wishes. 1809.
- Edgeworth, Maria. See ante, Chap.
XIII. - Elliott, Mary (born Belson). (Where no dates are given, the publishers’ names necessitate a date between 1805 and 1825.)
- —— The Adventures of Thomas Two Shoes: being a sequel to The modern Goody Two Shoes (
V. post). n.d. [not later than 1818]. - —— Confidential Memoirs, or the Adventures of a Parrot, a Greyhound, a Cat, and a Monkey. 1821.
- —— Grateful Tributes: or Recollections of Infancy. n.d. [not later than 1816].
- —— Idle Ann, or the Dunce Reclaimed. n.d.
- —— Industry and Idleness: a pleasing and instructive tale. 1811.
- —— The Modern Goody Two Shoes. n.d. [not later than 1818].
- —— The Orphan Boy, or a Journey to Bath. n.d. [not later than 1816].
- —— Precept and Example, or Midsummer Holidays. n.d. [not later than 1812].
- —— The Rambles of a Butterfly. 1819.
- —— Simple Truths in Verse. n.d. [not later than 1816].
- —— The Sunflower, or Poetical Truths for Young Minds. 1822.
- —— Tales for Boys. n.d.
- —— Tales for Girls. n.d.
- —— Tales of Truth. n.d.
- —— Truth our Best Friend. 1825.
- [A majority of the above were translated into French soon after publication.]
- Ewing, Juliana Horatia. The Brownies, and Other Tales. Illustd. by Cruikshank. 1870.
- —— Daddy Darwin’s Dovecot. Illustd. by Caldecott, R. 1884.
- —— A Flat Iron for a Farthing. 1873.
- —— Jackanapes. Illustd. by Caldecott, R. 1884.
- Ewing, Juliana Horatia. Lob-lie-by-the-Fire, and Other Tales. Illustd. by Cruikshank, G. 1873. Illustd. by Caldecott, R. 1885.
- —— Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances. 1869.
- —— Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales. 1882.
- —— Six to Sixteen. 1876.
- —— The Story of a Short Life. 1885.
- —— Life of J. H. E. and her Books, by Gatty, Horatia K. F. 1885.
- Fables. It is impossible to trace the exact descent of fables into children’s literature. The translations under the name of Aesop (q. v. under Foreign Works, sect.
V, post) gave them literary currency, and Gay’s metrical versions stereotyped them. (For Gay, see ante, Vol. IX, Chap.VI. ) There do not seem to have been any definite early versions (for children) of Bidpai (“Pilpay”), Babrius, or Phaedrus. Probably a certain amount of oral tradition entered into the chapbook versions, of which there were many. See, also, s. v. La Fountaine (Foreign Works, sect.V. post). - Fairy Tales. See Ewing, J. H., Jacobs, J., Lang, A. (in this sect.); The Court of Oberon, Mother Bunch, Mulock, D. M. (in sect.
IV ); and under Foreign Works, s.v. Asbjörnsen, Grimm, Perrault: see, also, History and Criticism, sect.I, ante. - Fenn, Eleanor (Lady F.). Cobwebs to Catch Flies. 2 vols. n.d.
- —— Fables in Monosyllables. n.d.
- —— The Fairy Spectator. 1789.
- —— The Juvenile Tatler. 1789.
- —— Mrs. Lovechild’s Golden Present. n.d. [Published by Newbery, John.]
- —— Short Sermons for Young Persons. By Lovechild, Mrs. n.d. [Newbery.]
- [Lady F. also wrote as Mrs. Teachwell, but, it is not possible to identify the exact works certainly. It was a common pseudonym 1750–1820.]
- —— Life of. See Unstoried in History. By Festing, Gabrielle. 1901.
- [Chap.
VI deals with Lady F. and her sister, from family documents.] - Fielding, Sarah. The Governess, or Little Female Academy. [Anonymous.] 2nd edn. 1749. Revised, and practically rewritten and remodelled, by Mrs. Sherwood in 1820. [Sometimes quoted as Mrs. Teachum.]
- Gatty, Margaret. Aunt Judy’s Tales. 1859.
- —— The Fairy Godmothers and other Tales. 1851.
- —— Parables from Nature. 1855–71. Complete edn., with memoir by Ewing, J. H. 1880.
- Gay, John. (Fables.) See ante, Vol. IX, Chap.
VI. - Godolphin, Mary. See Aikin, Lucy, ante.
- Goldsmith, Oliver (?). Goody Two Shoes. (The History of Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes.) 1766. Facsimile rpt. of earliest extant edn., ed. by Welsh, C., with introd. 1881.
- For Goldsmith’s undoubted works, see ante, Vol. X, Chap.
IX. - Guyse, John, D. D. Youth’s Monitor. 3rd edn. 1747.
- —— Youth reminded of a Judgment to Come. 1729.
- Hack, Maria. English Stories. 1820. 2nd series. 1820. 3rd series. 1825.
- —— Grecian Stories. 1819.
- —— Harry Beaufoy. 1821.
- —— Lectures at Home. 2nd edn. 1841.
- —— Tales of the Great and Brave. n.d.
- —— Winter Evenings. 4 vols. 1818–19.
- Havergal, Frances Ridley. Bruey. 2nd edn. 1873.
- —— Little Pillows. 1875.
- Havergal, Frances Ridley. Morning Bells. 1875.
- —— Autobiographical Sketch. 1881.
- Henty, George Alfred. See Reference Catalogue of current literature issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons) and D. of N. B.
- Hofland, Mrs. Alfred Campbell, the Young Pilgrim, 1825. [Also known as The Young Pilgrim.]
- —— The Daughter of a Genius. 1823.
- —— The History of a Clergyman’s Widow and her young Family. 1812.
- —— Matilda; or, The Barbadoes Girl. 1816. [Also known by its sub-title.]
- —— The Son of a Genius. n.d.
- —— William and his Uncle Ben. 1826.
- Howard, the Hon. Edward Granville Legge. Rattlin the Reefer. 2nd edn. 1836. [Ed. by Marryat, Capt.]
- Howitt, Mary and William. The Boy’s Country Book. 1839.
- —— The Children’s Year. 1847.
- —— The Childhood of Mary Leeson. 1848.
- —— Hymns and Fireside Verses. 1839.
- —— The Picture Book for the Young. 1855.
- —— Tales in Prose for Young People. 1864.
- —— Tales in Verse for Young People. 1864.
- See, also, Andersen, H. C., sect.
V, Foreign Works, post. - Hughes, Mary, born Robson. See Robson, Mary, post.
- Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown’s School Days. 1857. Many edns., esp. 1911 (introd. by Howells, W. D.) and 1913 (ed. by Sidgwick, F.)
- —— The Scouring of the White Horse. 1859. Illustd. by Doyle, R.
- Jacobs, Joseph (Ed. by). The Book of Wonder Voyages. 1896.
- —— Celtic Fairy Tales. 1891. More C. F. T. 1894.
- —— English Fairy Tales. 1890. More E. F. T. 1893.
- —— Indian Fairy Tales. 1892.
- See, also, Aesop, sect.
V, Foreign Works, post. - Janeway, James. A Token for Children, being an Exact Account of the Conversion, Holy and Exemplary Lives, and Joyful Deaths of several young Children. 1671–2.
- Jefferies, Richard. Bevis. 1882.
- —— The Story of my Heart. 1883.
- Keary, Annie. The Heroes of Asgard. 1857. [By A. K. and her sister, E. K.]
- —— Little Wanderlin and other Fairy Tales. 1865.
- Kendall, Edward Augustus. Keeper’s Travels in Search of his Master. 1798.
- —— Parental Education; or Domestic Lessons … for Youth. 1803.
- —— The Stories of Senex, or Little Histories of Little People. 1800.
- Kilner, Dorothy. (There is some obscurity as to her work. According to family tradition, she wrote all children’s books signed M. P., and her sister-inlaw, M. J. K. (see post), wrote those signed S. S. They are often allocated otherwise, however, and some are attributed to Lady Fenn, q.v. ante.)
- —— Anecdotes of a Boarding School. 2 vols. n.d. [1790?].
- —— Anecdotes of a Little Family. n.d.
- —— Ellen Harding, or the Tell-Tale. 1849. [? Earlier edns.]
- —— The Holiday Present. n.d.
- —— Letters from a Mother to her Children. 2 vols. 2nd edn. 1787.
- —— The Life and Perambulations of a Mouse. 2 vols. [1775?]
- —— The Rotchfords. [1800?]
- Kilner, Dorothy. Sunday School Dialogues. [1790?] [Attributed in Brit. Mus. catalogue to Lady Fenn.]
- —— The Village School. n.d.
- Kilner, Mary Jane (pseud. S. S.; see ante, s.v. Kilner, Dorothy). The Adventures of a Pin-Cushion. n.d.
- —— The Adventures of a Silver Penny. 1787.
- —— Jemima Placid. 1813.
- —— The Memoirs of a Peg Top. New edn. 1828.
- —— A Course of Lectures for Sunday Evenings.… 1783.
- Kingsley, Charles. Glaucus, or the Wonders of the Shore. 1855.
- —— The Heroes. 1856.
- —— The Water Babies. 1863.
- Kingston, William Henry Giles. See Reference Catalogue of current literature, issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons) and D. of N. B.
- Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare. 1807.
- Lang, Andrew (Ed. by). The Blue Fairy Book. 1889. Followed by many other volumes under the title of the cover colour.
- —— The Blue Poetry Book. 1891.
- —— The Nursery Rhyme Book. 1897.
- See, also, s.v. Grimm, Perrault, sect.
V. Foreign Works, post. - Lear, Edward. Book of Nonsense. 1846. 2nd edn. 1862.
- —— Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany, and Alphabets. 1871.
- —— More Nonsense Songs. 1872.
- —— Letters of, ed. by Strachey, Lady. 1907. Later Letters. 1911.
- Macdonald, George. At the Back of the North Wind. 1871.
- —— The Princess and the Goblin. 1872.
- Macleod, Norman. The Gold Thread. 1861. Other edns., especially 1907 (with introd.) and 1911.
- Marryat, Frederick. The Children of the New Forest. 1847.
- —— Masterman Ready, or the Wreck of the Pacific. 1841.
- —— The Settlers in Canada. 1844.
- [Marryat’s even better-known books, Midshipman Easy, Peter Simple, and their companions, were written in the first place as novels, though they have become established as books for boys.]
- Martineau, Harriet. The Playfellow. 4 pts. 1841. [Includes The Settlers at Home, The Peasant and the Prince, Feats on the Fiord, and The Crofton Boys, all of which went into many edns. in a separate form.]
- —— Autobiography. 3 vols. 1877.
- More, Hannah. See ante, Chap.
XV. - Mortimer, Favell Lee, Mrs. Far Off. 1852.
- —— Line upon Line. 1837.
- —— Near Home. 1849.
- —— The Peep of Day. 1873.
- —— Reading without Tears. 1857.
- Nursery Rimes. See Eckenstein, L., and Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O., sect.
I, History and Criticism, ante. See, also, Mother Goose, and The Top-Book of All, sect.IV. post. - Osborne, Francis. Advice to a Son. 1656. Pt.
II. 1658. - Parley, Peter. This pseudonym was adopted by several writers, who cannot all be identified. The most voluminous users of it were Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, and Martin, William. An alleged Rev. T. Wilson, to whom many Peter Parley books have frequently been attributed, never existed: he was a figment created by the publishers (Darton and Clarke), Doctor Samuel Clarke being the chief, but not the only, participant in the works to which the fictitious name was attached.
- The chief works published under the pseudonym were:
- —— Parley’s Cabinet Library. 2 vols. A miscellany. n.d. [1840–50].
- —— Persevere and Prosper. n.d. New edn. 1864.
- —— P. P.’s Illustrations of Commerce; of the Animal Kingdom etc. [1840–50.]
- —— P.P.’s Tales about Africa. [Other vols. about other countries.] Various dates: same period. [These were “ed.” by Goodrich, S. G. Also re-ed. by Mogridge, George.]
- —— The Hatchups. 1858.
- —— The Holiday Keepsake. 1865. [These were mainly by Martin, W.]
- —— P.P.’s Wonders of the Earth, Sea, and Sky. 1837. [“Ed.” by “Wilson, T.”]
- Pilkington, Mrs. M. S. Biography for Boys. n.d.
- —— Biography for Girls. 1799.
- —— Marvellous Adventures, or The Vicissitudes of a Cat. 1802.
- —— A Mirror for the Female Sex. 2nd edn. 1799.
- —— Obedience Rewarded, and Prejudice Conquered: or, the History of Mortimer Lascelles. 1797.
- [Mrs. P. also translated parts of Mme. de Genlis’s Vieilles du Château, and Marmontel’s Tales. See sect.
V, Foreign Works, post.] - P., M. See ante, Kilner, Dorothy.
- Reed, Talbot Baines. See Reference Catalogue of current literature, issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons) and D. of N. B.
- Reid, Mayne. See Reference Catalogue of current literature, issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons) and D. of N. B.
- Robson, Mary (afterwards Hughes or Hughs). The Alchemist. 1818.
- —— The Orphan Girl. 1819.
- —— The Ornaments Discovered.
- —— Something New from Aunt Mary. 1820.
- Ronksley, William. The Child’s Week’s Work.… 1712.
- Roscoe, William. The Butterfly’s Ball and the Grasshopper’s Feast. 1807. Facsimile rpt. ed. Welsh, C. 1883.
- Rossetti, Christina. Sing-Song. 1872.
- Ruskin, John. The King of the Golden River. 1851. See, also, sect.
IV, post, s.v. Dame Wiggins. - Sherwood, Martha Mary. The Governess. See Fielding, Sarah, ante.
- —— The History of the Fairchild Family. 3 parts. 1818–47. This work has never been out of print since 1818. Chief modern edns. (revised), ed. Palgrave, M. E., 1899; ed. Strachey, Lady, 1913.
- —— The History of Henry Milner. 4 parts. 1823–7.
- —— The History of Little Henry and his Bearer. 1832.
- —— The History of Susan Grey. 1815.
- —— The Infant’s Progress from the Valley of Destruction to Everlasting Glory. 1821.
- —— The Little Woodman and his Dog Caesar.
- —— The Lady of the Manor. 1825–9.
- [Some minor works (chiefly tracts) published under Mrs. S.’s name were not entirely by her, but were written by her daughter, Mrs. Kelly, under her inspiration.]
- Sherwood, Martha Mary. Life. Ed. by her daughter, Kelly, Sophia. 1854. Re-written from original MS. autobiography by Darton, F. J. H. 1910.
- Sinclair, Catherine. Holiday House. 1839.
- S., S. See ante, Kilner, Dorothy.
- Strickland, Agnes. The Juvenile Forget-me-not. 1827.
- —— The Moss-House. [Anon.] 1822.
- —— The Rival Crusoes. 1826.
- —— Tales of the School-Room. [1835?]
- —— The Tell-Tale. 1823.
- —— The Young Emigrant. 1826.
- Summerley, Felix. See Cole, Sir Henry, ante.
- Taylor, Ann (Mrs. T., of Ongar). The Family Mansion. 2nd edn. 1820.
- —— Maternal Solicitude. 3rd edn. 1814.
- Taylor, Ann (daughter of Mrs. T. of Ongar: afterwards Mrs. Gilbert). Autobiography. 2 vols. 1874.
- —— Signor Topsy-Turvy’s Wonderful Magic Lantern etc. 1810. [The titlepage attributes this to A. T. alone. But her sister and her brother Jefferys had a share in it.]
- —— The Wedding Among the Flowers. 1808.
- Taylor, Ann and Jane. City Scenes. [An older anonymous book rewritten by A. and J. T.] First edn. apparently 1809; rewritten in or before an edn. of 1828.
- —— Hymns for Infant Minds. 1808.
- —— Limed Twigs to catch Young Birds. 3rd edn. 1815.
- —— Original Poems. [Contains, also, work by Adelaide O’Keeffe, q.v., sect.
IV, post, Bernard Barton, and Isaac Taylor, sen. and jr.] 1804. Many later edns. Illustd. by Gilbert, John, Greenaway, Kate, etc. Centenary edn., ed. with Introd. by Lucas, E. V. 1904. - —— Rhymes for the Nursery. 1806. [Included in Centenary edn. of Original Poems.]
- —— Rural Scenes. 1806. [Rewritten, like City Scenes.] A greatly revised edn. [1813?]
- Taylor, Isaac. (Father of A. and J. T.) Advice to the Teens. 2nd edn. 1818.
- —— Scenes in America. 1825. [Also Scenes in Africa, Asia, England, Europe.]
- —— Self-Cultivation Recommended; or, Hints to a Youth. 1817.
- Taylor, Jane. The Contributions of Q. Q. 2 vols. 1824. [Posthumous.]
- —— Display, a Tale. 1815.
- —— Essays in Rhyme. 1816.
- —— Life and Letters. By Knight, Mrs. H. C.
- —— Memoirs and Poetical Remains. By Taylor, Isaac, jr. (her brother). 1825. See, also, Twelve English Authoresses. By Walford, L. B. 1892.
- Taylor, Jefferys. Aesop in Rhyme, with some originals. 1820.
- —— Harry’s Holiday; or The Doings of One Who had Nothing To Do. 3rd edn. 1822.
- —— The Little Historians. 3 vols. 1824.
- —— Ralph Richards, the Miser. 1821.
- Taylor, Joseph. The Wonders of Trees, Plants, and Shrubs, etc. 1823.
- Taylor (family of). The Family Pen. Ed. by Taylor, Isaac, jr. 2 vols. 1867.
- Teachwell, Mrs. See Fenn, Lady, ante.
- Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Rose and the Ring. 1855.
- Trimmer, Sarah. A Comment on Dr. Watts’s Divine Songs for Children. 1789.
- —— Fabulous Histories. 1786. [The title was changed subsequently to the History of the Robins, by which the book is still known.]
- —— The Family Magazine. 1788. [Apparently issued for one year only.]
- —— The Guardian of Education, a Periodical Work. 1802–4. [Ed. and very largely written by Mrs. T.]
- —— The Two Farmers: an Exemplary Tale. 1787.
- —— Life. Some Account of the Life and Writings of Mrs. T. 2 vols. 1814. Anon. Contains Mrs. T.’s private journal.
- [For her position in regard to the history of Education, see Sydney Smith’s Essays and The Fortnightly Review, 1909 (Bell and the Dragon).]
- Turner, Elizabeth. The Cowslip; or more Cautionary Stories in Verse. 1811. Facsimile rpt. of 1830 edn., illustd. by Williams, S., ed. Welsh, C., 1885.
- —— The Daisy; or, Cautionary Stories in Verse. 1807. Facsimile rpt. of 1830 edn., ed. Welsh, C., 1885.
- Wakefield, Priscilla. Domestic Recreation. 1805.
- —— Excursions in North America. 1806.
- —— A Family Tour through the British Isles. [probably 1804.] 8th edn. 1812.
- —— Instinct Displayed. 1811. 4th edn. 1821.
- —— Introduction to Botany. 1796. 7th edn. 1816.
- —— Juvenile Anecdotes. 2 vols. 1795 and 1798. 4th edn. 1803.
- —— The Juvenile Travellers. 1801.
II edns. before 1818. - —— Leisure Hours. 2 vols. 1794–6. 7th edn. 1821.
- —— Mental Improvement. 2 vols. 1794–5. 8th edn. 1818.
- —— Sketches of Human Manners. 1807. 5th edn. 1817.
- —— The Traveller in Africa. 1814. In Asia. 1807.
- —— Variety. 1809.
- Watts, Isaac. Divine and Moral Songs. See ante, Vol. IX, Chap.
VI. - White, Thomas. A Little Book for Little Children, wherein are set down Several Directions. 12th edn. 1702.
- —— A Little Book for Little Children: wherein are set down, in a plain and pleasant way, Directions for spelling, and other remarkable matters. n. d. [Frontispiece, queen Anne.] [A different work from the same author’s other Little Book.]
- Yonge, Charlotte Mary. The Chaplet of Pearls. 1868.
- —— Countess Kate. 1862.
- —— The Daisy Chain. 1856.
- —— The Dove in the Eagle’s Nest. 1866.
- —— The Heir of Redclyffe. 1853.
- —— The Lances of Lynwood. 1855.
- —— The Little Duke.
- —— The Pillars of the House. 4 vols. 1873.
- —— A Storehouse of Stories. 2 vols. 1870–2. [Rpts. of old tales, chiefly eighteenth century, ed. Yonge, C. M.]
- —— Life of. By Coleridge, C. R. 1903.
- IV. S
ELECTED MINOR WRITERS AND ANONYMOUS WORKS - The Academy, or a Picture of Youth. 1808. [See Lucas, E. V., Old Fashioned Tales.]
- —— Author of. The Rector and his pupils. A sequel. 1810.
- The Adventures of a Silver Threepence.… By Mr. Truelove. n.d. [before 1800.]
- Advice from a Lady of Quality to her Children.… 2 vols. Gloucester, 1778.
- Aldiborontiphoskyphorniostikos. n.d. [1800–20]. [A nonsense book.]
- Amusing Instructor, The. 1777.
- Anecdotes and Adventures of Fifteen Young Ladies. n.d. [before 1820]. [The first “Limericks.”]
- Barnard, Caroline. The Parent’s Offering. 2 vols. 1813.
- —— The Prize: or, The Lace-makers of Missenden. 1817.
- Bishop, J. The Child’s Toy Book. n.d. [1800–20].
- —— Pleasing Tales for Little Folks. n.d. 1800–20].
- Bisset, J. Juvenile Reduplications: or, the New “House that Jack Built.” Birmingham, 1800.
- Bloomfield, Robert. The History of Little Davy’s New Hat. 3rd ed. 1824.
- Book of Trades, The, or Library of the Useful Arts. 1807.
- Bowman, Anne. The Boy Voyagers. 1859.
- —— The Castaways. 1857.
- —— The Young Exiles. 1858.
- Brewer, George. The Juvenile Lavater; or, a Familiar Explanation of the Passions of Le Brun. n.d. [1800–20].
- Brothers, The; A Novel, for Children. Henley, 1794.
- Bunch, Mother. See Mother Bunch, post.
- B., W. The Elephant’s Ball and Grand Fête Champêtre. By W. B. 1807. Facsimile rpt., ed. Welsh, C., 1883.
- Cameron, Lucy Lyttelton. The Caskets. 12th edn. 1833.
- —— The History of Margaret Whyte.
- —— The Two Lambs. 1821.
- —— Life of. Ed. by her son. n.d.
- Carey, J. Learning Better than House and Land, as exemplified in the History of Harry Johnson and Dick Hobson. 1824.
- Children’s Magazine, The, or, Monthly Repository.
- [It is not clear how long this lasted. The writer’s copy is July-Dec. 1800, and a story in the Dec. no. is “To be continued.”]
- Church, Alfred John. See Reference Catalogue of current literature, issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons).
- Circle of the Sciences, The. Newbery. 7 vols. 1745–6. See full bibliography in Welsh, C., op. cit. sect.
I, ante. - Clarke, mary Cowden. The Girlhood of Shakespeare’s Heroines. 3 vols. 1851–2.
- Cooper, W. D. The Blossoms of Morality. 1789. 6th edn. illustd. by Bewick, T. 1814.
- Copley, Esther. See Hewlett, Esther.
- Court of Oberon, The, or Temple of the Fairies. 1823. [An early “complete” fairy tale book. Contains Perrault, d’Aulnoy, Eastern Tales, and English traditional tales.]
- Crabb, Maria Joseph. Tales for Children in a Familiar Style. 1805.
- Craik, Georgiana Marion. Miss Moore. 1873.
- —— My First Journal. 1860.
- —— Playroom Stories. 1863.
- Craik, Mrs. See Mulock, D. M., post.
- Crake, Augustine David. Aemilius: a Tale of the Decian and Valerian Persecutions. 1871.
- —— The Doomed City. 1885.
- —— Edwy the Fair: or, the First Chronicle of Aescendune. 1874.
- Crompton, Sarah. Tales that are True, in short words. 1853.
- Dame Truelove’s Tales. n.d. [1800–20].
- Dame Wiggins of Lee and her Seven Wonderful Cats … written principally by a Lady of Ninety. 1823. Ed. by Ruskin, J. [illustd. by Greenaway, Kate]. 1885. Rpt. of 1823 edn., 1887.
- Darton, William. Little Truths. 2 vols. 1788.
- —— A Present for a little Boy. 1798.
- —— A Present for a Little Girl. 1803.
- Dasent, Sir G. See Asbjörnsen, P. C., sect.
V, post (Foreign Works). - Day, Isaac. Scenes for the Young, or Pleasing Tales. 1807.
- Deborah Dent and her Donkey. n.d. [1800–20].
- Dick, the Little Poney. n.d.
- —— Author of. The Dog of Knowledge; or, Memoirs of Bob, the Spotted Terrier. 1801.
- Dorrington, Edward. See Quarll, Philip, post.
- Early Impressions, or Moral and Instructive Entertainment … with Designs by Dighton. 1828.
- Easter Gift, The: or, The way to be very good. A Book very much wanted. 1787.
- Ellen, or The Naughty Girl Reclaimed. 1811.
- [A story illustrated with pictures the chief feature of which was a cut-out head, to be placed successively in each picture, through a slit. The first of several such works.]
- Entertaining instructions … interspersed with Original Fables … by a Lady. 1807.
- Evans, John. Juvenile Pieces … to which is prefixed an Essay on the Education of Youth. 4th edn. 1804.
- Excellent example, An, to all Young men … a dialogue betwixt Guilt and Conscience and Satan. 1684. [Also in other forms.]
- Fallowfield, John. The Moral Instructor, … Essays, Poems, Anecdotes, Maxims etc.… Penrith. 1795.
- False Alarms; or, The Mischievous Doctrine of Ghosts … exploded from the Minds of every Miss and Master. 1770.
- Felissa, or, The Life and Opinions of a Kitten of Sentiment. 1811. Rptd. 1903.
- Female Guardian, The.… By a Lady. 1784.
- Fenwick, Mrs. Infantine Stories. 1810.
- —— Lessons for Children. 1809.
- —— The Life of Carlo. n.d.
- —— Mary and her Cat. n.d.
- —— A Visit to the Juvenile Library. n.d.[1800–20].
- Fenn, George Manville. See Reference Catalogue of current literature, issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons), and D. of N. B.
- Filial Duty, Recommended and Enforc’d.… n.d. [not later than 1782].
- Fisher, A. The Pleasing Instructor, or Entertaining Moralist. 1780.
- Gammer Gurton’s Garland: or, the Nursery Parnassus. Stockton, n.d. “A new edition, with additions.” [Probably before 1800.]
- Gaping, Wide-mouth, Waddling Frog, The.… n.d. [1800–25].
- Goody Two-Shoes. See Goldsmith, Oliver (?), sect.
III, ante. - Goose, Mother. See Mother Goose, post.
- Gregory, John, M.D. A Father’s Legacy to his Daughters. 1774. Trans. into French, 1774.
- Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of. See Savile.
- Hall, Anna Maria (Mrs. S. C. H.). The Hartopp Jubilee. n.d. [?1840].
- —— The Juvenile Forget-me-not. 1862.
- Hedge, Mary Ann. Affection’s Gift to a beloved God-child. 1819.
- —— Radama; or, The Englightened African. 1824.
- —— Samboe; or, The African Boy. 1823.
- Helme, Elizabeth. Instructive Rambles in London and the Adjacent Villages. 1798.
- —— James Manners, Little John, and their Dog Bluff. 3rd edn. 1807.
- Hewlett, Esther (afterwards Copley). The Old Man’s Head. n.d. [1815–25].
- —— The Young Reviewers. n.d.
- Heywood, Oliver. Advice to an only Child. 1693.
- History of the Enchanted Castle, The; or, The Prettiest Book for Children. 1777.
- History of Sixteen Wonderful Old Women, The. 1820. (“Limericks.” See, also, Anecdotes and Adventures, ante.)
- Hobby Horse, The; or, Christmas Companion by Toby Ticklepitcher. (?1775.)
- Hugessen, Edward Hugessen Knatchbul-, Baron Brabourne. Higgledy-Piggledy. 1875.
- —— Tales at Tea-Time. 1872.
- Hurry, Mrs. (born Mitchell). Moral Tales for Young People. 1807.
- —— Rational Amusement for Leisure Hours.… 1804.
- Infant’s Library, The. [A complete copy does not seem to exist. In several parts. 1780? More than one edn.]
- Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa the Fairy. 1869.
- —— Stories Told to a Child. 1865.
- —— Life. Some Recollections of J. I. Anon. 1901.
- J., W. The Father’s Blessing Penn’d for the instruction of his Children. n.d. [prob. temp. William III].
- Jameson, Anna Brownell (Mrs). Characteristics of Women. 2 vols. 1832.
- Juvenile Encyclopaedia, The. n.d. [Vol.
IV. 1801–2.] [A magazine, offering prizes to readers.] - Juvenile Magazine. 1788. 2 vols. [Appeared for one year only. Apparently all by one hand.]
- —— The “Author” of. The Little Emigrant. 1799.
- —— ——The Six Princesses of Babylon. n.d.
- —— ——The Visits for a Week. n.d.
- Juvenile Mirror, The .… Moral and Instructive Tales … with Interesting Biography.… n.d. [1800–20].
- Juvenile Trials for Telling Fibs, robbing orchards, and other offences. Revised edn. 1803. Another edn. 1816.
- Leathley, Mrs. Chick-Seed without Chick-Weed. [New edn. 1860. The first edn. seems to have disappeared. Over 250,000 copies of the book were sold.]
- Lee Boo, Prince. The Interesting and Affecting History of Prince Lee Boo of the Pelew Islands. 1789.
- Lemon, Mark. The Enchanted Doll. Illustd. by Doyle, Richard. 1849.
- Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils. 1780.
- Letters to a Young Nobleman. 1763.
- Life and Adventures of a Fly, The. 1789. Illustd. by Bewick.
- Life and History of A. Apple-Pie, The, who was cut to pieces, etc. n.d. [1800–25].
- Little Jack of all Trades.… 1810. 2 parts.
- Lilliputian Library, The; or, Gulliver’s Museum.… By Lilliputius Gulliver.… 10 vols. [5s. “But little Masters and Misses may be supplied with one or more volumes, weekly or monthly, till the whole work is completed, at Sixpence each.”] n.d. [probably before 1800]. [Apparently an imitation of Newbery’s publications.]
- Lilliputian Magazine, The. 1752. [In its volume form this periodical, which apparently ran for about a year in monthly numbers, went into several edns.]
- Lilliputian Story Teller, The. 1785.
- Lioness’s Ball, The; Being a Companion to the Lion’s Masquerade. n.d. [Almost certainly 1807. Dedicated to Mrs. Dorset, q.v.]
- Little Female Orators, The. 1770.
- Little Moralists, The, or the History of Amintor & Florella, the Pretty Little Shepherd and Shepherdess of the Vale of Evesham. [Illustd. by Bewick.] 1786. Other edns.
- Little Pretty Pocket-Book, A. 1744.
- Lobster’s Voyage to the Brazils, The. 1807. [One of The “Butterfly’s Ball” series.]
- London Cries, The, for the amusement of all the good children throughout the World. 1770. Also a variant, The Cries of London. [Both went into many edns., authorised and pirated, until about 1825.]
- Lovechild, Mrs., or Nurse. Many little collections of rimes, spelling books, and short stories were issued under this pseudonym, 1750–1820. The best were those by Fenn, Lady, q.v.
- Mant, Alicia Catherine. Caroline Lismore: or, the Errors of Fashion. 1815.
- —— The Cottage in the Chalk-pit. 1822.
- —— Ellen: or, The Young Godmother. 1812.
- —— Margaret Melville … or Juvenile Memoirs. 1818.
- —— Tales for Ellen. 1825.
- See, also, Lucas, E. V., Old Fashioned Tales.
- Marchant, John. Puerilia: or, Amusements for the Young, consisting of a Collection of Songs.… 1751.
- —— Lusus Juveniles. 1753.
- Marshall, Mrs. Henwick Tales. 3rd edn. 1818.
- Masquerade, The … to Amuse and Instruct all the Good Boys and Girls in the Kingdom. n.d. [1770–1800].
- Mavor, William (author of many educational works). The Juvenile Olio, or Mental Medley. 1796.
- —— Youth’s Miscellany. 1798.
- Meeke, Mrs. The Birth-day Present. n.d. [1800–25].
- —— Mamma’s Gift; or, Pleasing Lessons. n.d.
- Memoirs of the Little Man and the Little Maid. 1808.
- Minor’s Magazine, The, and Epitome of Knowledge and Entertainment. 4 vols. n.d. [1800–20].
- Mister, Mary. The Adventures of a Doll. 1816.
- —— Little Anecdotes for Little People. 1817.
- —— Mungo the Little Traveller. n.d.
- —— Tales from the Mountains. n.d.
- Mitchell, Miss. Tales of Instruction and Amusement. 1795.
- Mother, A. Always Happy. 7th edn. revised. 1819.
- —— Right and Wrong. 4th edn. revised. 1825.
- Mother Bunch’s Fairy Tales. 2 pts. [1777?]
- Mother Goose’s Melody; or, Sonnets for the Cradle. In Two Parts … 1791.
- [This is the earliest extant English edn., though probably Newbery produced it originally about 1760. An American edn. of 1785, published at Worchester, Mass., is in existence. For all that is known of the book see the introductions to the two following rpts. The rimes have appeared in innumerable edns. and forms ever since the eighteenth century.]
- —— A Facsimile Reproduction of the earliest known [English] edn., with Introd. by Prideaux, Col. W. F., C. S.I. 1904.
- —— The Original Mother Goose’s Melody.… With Introductory notes by Whitmore, William H. Albany, U.S.A., 1889. Revised edn. [London: but printed in U.S.A.], 1892.
- Mother’s Gift, The; or, a Present for Little Children who are good. 1770.
- Mulock, Dinah Maria (afterwards Mrs. Craik). Children’s Poetry. 1881.
- —— The Fairy Book. 1863. [Tales selected by D. M. M.]
- —— The Little Lame Prince. 1875.
- Museum, The, for Young Gentlemen and Ladies. 1758.
- My Real Friend, or, Incidents in Life, founded on Truth.… 1812.
- Neale, John Mason. Hymns for the Young. 2 parts. 1843.
- —— Sermons for Children. 1867.
- —— The Triumphs of the Cross. 1845.
- Nurse Truelove. N. T.’s New Year’s Gift. 1760.
- —— N. T.’s Christmas Box. 1760. [1750?]
- O’Keeffe (or O’Keefe), Adelaide. (Part author of Original Poems: see Taylor, Ann and Jane.) National Characters exhibited in 40 Geographical Poems. London and Lymington, 1818.
- —— Original Poems. 1808.
- —— Poems for Young Children. n.d.
- Pastoral Lessons and Parental Conversations. Intended as a companion to E. Barbauld’s “Hymns in Prose.” 1797.
- Paths, The, of Learning Strewed with Flowers. 1820.
- Peacock, Thomas Love. Sir Hornbook; or, Childe Lancelot’s Expedition; a Grammatico-Allegorical Ballad. (Anonymous.) 1813.
- Percival, Thomas, M.D., F.R.S. A Father’s Instructions … to promote the Love of Virtue, a Taste for Knowledge, and an early acquaintance with .… Nature. New edn. 1789.
- Personal Nobility: or, Letters to a Young Nobleman.… 1794.
- Pinchard, Mrs. The Blind Child. 1791.
- —— Dramatic Dialogues. 2 vols. 1792.
- —— The Two Cousins. 1794.
- Planché, Matilda Anne (Mrs. Mackarness). Example Better than Precept. 1867.
- —— The Golden Rule. 1859.
- —— A Trap to Catch a Sunbeam. 10th edn. 1850.
- Polite Academy, The: or, School of Behaviour for young Gentlemen and Ladies. 1762. 3rd edn. 1765. 10th edn., with slight revision. n.d.
- Pretty, Playful, Tortoise-shell Cat, The. n.d. [1800–25].
- Pretty Book. The P. B. for Children. 1751.
- —— The P. B. of Pictures for Little Masters and Misses; or, Tommy Trip’s History of Birds and Beasts … to which is added the history of little T. T. himself, his dog Jowler, and of Woglog the great Giant. 1762. For Goldsmith’s and Bewick’s connection with the book, see Welsh, C., op. cit. sect.
I, ante. - Quarll, Philip. Adventures of. Attributed to the transcriber, Dorrington, Edward [?pseudonym]. 1727. [A book which was ed. and pirated frequently for children. Usually published anonymously.]
- Rands, William Brighty. Lilliput Levee. Illustrated by Millais, J. G., and Pinwell, G. J. 1864.
- Renowned History of Giles Gingerbread, The: a little boy who lived upon learning. 1769.
- Richardson, Mrs. Original Poems Intended for the Use of Young Persons. On a plan recommended by the Rev. Dr. Isaac Watts. 1808.
- Riley, George. Choice Emblems, Natural, Historical, Fabulous, Moral and Divine. 1772.
- St. John, Percy Bolingbroke. The Arctic Crusoe. 1854.
- —— The Coral Reef. 1868.
- —— The Young Buccaneer. 1873.
- Sandham, Elizabeth. The Adventures of Poor Puss. Two pts. 1809.
- —— The Boys’ School. A moral Tale. 1800.
- —— Deaf and Dumb. 3rd edn. 1818.
- —— The Happy Family at Eason House. 1822.
- —— The History of Elizabeth Woodville. 1822.
- —— The Orphan. n.d.
- —— The School-fellows. 1818.
- —— The Twin Sisters. n.d.
- The Twin Sisters was translated into French. 2nd edn. 1824.
- Savile, George, Marquis of Halifax. See ante, Vol. VIII, Chap.
XVI. - Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty. 5th edn. 1878.
- School Occurrences … among a Set of Young Ladies … By One of Them. 3rd edn. n.d. [about 1800].
- Somerville, Elizabeth. Aurora and Maria; or, The Advantages of Adversity.… Brentford. 1809.
- —— The Birthday. 1802.
- —— The Village Maid. 1801.
- Southey, Robert. The Three Bears, in The Doctor. See ante, Chap.
VIII. - Sullivan, W. F. Young Wilfred; or, The Punishment of Falsehood. 1821.
- T., B. A. Cobbler! Stick to your Last; or, The Adventures of Joe Dobson. 1807.
- Tagg, Thomas. A Collection of Pretty Poems for the Amusement of children Three Foot High. By Thomas Tagg (pseud.?). [c. 1758.]
- Thumb, Tom. T. T.’s Exhibition. n.d. [before 1800].
- —— T. T.’s Folio, or, etc. 1768.
- —— Tommy Thumb’s Pretty Song Book. 2 vols.[?]. Only one copy extant, and that of vol.
II only. 1744. - Top Book of All, The, for Little Masters and Misses. Containing the Choicest Stories, prettiest Poems and most Diverting Riddles; all wrote by Nurse Lovechild, Mother Goose, Jacky Nory, Tommy Thumb, and other eminent Authors. To which is added, A New Play of the Wide Mouth Waddling Frog, and a Prize Poem, to be learnt by Heart, with a Shilling at the End for every one that shall say it prettily without Book, and not miss a Word. This Book is also enriched with curious lively Pictures, done by the top Hands .… London and Salisbury, 1760.
- Twelfth-Day. Gift, The, or, The Grand Exhibition. [? By John Newbery.] 1767.
- Vaux, F. B. The Dew Drop. n.d. [1800–20].
- —— The Disappointment. n.d.
- —— Domestic Pleasures. n.d.
- Ventum, Harriet. Charles Leeson. 1810.
- —— Selina, or, The Village Tale. 1798.
- —— Surveys of Nature.… 1802.
- Visions in Verse, for .… Younger Minds. 1752.
- Visits of Tommy Lovebook, The. Illustd. by Bewick. n.d. [before 1800].
- Whim Wham, The: or Evening Amusement .… 1810.
- Whimsical Incidents; or, The Power of Music. A Poetic Tale by a Near Relation of Old Mother Hubbard. 1805. Rptd. 1904.
- Wiggins of Lee. See Dame W.
- Wilberforce, Samuel. Agathos, and other Sunday Stories. 2nd edn. 1840. Rptd. with introduction by Mason, A. J. Cambridge, 1908.
- Wilkinson, S. Village Rambles. 1806.
- Young Gentleman and Lady, The, instructed in … principles, etc. 2 vols. 1747.
- Young Gentleman’s New-Year’s-Gift, The … 1729.
- Youthful Sports. New edn. 1804.
- Youth’s Friendly Monitor. 2nd edn. 1754.
- Youth’s Looking Glass … n.d. [1660?]. [The title was used for several similar works, especially in chapbook edns.]
- V. F
OREIGN WORKS - Many foreign authors, translated into English, have become—some for a generation or so, some permanently—an integral part of the nursery library, either by their influence or in themselves. They have also, in some instances, been identified with the work of eminent English artists, so that, though they are not originally native, they may be called English so far as their readers are concerned. The following are the chief instances of this kind of acclimatisation (arranged alphabetically, under authors).
- Aesop, Fables of. There were many translations from an early period, from Caxton onwards. They were adapted for children by Brinsley, John (1624), Croxall, S. (1722), Dodsley, Richard (1761), and many others. Noteworthy editions are—1818 (illustd. by Bewick), 1848 (illustd. by Tenniel), 1883 (illustd. by Caldecott), 1886 (illustd. by Crane, Walter), 1894 (ed. by Jacobs, Joseph).
- Andersen, Hans Christian. Danish Fairy Legends and Tales. Trans. by Peachey, Caroline. 1846.
- —— Wonderful Stories for Children. Trans. by Howitt, Mary. 1846.
- [The most popular editions are probably those illustrated by Stratton, Mrs. (1896, etc.), by Robinson, T. C. and W. Heath (1899, etc. translated by Lucas, Mrs. E. V.) and by Tegner, H. (1900, introd, by Gosse, Edmund).]
- Asbjörnsen, P. C. and Moe, J. Popular Tales from the Norse. Translated by Dasent, Sir G. W. 1859.
- Beaumont, Jeanne Marie Le Prince de. (Translated.) Moral Tales. 2 vols. 1775.
- —— The Young Misses’ Magazine. 2 vols. 2nd edn. 1767. Many edns. [Apparently not issued periodically in England.]
- Berquin, Arnaud. The Children’s Friend. Translated by the Rev. Mark Anthony Meilan. 1783. 24 volumes. The French edn. appeared in 1782, and was issued in London, in French, in the same year.
- —— The Looking-Glass for the Mind. [Selections chiefly from L’Ami des Enfans.] 1792. Facsimile rpt. ed. Welsh, C. 1885.
- Carové, Friedrich Wilhelm. The Story without an End. Trans. by Austin, Sarah. 1834.
- D’Aulnoy, Comtesse (Marie Catherine La Mothe). The Diverting Works of. 1707. (Vol.
IV. Tales of the Fairies.) Many edns., specially that ed. by Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, 1892. - Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe. Adventures of Telemachus. 2 vols. 1742.
- —— Instructions for the Education of a Daughter. 1707.
- Genlis, Comtesse de (Stéphanie Félicité Brulart de Sillery). Adelaide and Theodore. 3 vols. 1783.
- —— Tales of the Castle. 4 vols. 1785.
- —— The Theatre of Education. 2nd edn. 4 vols. 1781.
- Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl, and Wilhelm Carl. German Popular Stories. Illustd. by Cruikshank, George. 1823. Ed. by Taylor, E., pref. by Ruskin, J. 1869.
- —— Grammer Grethel.… Trans. by Taylor, E. 1839. Bohn’s edn. 1849.
- —— Household Stories … newly translated. Illustd. by Wehnert, E. H. 2 vols. 1853. Illustd. by Crane, W. 1882.
- —— Household Tales. Trans. and ed. by Hunt, M. Introd. by Lang, A. 2 vols. Bohn’s Standard Library. 1884.
- [Now usually issued (in selections) simply as G.’s Fairy Tales: under this title illustrated by Browne, Gordon (1894), Hassall, John (1901), Rackham, Arthur (1900), Stratton, Helen (1905).]
- Hoffmann, Heinrich. The English Struwelpeter. 4th edn. 1848.
- La Fontaine, Jean de. Any nearly contemporary translations of La F.’s fables appear to have vanished. The first extant English edn. seems to be Fables and Tales from La F. in French and English, 1734. The fables were so well known under Aesop’s name that, so far as children were concerned, the existing English versions probably sufficed.
- La Motte Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Carl de, Baron. Aslauga’s Knight. Trans. by Carlyle, Thomas. 1827.
- —— Sintram and his Companions. Trans. by Hare, Julius C. 1820. Illustd. by Sumner, Heywood. 1883. Introd. by Yonge, C. M. 1896.
- —— Undine. Trans. by Soane, G. 1818. Trans. by Tracey, T. 1841. Illustd. by Tenniel, Sir John. 1845. Trans. and ed. by Gosse, Edmund. 1896.
- Marmontel, Jean François. Moral Tales. Translated by a Lady [Roberts, Miss R.]. 1763. Trans. by Pilkington, Mrs. Illustd. by Bewick. 1799. Selected and ed. by Saintsbury, G. 1895.
- Perrault, Charles. Tales of Passed Times, By Mother Goose. Written in French by M. Perrault and Englished by R. S[amber]. 6th edn. 1764. First English edn., 1729. See note
I, p. 417.] The Standard modern edn. is that ed., with introduction, by Lang, Andrew, Oxford, 1888. First French edn. (as a separate book), Paris, 1697. - Raspe, Rudolph Erich. Baron Munchausen’s Narrative of his Marvelous Travels, etc. 1786. Many edns., especially 1810 (chapbook), 1889 (illustd. by Crowquill, Alfred), 1895 (ed. by Seccombe, Thomas).
- Wyss, J. D. The Swiss Family Robinson. Translated. 7th edn. 1828. The first English edn. is obscure: and edn. of 1849 is “a continuation.”] [char] edns., especially that ed. by Kingston, W. H. G. 1879.
- The following foreign writers, though never assimilated nor influence [char] the same extent as those enumerated above, have also established themselves [char] favourites to more than one generation of English children.
- Abbott, Jacob. Beechnut. 1853. The Beechnut Book, ed. Lucas, E. V. 1901. Rollo in Paris. 1854. Rollo on the Atlantic. 1854.
- Alcott, Louisa May. The first introduction of her works to England cannot be fixed exactly. It was between 1870 and 1880. The chief are: Good Wives: Little Men: Little Women.
- Fern, Fanny (pseud. Sarah Payson Willis). Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Portfolio. 1853. Second series. 1854. Shadows and Sunbeams. 1854.
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys. Boston, U.S.A. 1852. Tanglewood Tales. 1853.
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 1852.
- Verne, Jules. See Reference Catalogue of current literature, issued annually (J. Whitaker and Sons).
- Warner, Susan (pseud. Wetherell, Elizabeth). Ellen Montgomery’s Bookcase. [1853.] Melbourne House [1877.] Queechy, 1852. The Wide, Wide World. 1851.