The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- Bright, J.W. and Miller, R.D. Elements of English versification. 1910.
- English Prosody. Quarterly Review, July 1911.
- Guest, E. History of English Rhythms. 1882.
- Lewis, Charlton M. The foreign sources of modern English versification. (Yale Studies in English.) 1898.
- Mayor, J. B. Chapters on English Metre. 1901.
- Morton, E. P. The Spenserian Stanza in the Eighteenth Century. Modern Philology. Jan. 1913.
- Omond, T. S. English Metrists in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 1907.
- Saintsbury, G. History of English Prosody from the 12th Century to the present day. 3 vols. 1906–10.
- —— Historical Manual of English Prosody. 1910.
- Schipper, J. History of English versification. 1910.
- Stone, W. J. On the Use of Classical Metres in English. 1899.
- Verrier, P. Essai sur les Principes de la Métrique Anglaise. 3 vols. Paris, 1909–10.
- Brown, T. B. Rudmose. Verrier’s Essai sur les Principes de la Métrique Anglaise. Modern Language Review. Vol.
VI, pp. 230–240. 1911. - —— Questions de Métrique Anglaise. Paris, 1912.
- —— English Metric. Modern Language Review. Vol.
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G. A. B.