The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- In addition to the books mentioned in this list, the lives and correspondence of the prominent literary men of the time—Dryden, Swift, Pope, Johnson, Goldsmith and others—contain much information respecting the relations between author and publisher during this period. The D. of N. B. should also be consulted for notices of the more important publishers and booksellers, and for sources of fuller information. For a list of works on bookbindings, see the bibliography to Chap.
XVIII in Vol. IV, ante (p. 620). - I. G
ENERAL WORKS - Barwick, G. F. Some magazines of the eighteenth century. Bibliographical Soc. Trans. Vol.
X. 1910. - Beljame, A. Le public et les hommes de lettres en Angleterre, 1660–1744. Paris, 1883.
- Birrell, A. Seven lectures on the law and history of copyright in books. 1899.
- Boswell’s Life of Johnson. Ed. Hill, G. B. 6 vols. Oxford, 1887.
- Copinger, W. A. The law of copyright. 4th edn. 1904.
- Curwen, H. A history of booksellers. [1873.]
- Decree of Starre-Chamber, concerning printing, made the eleventh day of July last past. 1637.
- Dictionary of printers and booksellers in England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1557–1640. Ed. McKerrow, R. B. Bibliographical Society. 1910.
- Dictionary of the booksellers and printers at work in England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1641–1667. By Plomer, H. R. Bibliographical Society. 1907.
- D’Israeli I. Calamities and quarrels of authors. New edn. [1881.]
- Grub-Street Journal. 1730–7. [A satire on hackwriters and their works. The chief contributors were Russell, R., Martyn, J., and Pope, Alex.]
- Memoirs of the Society of Grub-Street. 2 vols. 1737. [Selections from The Grub-Street Journal.]
- History of bookselling in England. Quarterly Review. Vol.
CLXXIV. 1892. - Knight, C. Shadows of the old booksellers. 1865.
- L’Estrange, Sir Roger, Considerations and proposals in order to the regulation of the press. 1663.
- Kitchin, G. Sir Roger L’Estrange: a contribution to the history of the press in the seventeenth century. 1913.
- See, also, bibliographies to Vol. VII, Chap.
XV, and Vol. IX, Chap.I, ante. - Macfarlane, J. The paper duties of 1696–1713. The Library, 1900.
- —— Pamphlets and the pamphlet duty of 1712. The Library, 1900.
- Marston, E. Sketches of booksellers of other days. 1901.
- —— Sketches of some booksellers of the time of Dr. Samuel Johnson. 1902.
- Masson, D. The life of John Milton. 6 vols. 1859–80. [For booksellers and press censorship of the time.]
- Milton, John. Areopagitica; a speech for the liberty of unlicenc’d printing. 1644. Ed. Arber, E. 1868.
- Mumby, F. A. The romance of bookselling: a history from the earliest times to the twentieth century. 1910. [Contains a full bibliography of the subject by Peet, W. H.]
- Nichols, J. Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century. 9 vols. 1812–15.
- —— Illustrations of the literary history of the eighteenth century. 8 vols. 1817–58.
- Plomer, H. R. A short history of English printing, 1476–1898. 1900.
- —— The booksellers of London Bridge. The Library, 1903.
- —— The church of St. Magnus and the booksellers of London Bridge. The Library, 1911.
- —— Westminster Hall and its booksellers. The Library, 1905.
- Ralph, J. The case of authors by profession or trade, stated. With regard to booksellers, the stage, and the public. 1758. Another edn., with the author’s name. 1762.
- Roberts, W. The earlier history of English bookselling. 1889. [To the beginning of the 18th century.]
- Shaylor, J. The Fascination of Books, with other papers on books and bookselling. 1912.
- Spence, J. Anecdotes, observations and characters of books and men. 1820.
- The Times Printing Number: reprinted from the 40,000th issue of The Times 1912.
- Timperley, C. H. Encyclopaedia of literary and typographical anecdote. 1842.
- Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers, 1554–1640. Ed. Arber, E. 5 vols. Privately printed, 1875–94.
- Transcript of the Registers of the Worshipful Company of Stationers; from 1640–1708. 3 vols. Vol.
I (1640–1655). Roxburghe Club. 1913. - Watt, R. Bibliotheca Britannica; or a general index to British and foreign literature. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1824.
- Wheatley, H. B. The dedication of books to patron and friend. 1887.
- —— Prices of books: an inquiry into the changes in the price of books which have occurred in England at different periods. 1898.
- Lawler, J. Book auctions in England in the seventeenth century (1676–1700). 1898.
- Pollard, A. W. English book-sales, 1676–1680. Bibliographica, vol.
I, 1895. - A list of the original catalogues of the principal libraries which have been sold by auction by Mr. Samuel Baker [and his successors] from 1744 to 1828. 1828.
- Axon, W. E. A. A London circulating library of 1743. The Library, 1900.
- Clarke, A. The reputed first circulating subscription library in London. The Library, 1900.
- Barwick, G. F. Humfrey Wanley and the Harleian library. The Library, 1902.
- II. P
ARTICULAR BOOKSELLERS - Cave, Edward. The rise and progress of the Gentleman’s Magazine: with anecdotes of the projector and his early associates. By John Nichols. 1821.
- Cruden, Alexander. Life, by Alexander Chalmers. Prefixed to an edn. of the Concordance published in 1824, and frequently rptd. in later edns.
- Curll, Edmund. The Curliad. A hypercritic upon the Dunciad Variorum. With a farther key to the new characters. 1792. [An attack upon Pope, by Curll.]
- —— A full and true account of a horrid and barbarous revenge by poison on the body of Mr. Edmund Curll, bookseller: with a faithfull copy of his will and testament. [By Alex. Pope.] 1716.
- —— Curll Papers: stray notes on the life and publications of E. Curll. By W. J. Thoms. Privately reprinted from Notes and Queries. 1879. For a list of Curll’s writings see D. of N. B.
- Dodsley. Robert Dodsley, poet, publisher, and playwright. By Straus, R. S. 1910. [With a full bibliography.]
- —— At “Tully’s Head.” By Austin Dobson. In Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 2nd ser. 1894.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. IX, Chap.
VI, p. 534, ante. - Dunton. The life and errors of John Dunton. 1705. New edn. (enlarged). 2 vols. 1818.
- —— The Dublin Scuffle: being a challenge sent by John Dunton, citizen of London, to Patrick Campbell, bookseller in Dublin. Together with the small skirmishes of bills and advertisements. 1699.
- For a list of Dunton’s numerous other writings see D. of N. B.
- Lackington. Memoirs of the first forty-five years of the life of James Lackington … bookseller.… Written by himself. [1791.] New edn. enlarged. 1792. Further enlarged. 1794. 13th edn. [1810].
- —— The confessions of James Lackington. 1804.
- —— James Lackington. By George Paston. In Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century. 1901.
- Murray. A publisher and his friends (The House of Murray, 1768–1843). By Samuel Smiles. 2 vols. 1891.
- Newbery, Francis. An old London bookseller. By Austin Dobson. In Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 1st ser. 1892.
- Newbery, John. A bookseller of the last century, being some account of the life of John Newbery. By Charles Welsh. 1885.
- Payne. The two Paynes (Thomas Payne, bookseller, and Roger Payne, bookbinder). By Austin Dobson. In Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 2nd ser. 1894.
- Richardson. A famous printer: Samuel Richardson. By Thorne, W. B. The Library, 1901.
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. X, Chap.
I, p. 465, ante. - Rivington. The publishing house of Rivington. By Septimus Rivington. 1894.
- Thomason, George. See biographical notice by G. K. Fortescue, prefixed to the Catalogue of the Thomason collection of pamphlets in the British Museum. 2 vols. 1908.
- III. T
HE PROVINCES. SCOTLAND. IRELAND - Allnutt, W. H. English provincial presses [to 1750]. Bibliographica. Vol.
II. 1896. - —— Notes on the introduction of printing-presses into the smaller towns of England and Wales after 1750 to the end of the eighteenth century. The Library, 1901.
- Bowes, R. A catalogue of books printed at or relating to Cambridge, 1521–1893. With index by Worman, E. J. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1894.
- Bowes, R. Biographical notes on the [Cambridge] University printers. Cambridge Antiquarian Soc. Communications. Vol.
V. 1886. - Cottle, Joseph. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. 1847. Cottle also published the following poems: Malvern Hills, 1798; John the Baptist, 1801; Alfred, 1801; The Fall of Cambria, 1809; Messiah, 1815.
- Cotton, H. A typographical gazetteer. 2 vols. Oxford, 1831–66.
- Davies, R. A memoir of the York press … in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. 1868.
- Dredge, J. I. Devon booksellers and printers in the 17th and 18th centuries. Privately printed, Plymouth, 1885. Rptd. from The Western Antiquary.
- Gent, T. The Life of Mr. Thomas Gent, printer of York. Written by himself [in 1746.] 1832.
- —— Thomas Gent, printer. By Austin Dobson. In Eighteenth Century Vignettes. 3rd ser. 1896.
- For a list of Gent’s topographical and other writings see D. of N. B. Hester, Giles. Nevill Simmons, bookseller and publisher (in Sheffield). 1893.
- Hill, Joseph. The book-makers of Old Birmingham. Birmingham, 1907.
- Hindley, C. The history of the Catnach press (John and James Catnach, 1769–1841) at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Alnwick, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London. 1886.
- Hutton, W. The life of William Hutton [bookseller in Birmingham] … written by himself and published by his daughter, Catharine Hutton. 1816. 4th edn., ed. by Jewitt, L. [1872.]
- —— An history of Birmingham to the end of the year 1780. Birmingham, 1781. 6th edn., with additions. 1835.
- —— Works. 8 vols. 1817.
- Madan, F. A brief account of the University Press at Oxford. Oxford, 1908.
- —— A chart of Oxford printing, “1468”–1900. Bibliographical Society. 1904.
- Plomer, H. R. A Chester bookseller, 1667–1700. The Library, 1903.
- Rylands, W. H. Booksellers in Warrington, 1639 to 1657. With the full list of the contents of a stationer’s shop there in 1647. Proc. of the Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire. Vol.
XXXVII. [1888]. - Straus, R. and Dent, R. K. John Baskerville: a memoir. Cambridge, 1907.
- Wheatley, H. B. The Strawberry Hill press. Bibliographica. Vol.
III. 1897. - See, also, Dobson, A., Horace Walpole, 2nd edn., 1893. [With a list of books printed at the Strawberry Hill press.]
- Aldis, H. G. A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700; with brief notes on the printers and stationers. Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. 1904.
- Archibald Constable and his literary correspondents. By his son Thomas Constable. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1873. [Appendix to vol.
I contains notes on Edinburgh booksellers at the end of the 18th century.] - Couper, W. J. The Edinburgh Periodical Press from the earliest times to 1800. 2 vols. Stirling, 1908.
- Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Papers. 1896 ff.
- Lee, J. Memorial for the Bible Societies in Scotland. Edinburgh, 1824. Additional memorial. Edinburgh, 1826. [Contain information relating to Scottish printers.]
- Aberdeen printers, 1620–1736. By Edmond, J.P. Aberdeen, 1886. Last notes on the Aberdeen printers. By E., J. P. 1888.
- Ballantyne. The Ballantyne press and its founders, 1796–1908. By Dobson, W. T. and Carrie, W. L. Edinburgh, 1909.
- The first book printed by James Ballantyne: being An Apology for Tales of Terror. By Johnston, G. P. Edinburgh Bibliographical Soc. Papers. Vol.
I. 1896. - Creech, William. Edinburgh fugitive pieces. Edinburgh, 1791. New edn., with memoir. Edinburgh, 1815.
- William Creech, Robert Burns’s best friend. By Carrick, J. C. Dalkeith, 1903.
- Foulis. The Brothers Foulis and early Glasgow printing. The Library, March, 1889.
- —— The Foulis press. By Macleod, R. D. The Library, 1910.
- —— Robert and Andrew Foulis and the Glasgow Press, with some account of the Glasgow Academy of the Fine Arts. By Murray, David. Glasgow, 1913.
- Holyrood press, The. By Cowan, W. Edinburgh Bibliographical Soc. Papers. Vol.
VI. 1906. - Morison. A notable publishing house: the Morisons of Perth. By Minto, J. The Library, 1900.
- Rae. The Rae press at Kirkbride and Dumfries (1711–1720). By Stewart, W. Edinburgh Bibliographical Soc. Papers. Vol.
VI. 1906. - Ruddiman. The life of Thomas Ruddiman. By Chalmers, G. 1794.
- Smellie. Memoirs of the life, writings, and correspondence of William Smellie, late printer in Edinburgh. By Kerr, R. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1811.
- Watson. James Watson, printer. By Gibb, J. S. Edinburgh Bibliographical Soc. Papers. Vol.
I. 1896. - —— James Watson, king’s printer. By Couper, W. J. Scottish Historical Review. Vol.
VII. 1910. - —— Watson’s History of Printing. By Couper, W. J. The Library, 1910.
- —— History of the art of printing. By Watson, James. Edinburgh, 1713.
- Catalogue of books printed in Ireland, and published in Dublin, from 1700. Dublin, 1791.
- Anderson, J. Catalogue of early Belfast printed books, 1694 to 1830. New edn. Belfast, 1890. Supplements. 1894, 1902.
- Dix, E. R. McC. A list of Irish towns and the dates of earliest printing in each. 2nd edn. Dublin, 1909.
- —— Books printed in Dublin in the 17th century. 5 parts. Dublin, 1898–1912.
- —— Irish bibliography. [Lists of books, etc. printed at provincial presses to 1800.] Nos. 1–8. Dublin, etc., 1901–12.
- —— List of books, pamphlets, etc., printed wholly, or partly, in Irish. Dublin, 1905.
- IV. C
ATALOGUES - Arber, E. Contemporary printed lists of books produced in England. Bibliographica. Vol.
III. 1897. - Growoll, A. Three centuries of English booktrade bibliography. New York, 1903. [Contains a list, by Eames, W., of the catalogues, etc., published for the English book trade from 1595 to 1902.]
- Catalogue of the pamphlets, books, newspapers, and manuscripts relating to the Civil War, the Commonwealth, and Restoration, collected by George Thomason, 1640–1661. [Now in the British Museum.] 2 vols. 1908.
- A catalogue of the most approved divinity-books, which have been printed or reprinted about twenty years past, and continued down to this present year, 1655. London, printed for John Rothwell. 1655. Enlarged edn., continued to 1657. 1657.
- A catalogue of the most vendible books in England, orderly and alphabetically digested.… All to be sold by the Author at his shop in Newcastle. [By London, William.] 1657. A second edn., with supplement, was issued in 1658; and a further supplement in 1660.
- Mercurius Librarius, or, a catalogue of books published in Michaelmas term, 1668. Continued quarterly to Midsummer term 1670. 8 nos.
- A catalogue of books continued, printed and published at London in Easter term 1670. Continued quarterly to Trinity term 1709.
- The Term Catalogues 1668–1709: a contemporary bibliography of English literature. Edited by Arber, Edward. 3 vols. Privately printed, 1903–6. [A reprint of the two preceding entries.]
- A catalogue of all the books printed in England since the dreadful fire of London, in 1666. To the end of Michaelmas term, 1672.… Collected by Robert Clavell. 1673. 2nd edn. 1675. 3rd edn. 1680. 4th edn. 1696.
- A general catalogue of all the stitch’d books and single sheets etc., printed the two last years, commencing from the first discovery of the Popish Plot (September, 1678). And continued to Michaelmas term 1680. 1680.
- The Compleat Library … an historical account of the choicest books.… Published monthly. 3 vols. May, 1692, to April, 1694.
- Bibliotheca Annua: or, the Annual Catalogue for the year, 1699.… Published … by A. Roper and W. Turner. [Vol.
I. ] 1700. [Continued, in 3 vols., to 25 March, 1704.] - The Monthly Catalogue. To be continued monthly. May, 1714–December, 1714. 8 nos. Printed for Bernard Lintott. 1714.
- The Monthly Catalogue: being an exact account of all books and pamphlets published in March, 1723. [Published by Wilford, John, and continued to December, 1729.]
- A complete catalogue of modern books, published from the beginning of this century to the present time. 1766.
- The London Catalogue of books in all languages, arts and sciences, that have been printed in Great Britain, since the year 1700. 1773.
- A general catalogue of books in all languages, arts, and sciences, printed in Great Britain, and published in London. From the year 1700 to 1786. Printed for W. Bent. 1786.
- The London Catalogue of books, selected from the General Catalogue published in 1786, and including the additions and alterations to September, 1791. Printed for W. Bent. 1791. Another edn., corrected to September, 1799. 1799.
- For a fuller list of trade catalogues of this period, see the bibliography in Growoll’s Three centuries of English booktrade bibliography (mentioned above).
- V. M
ISCELLANEOUS WRITERS - Bowyer, William (1699–1777). Remarks on Mr. Bowman’s Visitation Sermon. 1731.
- —— Conjectural Emendations [of the Greek Testament]. 1763. And later edns.
- —— The Origin of Printing. 1774. 2nd edn. 1776.
- Brice, Andrew (1690–1773). Grand Gazetteer or Topographic Dictionary. 1759.
- Brydges, Sir S. E. (1762–1837). Poems. 1785. 4th edn. 1807.
- —— Mary de Clifford. 1792.
- —— Arthur Fitzalbini. 1798.
- —— Censura literaria. 1805–9.
- —— The British Bibliographer. 1810–14.
- —— Restituta. 4 vols. 1814–16.
- —— Cimelia. Geneva, 1823.
- —— Autobiography. 2 vols. 1834.
- Byerley, T. (d.1826). The Percy Anecdotes. 1821–3.
- —— Relics of Literature. 1823.
- —— London Memorials. 1823.
- Harte, W. (1709–1774). Essay on Reason. 1735.
- —— History of the Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 2 vols. 1759.
- —— Essays on Husbandry. 1764. 1770.
- —— The Amaranth. 1767.
- Heron, R., (1764–1807). General View of the Natural Circumstances of the Hebrides. 1794.
- —— History of Scotland. 6 vols. 1794–9.
- —— Life of Robert Burns. 1797.
- —— Pizarro. A tragedy. 1799.
- Graham, H. G. Robert Heron. A literary waif. Literary and Historical Essays. 1908.
- Hill, John (1716?–1775). Orpheus. An opera. 1740.
- —— A General Natural History. 3 vols. 1748–52.
- —— Lucina sine concubitu. 1750.
- —— Cautions against the immoderate use of snuff. 1759.
- —— Hortus Kewensis. 1768.
- Kenrick, W. (1725?–1779). The Town. 1748.
- —— The Pasquinade. 1753.
- —— Review of Dr. Johnson’s Shakespeare. 1765.
- —— Poems. 1768. 1770.
- Kippis, A. (1725–1795). Biographia Britannica. 2nd edn. Vols.
I–V (no more published). 1778–93. - Knox, V. (1752–1821). Elegant Extracts, or useful and entertaining passages in prose. 1783.
- —— Elegant Extracts, or useful and entertaining pieces of poetry. 1789.
- —— Elegant Epistles. 1790.
- Lemoine, H. (1756–1812). The Kentish Curate. 1786.
- —— Typographical Antiquities. 1797. 2nd edn. 1801.
- —— Lackington’s Confessions rendered into narrative. 1804.
- Northcote, J. (1746–1831). Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1813.
- —— One Hundred Fables. 1828.
- Palmer, Mary (1716–1794). A Devonshire Dialogue. Written in the middle of the 18th century. First complete edn. 1839.
- Price, Sir U. (1747–1829). An Essay on the Picturesque. 1794. 2nd edn. 1796–8. Another edn. 1810.
- Stevens, G. A. (1710–1784). The History of Tom Fool. 1760.
- —— A Lecture upon Heads. [1764.] First authentic edn. 1785.
- Weber, H. W. (1783–1818). Metrical Romances of the 13th, 14th, and 16th centuries. 3 vols. 1810.
- —— Illustrations of Northern Antiquities. 1814.
- Williams, John (1761–1818). The Royal Academicians. 1786.
- —— Poems by Anthony Pasquin. 2 vols. 1789.
- —— Legislative Biography. 1795.