The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- I. R
OBERT BURNS - A considerable number of the original MS. copies of Burn’s poems and letters are still preserved in public libraries and other institutions. The more important public collections are those in the British Museum (including many of the songs contributed to Johnson’s Scots Musical Museum). The Glenriddel MSS., formerly in the Liverpool Athenaeum, are to be placed in the custody of three trustees, and will be deposited in the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow for alternate periods of five years each.
- Bibliographies of the writings of Burns have been published as follows: Angus, W. C. The printed works of Robert Burns. A bibliography in outline. Glasgow, 1899.
- Ewing, J. C. Selected list of the works of Robert Burns, and of books upon his life and writings. 1899.
- —— Bibliography of Robert Burns [to 1796]. [Privately ptd.] 1909.
- M’Kie, J. The bibliography of Robert Burns. Kilmarnock, 1881.
- A. Works
- Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Kilmarnock, 1786. Facsimile reprint. Kilmarnock, 1867 and 1909.
- Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Edinburgh, 1787 (two impressions, in one of which the word “skinking” occurs as “stinking”).
- —— The Third edition. London, 1787. Pirated edns., Belfast, 1787, and Dublin, 1789 and 1790; another edn. with Scots poems selected from the works of Ferguson, R., New York, 1788; other edns., Edinburgh, 1790 [rare], and Belfast, 1790.
- The Scots Musical Museum. By Johnson, James. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1787–1803. Ed. Stenhouse, Laing and Sharpe in 6 vols. 1833 and 4 vols. 1853. [Contains nearly two hundred songs and adaptations, contributed by Burns.]
- The Prayer of Holy Willie, a canting, hypocritical Kirk elder. With quotations from the Presbyterian Eloquence. Printed in the year
MDCCLXXXIX. - The Ayrshire Garland, an Excellent New Song: Tune the Vicar and Moses, 1789. [Broad Sheet. The Kirk’s Alarm.]
- A Selected Collection of Original Scottish Airs for the Voice by Thomson, George. 6 vols. 1793–1811. [Contains over one hundred songs and adaptations contributed by Burns.]
- Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. The Second Edition considerably enlarged. 2 vols. Edinburgh, London, 1793. [Also an edn., 2 vols., Belfast, 1793 (the 2nd vol. consists of the additional poems published in the Edinburgh 1793 edn.)]
- Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 2 vols. A New Edition, considerably enlarged. Edinburgh, 1794. [A revised reprint of the 1793 edn.] Also Edinburgh, 1798, 1800.
- Poetry Original and Select. Glasgow. [A series of chapbooks by Brash and Reid, begun c. 1794, in which some of Burns’s songs are included. The set republished in three vols. 1796, 1797, and 1798.]
- The Election. Printed for private distribution by James Hill, Esqr. W.S. 1795.
- Buy braw troggin. An Excellent New Song. Tune: Buy Broom Besoms. [1796.]
- Tracts published by Stewart and Meikle. No. 2. Glasgow, 1796. [An Unco Mournfu’ Tale]. Also four tracts published by them in 1799, containing The Jollie Beggars, The Kirk’s Alarm, Letter to a Taylor, An Unco Mournful Tale, Holy Willie’s Prayer, The Epistle to John Goudie, and On Dining with Lord Daer. The whole republished in 1800 as the Poetical Miscellany: in seven numbers. [Complete sets are rare.]
- The Merry Muses. [Surreptitiously printed. Original and unaltered edn.]
- Tracts printed by David William, Craig’s Close, for George Gray, Bookseller, North Bridge St., Edinburgh, 1799. [Several contain pieces by Burns which had appeared in Edinburgh newspapers.]
- The Works of Robert Burns with an Account of his Life, and a Criticism of his Writings. To which are prefixed some observations on the character and conditions of the Scottish Peasantry. [Currie’s edn., but anonymous.] 4 vols. Liverpool, London and Edinburgh, 1800. 2nd corrected edn. 1801. Frequently rptd. With the addition of Cromek’s Reliques and contributions by Burns, Gilbert. 5 vols. 1814. With additional pieces. 4 vols. Montrose, 1816. With further particulars of the author’s life, new notes, and many other additions by Burns, Gilbert. London, 1820.
- Poems ascribed to Robert Burns, the Aryshire Bard, not contained in any edn. of his works hitherto published. Glasgow, 1801.
- Stewart’s edn. of Burns’s Poems, including a number of original pieces never before published. With his life and character. To which is added an appendix, consisting of his correspondence with Clarinda. Glasgow, 1802.
- Letters addressed to Clarinda by Robert Burns. Glasgow, 1802.
- Reliques of Robert Burns, consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and critical observations on Scottish songs. Collected and published by Cromek, R. H. 1808. 2nd edn. 1813. 3rd edn. 1817.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, with his life. Engravings on wood by Bewick from original designs by Thurston. 2 vols. Alnwick, 1808.
- The Caledonian Musical Museum, a complete vocal library of the best Scotch songs ancient and modern. [Ed. by the eldest son of Burns, and including over two hundred of his father’s songs.] 1809.
- Poems, Letters, etc. ascribed to Robert Burns, the Ayrshire Bard, not contained in any edn. of his works hitherto published. 1809.
- Select Scottish Songs, Ancient and Modern, with critical observations and biographical notices by Robert Burns. Ed. Cromek, R. H. 1810.
- Poems by Robert Burns with an Account of his Life and Remarks on his Writings [by Walker, Josiah]. Containing also many poems and letters not in Currie’s edn. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1811. Another edn., London, 1811.
- The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns with a Life of the Author etc., by Paul, Hamilton. Air [sic], 1819.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Including several pieces not inserted in Dr. Currie’s edn.; exhibited under a new plan of arrangement. 2 vols. 1819.
- The Works of Robert Burns. Including his Letters to Clarinda, and the whole of his suppressed poems. 4 vols. 1821.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns with his Songs and Fragments. To which are prefixed a History of the Poems by Burns, G., and a Sketch of his life. 2 vols. 1822.
- The Songs and Ballads of Robert Burns. Including ten never before published [though privately printed in the Merry Muses]. 1823.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Including all the pieces originally published by Dr. Currie, with various additions. New edn. with enlarged glossary, etc. 1824.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. 2 vols. 1830. 2nd edn. by Nicholas, Sir Harris. 3 vols. 1839. [Contains several pieces not previously ptd. and, also, other versions from new manuscripts giving various readings.] 3rd edn. in 3 vols. 1866.
- The Works of Robert Burns, with his Life by Cunningham, Allan. 8 vols. 1834. And later edns.
- The Works of Robert Burns. Ed. by the Ettrick Shepherd and Motherwell, W. 5 vols. Glasgow, 1834–6. [Originally issued in parts.]
- The Works of Robert Burns. Containing his Life by Lockhart, John [sic]. New York, 1835.
- The Works of Robert Burns with selected notes by Cunningham, A.; a biographical and critical introduction and a glossary by Wagner, Dr. A. Leipzig, 1835.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns, to which are now added notes illustrating historical, personal and local allusions. [By Chambers, Robert.] Edinburgh, 1838.
- The Prose Works of Robert Burns with the notes of Currie and Cromek and many by the present editor [Chambers, Robert]. Edinburgh, 1839.
- The Correspondence between Burns and Clarinda. With a memoir of M’Lehose, Mrs. Arranged and ed. by her grandson M’Lehose, W. C. Edinburgh, 1843.
- The Complete Works of Robert Burns, containing his poems, letters, songs, his letters to Clarinda and the whole of his suppressed poems, etc. 1843.
- The Works of Robert Burns with Dr. Currie’s memoir of the poet and an essay on his genius and character by Professor Wilson. 2 vols. Glasgow, Edinburgh and London, 1843–4.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With the life and portrait of the author. Leipzig, 1845. [Tauchnitz Collection.]
- The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Ed. Chambers, Robert. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1851–2. Library edn. 4 vols. 1856–7. Another edn. 4 vols. 1859–60. Revised by Wallace, William [with new information and many new letters]. 4 vols. 1896.
- Tam o’shanter. A Characteristic Cantata by Howard Glover, poetry by Robert Burns. 1856.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With memoir, critical dissertation and explanatory notes by Gilfillan, George. The text ed. by Cowden Clarke, Charles. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1864.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Ed. from the best printed and manuscript authorities, with glossarial index and a biographical memoir by Smith, Alexander. 2 vols. 1865. Frequently rptd.
- Life and Works of Robert Burns, by Waddell, P. H. Glasgow, 1867.
- Poems and Songs of Robert Burns, with illustrations by Herdman, R., Paton, W. H., Bough, S., Steel, G., Hill, D. O., M’Whirter, J. and other Scottish Artists. Edinburgh, 1868.
- Kilmarnock Popular Edition of the Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With a memoir of the poet and new annotations by Douglas, W. S. 2 vols. Kilmarnock, 1871. Revised and extended. 2 vols. Kilmarnock, 1876. Re-edited and condensed. 1896.
- Robert Burns’s Common Place Book. Printed from the Original Manuscript in the possession of Adam, John. Greenock, Edinburgh [privately printed], 1872.
- Some account of the Glenriddell MSS. of Burns’s Poems. With several poems never before published. Ed. Bright, Henry. Liverpool [privately printed], 1874.
- The Works of Robert Burns. Ed. Douglas, W. Scott. 6 vols. [Vols.
I–III Poetry, vols.IV–VI Prose]. Edinburgh, 1877–9. [Contains various letters and poems not previously printed.] - The National Burns. Ed. Gilfillan, George. Including the airs of all the Songs and an original life of Burns by the editor. Glasgow, 1879–80.
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Ed. with a memoir by Aitken, George A. 3 vols. 1893.
- The Poems of Robert Burns. Ed. Lang, Andrew and Craigie, W.A. 1896. and later edns.
- The Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns. Ed. Robertson, James Logie. 3 vols. 1896. [The Oxford Burns.]
- The Poetry of Robert Burns. Ed. Henley, W. E. and Henderson, T. F. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1896–7. [Eclectic text, with some new poems, various readings, and notes on origins, metres, etc.] Cheaper edn. 4 vols. 1901.
- Correspondence of Robert Burns and Mrs. Dunlop. With elucidations by Wallace, William, 1898.
- The Court of Equity on the Libel Summons by Robert Burns. [Privately printed.] 1899.
- Complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns. With an appreciation by Lord Rosebery. 1902.
- Poetical Works of Robert Burns with Life and Notes by Wallace, William. London and Edinburgh, 1902, and later edns.
- The Songs of Robert Burns now first printed with the Melodies for which they were written. With Bibliography, Historical Notes and Glossary by Dick, James C. 1903.
- Poems of Robert Burns. Selected and edited with notes by Henderson, T. F, Heidelberg, 1906.
- Notes on Scottish Song. By Robert Burns. Ed. Dick, J. C. 1908.
- B. Biography and Criticism
- [See, also, memoirs published with works, sect.
A, ante] - Aiken, P. F. Memorials of Robert Burns and some of his contemporaries and their descendants by the grandson of Robert Aiken. 1876.
- Ainger, A. Burns. Lectures and Essays. Vol.
I. 1905. - Ainslie, H. A Pilgrimage to the Land of Burns: containing anecdotes of the Bard and of the characters he immortalised, etc. Deptford and London, 1822. New edn. 1892.
- Angellier, A. Robert Burns: la vie et les œuvres. 2 vols. Paris, 1893.
- Annual Burns Chronicle and Club Directory. Kilmarnock. From 1892. [Each number contains various papers of interest relating to the poet.]
- Arnold, M. Essays in Criticism. Second series. 1888.
- Ayr. Reminiscences of Old Ayr. Edinburgh, 1864.
- Bigmore, E. C. Descriptive List of a Collection of Original Manuscript Poems by Robert Burns. 1861.
- Blackie, J. Stuart. Life of Robert Burns. (Great Writers Series.) 1888.
- Brooke, Stopford A. Theology in the English Poets. 1874. 10th edn. 1907.
- Brown, G. D. Robert Burns. In Blackwood’s Magazine, August 1896.
- Burnomania: the celebrity of R. B. considered in a discourse to which are added epistles in verse respecting Peter Pindar, Burns, etc. Edinburgh, 1811.
- Burns, Calendar, The. A Manual of Burnsiana: relating to events in the poet’s history, and names associated with his life and writings, a concise bibliography and a record of Burns relics. Kilmarnock, 1874.
- Burns Exhibition. Memorial Catalogue. Glasgow, 1896.
- Burns’s Calf turn’d a Bull, or some remarks on his attack of Mr * * * * when preaching from Mat. iv. 2. To which is added some observations on Dr. M’G—ll’s practical essay. By a Rhymer. 1787.
- Carlyle, T. Burns [a review of Lockhart’s Life of Burns], in the Edinburgh Review for December, 1828. Rptd., 1854, and in his Collected Essays. Frequently rptd. singly.
- —— On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History. 1841. Frequently rptd.
- Carruthers, R. The Highland Note-Book. Edinburgh, 1843.
- Chambers’s Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Vol.
II. Burns, by Wallace William. New edn. 1901. - Chamber’s Encyclopaedia. Burns, by Lang, Andrew. New edn. 1901.
- Chambers, Robert. The Picture of Scotland. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1827.
- —— A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotsmen. New edn. by Thomson. T. 3 vols. 1868.
- Courthope, W. J. History of English Poetry. Vol.
VI. 1910. - Cox, R. An Essay on the Character and Cerebral Development of Robert Burns. Edinburgh, 1859.
- Craigie, W. A. A Primer of Burns. 1896.
- Cunningham, A. Landscape Illustrations of the Life and Works of Burns, with original descriptions. 1835.
- Cuthbertson, J. Complete Glossary to the Poetry and Prose of Robert Burns. Paisley, 1886.
- Dictionary of National Biography. Burns, by Stephen, Sir Leslie.
- Edinburgh Magazine for October, November and December 1787. [Notices of the Edinburgh edn. of Burns’s Poems.]
- Elton, O. Survey of English Literature, 1780–1830. 2 vols. 1912.
- Emerson, R. W. Miscellanies. 1884.
- Encyclopaedia Britannica. 11th edn. Burns, by Professor Nichol. Cambridge, 1910.
- Fitzgerald, E. Letters to Fanny Kemble, 1871–83. 1895.
- [Gairdner, Mrs.] Robert Burns: an enquiry into certain aspects of his Life and Character, etc. By a Scotchwoman. 1887.
- Gilfillan, G. Burns. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
I. 1856. - Graham, H. G. Scottish Men of Letters in the Eighteenth Century. 1901.
- Haddon, J. C. George Thomson, the friend of Burns, his Life and Correspondence. 1898.
- Hannay, J. Satire and Satirists. 1854.
- Hawthorne, N. Our Old Home. 2 vols. Vol.
II. 1863. - Hazlitt, W. Burns and the Old Ballads. In Lectures on the English Poets. 1818. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
V. 1902. - Henderson, T. F. Robert Burns. (Oxford Biographies.) 1904.
- —— The Auld Ayrshire of Robert Burns. 1906.
- —— Scottish Vernacular Literature. 3rd edn. Edinburgh, 1910.
- Henley, W. E. Burns. Life, genius, achievement, in vol.
IV of the Centenary Burns. Edinburgh, 1897. Rptd. separately, 1898, and in Collected Works, vol.III, 1908. - [Hepburn, T. N.] “Gabriel Setoun.” Robert Burns. (Famous Scots Series.) 1896.
- Heron, R. A Memoir of the Life of the late Robert Burns. Edinburgh, 1797.
- Higgins, James C. Life of Robert Burns. Edinburgh, 1893.
- Hill, D.O., Wilson, John and Chambers, Robert. The Land of Burns, a Series of Landscapes and Portraits, illustrative of the Life and Writing of the Scottish Poet. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1840–1.
- Howitt, W. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. 1849. 3rd edn. 1857.
- Irving, David. History of Scottish Poetry. Ed. Carlyle, J. Edinburgh, 1861.
- —— Lives of Scottish Poets. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1804. 2nd edn. 1810.
- Jacks, W. Robert Burns in other Tongues. A Critical Review of the Translations of the Songs and Poems of Robert Burns. Glasgow, 1896.
- Jeffrey, F. Reliques of Robert Burns, in Edinburgh Review for Jan. 1809 (vol.
XIII ). Rptd. in Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, vol.II, 1844. Various subsequent edns. - Jolly, W. Robert Burns at Mossgiel: with Reminisences of the Poet by his herd boy. Paisley, 1881.
- Keats, John. Life, Letters and Literary Remains. Ed. Milnes. R. M. [Lord Houghton]. 1848. Various subsequent edns.
- Kerr, R. Life of William Smellie [Burns’s printer]. 2 vols. Edinburgh. 1811.
- Lang, Andrew. Letters to Dead Authors. 1886.
- Lockhart, J. G. Life of Robert Burns. 1828. 3rd edn. corrected, Edinburgh, 1830. New edn. with Notice of the Death of the Poet’s Widow and a Memoir of the author. 1871. Enlarged edn. by Douglas, W. S. 1882.
- [Lover, Samuel] “Ben Trovato.” Rival Rhymes in honour of Burns, with curious illustrative matter. 1859.
- Mac Dowall, W. Burns in Dumfriesshire. Edinburgh, 1870.
- Mackay, A. Burns and his Kilmarnock Friends. Kilmarnock, 1874.
- Mackenzie, H. Review of the first Edinburgh edn. of Burns’s Poems in vol.
III of the Lounger. Edinburgh, 1787. - Mackintosh, J. The poets of Ayrshire from the 14th century to the present day. Dumfries [1912]
- Maxwell, J. Animadversions on some Poets and Poetasters. Paisley, 1788. [Contains Hamilton’s answer in verse to the lines of Burns on the royal palace at Stirling.]
- Meyerfeld, M. Robert Burns. Studien zu seiner dichterischen Entwicklung. Berlin, 1899.
- Millar, J. H. A Literary History of Scotland. 1903.
- Miller, F. The Poets of Dumfriesshire. Glasgow, 1910.
- Minto, W. The Literature of the Georgian Era. Edinburgh, 1894.
- Molenaar, H. Robert Burns’ Beziehungen zur Litteratur. Erlangen und Leipzig, 1899.
- Muir, J. Burns at Galston and Ecclefechan. Glasgow, 1896.
- Munro, N. Ayrshire Idylls. 1912.
- Neilson, W. A. Burns in English. Rptd. from Anniversary papers by colleagues and pupils of George Lyman Kittredge. Boston, 1913.
- Nichol, J. Robert Burns. A summary of his career and genius. Edinburgh. 1882. See, also, Encyclopaedia Britannica.
- Oliphant, M. O. The Literary History of England in the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. 3 vols. Vol.
I. 1882. - Parley, Peter. Famous Men of Modern Times. Philadelphia, 1846.
- Paterson, J. The Contemporaries of Burns. Edinburgh, 1840.
- Peterkin, A. A Review of the Life of Robert Burns, etc. Edinburgh, 1815.
- Reid, J. B. A Complete Word and Phrase Concordance to the Poems and Songs of Robert Burns. Glasgow, 1899.
- Ritter, O. Quellenstudien zu Robert Burns, für die Jahre 1773–83. Halle, 1899.
- —— Quellenstudien zu Robert Burns, 1773–91. Berlin, 1901.
- —— Charlie he’s my darling, and other Burns originals. Anglia,
XXIX. Halle, 1906. - Robert Burns and the Ayrshire Moderates. Edinburgh [privately printed], 1883.
- Robertson, J. L. In Scottish Fields. 1890.
- —— Furth in Field. 1894.
- Rogers, C. Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Robert Burns and of the Scottish House of Burns. Edinburgh, 1827.
- —— The Book of Robert Burns. 3 vols. Edinburgh: printed for the Grampian Club, 1889–91.
- Rosebery, Earl of. Robert Burns: Two Addresses delivered at Dumfries and Glasgow on the Centenary of the Poet’s Death. Edinburgh, 1896.
- Ross, J. D. Early Critical Reviews on Robert Burns. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1900.
- Rossetti, W. M. Lives of Famous Poets. 1878, and subsequent edns.
- Saintsbury, G. A History of Nineteenth Century Literature, 1780–1895. 1896.
- Schipper, J. M. Beiträge und Studien zur englischen Kultur- und Literatur-Geschichte. Wien und Leipzig, 1908.
- Scots, Society of Ancient. Lives of Eminent Scotsmen. 3 vols. Vol.
I. 1821. - Scott, Sir W. Review of Cromek’s Reliques in vol.
I (1809) of the Quarterly Review. - Service, John. Burns. In vol.
III of the English Poets. Ed. Ward, T. H. 1880. - Shairp, J. C. On the Poetic Interpretation of Nature. Edinburgh, 1877.
- —— Robert Burns. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1879.
- Shairp, J. C. Aspects of Poetry, being Lectures delivered at Oxford. Oxford, 1881.
- —— Sketches in History and Poetry. Ed. Veitch, John. Edinburgh, 1887.
- Shelley, H. C. The Ayrshire Homes and Haunts of Burns. New York and London, 1897.
- Sterling, J. Essays and Tales. 2 vols. Vol
I. 1848. - Stevenson, R. L. Some Aspects of Robert Burns. In Cornhill Magazine. Vol.
XL (1879). Rptd. in Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882. - Swinburne, A.C. Poem on Burns. In the Nineteenth Century, February, 1896.
- Taine, H. A. Histoire de la Littérature Anglaise. 4 vols. Vol.
III. Paris, 1863–4. - Tait, A. Poems and Songs. Printed for and Sold by the author only, 1796. [Contains Diatribes on Burns and the Burns family.]
- Walker, Hugh. Three Centuries of Scottish Literature. 2 vols. Vol.
II. Glasgow, 1893. - Walker, Josiah. An account of the Life and Character of Robert Burns. In his edn. of Burns, 1811. Published separately. Edinburgh, 1811.
- Wallace, William. The Character and Genius of Burns. In vol.
IV of his edn. of Chambers’s Burns. Edinburgh, 1896. - Wilson, J. Essays Critical and Imaginative. 4 vols. Vol.
III. Edinburgh, 1857. - Winter, A, with Robert Burns. Being Annals of his Patrons and Associates in Edinburgh during the year 1786–7, etc. 1826.
- Wordsworth, D. Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland,
A.D. 1803. Edinburgh, 1874. - Wordsworth, W. Letter to a Friend of Robert Burns. 1816.
- II. L
ESSER SCOTTISH VERSE - See, also, ante, Vol. IX, Chap.
XIV, bibliography. - A. Texts
- Albyn’s Anthology. Ed. Campbell, A. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1816–18.
- Ayrshire Ballads and Songs. Edinburgh, 1847.
- Baillie, Joanna. Fugitive Verses. 1790. New edn. 1842.
- —— Metrical Legends. 1821.
- —— Poetical Miscellanies [containing also poems by Sir Walter Scott, Mrs. Hemans, etc.] 1822.
- —— Dramatic and Poetical Works. 1853. Gilfillan, G. Joanna Baillie. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
I. 1856. - Barnard, Lady Anne. Auld Robin Gray. Ed. Scott, Sir Walter. Edinburgh (Bannatyne Club), 1825.
- Blacklock, Thomas. Poems. Edinburgh, 1746. 2nd edn. 1753. 3rd edn. with an account of his life. 1756.
- —— Pastoral Song, set to Music by himself. Edinburgh, 1774.
- —— The Graham, an heroic ballad in four Cantos. Edinburgh, 1774.
- —— Poems, with Life by Henry Mackenzie. Edinburgh, 1793.
- Boswell, Sir Alexander. Songs Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Edinburgh, 1803.
- —— The Spirit of Tintoc or Johnny Bell and the Kelpie. Edinburgh, 1803.
- —— Epistle to the Edinburgh Reviewers, by A. B. Edinburgh, 1803.
- Boswell, Sir Alexander. Clan Alpin’s Vow. A Fragment. Edinburgh, 1811. 2nd edn. London, 1813.
- —— The Tyrant’s Fall. A Poem on Waterloo. Auchinleck, 1815.
- —— Sheldon Haugh’s or the Sow Flitted. Auchinleck, 1816.
- —— The Woo’ Creel or the Bull of Bashun. Auchinleck, 1816.
- —— Song. Harveian Anniversary. Edinburgh, 1816.
- —— Elegiac Ode to the memory of Dr. Harvey, in Andrew Duncan’s Tribute to Raeburn. Edinburgh, 1824.
- —— Poetical Works. Ed. Smith, S. H. Glasgow, 1871.
- Bruce, Michael. Poems on Several occasions. Ed. Logan, J. Edinburgh 1770. 2nd edn. 1796. Ed. Baird with additions from the author’s MS. supplied by his Mother. 3rd edn. 1807. Under the titles Lochleven and other Poems. With memoir by Dr. Mackelvie. 1837. Miscellaneous Poems. Belfast, 1854. Works, with memoir by Grosart, A. B. Edinburgh, 1865. Poetical Works. Paisley, 1895.
- Caledonian Musical Museum. 1801.
- Caledonian Musical Repository. London, 1806. Edinburgh, 1809 and 1811.
- Chambers, Robert. Scottish Songs. 2 vols. 1829–32.
- —— Miscellany of Popular Scottish Songs. Edinburgh, 1841.
- Cromek, R. H. Select Scottish Songs Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. 1810.
- —— Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song. 1810. Rptd. Paisley, 1880.
- Cunningham, Allan. The Magic Bridle. n.p. n.d.
- —— Songs chiefly in the rural Dialect of Scotland. 1813.
- —— Sir Marmaduke Maxwell. 1822.
- —— The Songs of Scotland Ancient and Modern. 4 vols. 1825.
- —— Songs and Poems with preface by Cunningham, Peter. 1847. New edn. 1875.
- Gilfillan, G. Alan Cunningham. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
I. 1856. - Dixon, W.M. Edinburgh Book of Scottish Verse. Edinburgh, 1910.
- Douglas, Sir George. Poems of the Scottish Minor Poets. 1891.
- —— The Book of Scottish Poetry. 1910.
- Gall, Richard. Poems and Songs, with memoir of the author. 1819.
- Gilfillan, Robert. Original Songs. Edinburgh, 1831. 2nd edn. 1835. 4th edn. as Poems and Songs. 1851.
- Glen, William. Poems chiefly Lyrical. Glasgow, 1815.
- —— The Star of Brunswick. Lanark, 1818.
- —— Poetical Remains with memoir by Rogers, Charles. Edinburgh, 1874.
- Grahame, James. Poems in English, Scotch, and Latin. Paisley, 1794.
- —— Rural Calender. Paisley, 1797.
- —— Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots, a Dramatic Poem. Edinburgh, 1801.
- —— The Sabbath. [Anonymous.] Edinburgh, 1804. New edn. with Sabbath walks. 1806. Frequently rptd.
- —— Biblical Pictures. Edinburgh, 1806.
- —— The Birds of Scotland and other Poems. Edinburgh, 1806.
- —— Poems. In 2 vols. Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1807.
- —— British Georgics. Edinburgh, 1809. 2nd edn. 1812.
- —— Poems on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Edinburgh, 1810.
- —— Poetical Works. Ed. Gilfillan, G. Edinburgh, 1856.
- Grant, Mrs. of Laggan. Poems on various Subjects. Edinburgh, 1803.
- —— The Highlands and other Poems. 2nd edn. London, 1808. 3rd edn. Edinburgh, 1810.
- Grant. Mrs. of Laggan. Eighteen Hundred and thirteen, a Poem. Edinburgh, 1844. “Paston, G.” Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Little memoirs of the eighteenth century. 1901.
- Harp of Caledonia. 3 vols. Glasgow, 1819–81.
- Harp of Renfrewshire. Ed. by Motherwell, W. Glasgow, 1820. Rptd. Paisley, 1872.
- Hogg, James. Scottish Pastoral Poems, Songs, etc. Edinburgh, 1801. [Full of typographical and other errors. Now very rare.]
- —— The Mountain Bard. Edinburgh, 1807.
- —— The Forest Minstrel. Edinburgh, 1810.
- —— The Queen’s Wake. Edinburgh and London, 1813. Illustrated edn. dedicated to the Princess Charlotte, 1818.
- —— The Pilgrims of the Sun. Edinburgh and London, 1815.
- —— Madoc of the Moor. Edinburgh and London, 1816.
- —— Jacobite Relics of Scotland. 2 vols. 1819–21. Rptd. Paisley, 1874.
- —— Poems. [Selected from those previously published.] 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1822.
- —— Queen Hynde. 1826.
- —— Songs. Edinburgh, 1829.
- —— Works. Ed. Thomson, T. 2 vols. London, Edinburgh and Glasgow, 1865.
- —— Works. Centenary Illustrated edn. 1876. Saintsbury, G. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 1890.
- Hunter, Mrs. Anne. Poems. 1802.
- Johnson, James (d. 1811). The Scots Musical Museum. 5 vols. 1787–1803. Rptd., 6 vols., Edinburgh, 1833; 4 vols., with notes by Stenhouse, William, Laing, David, and Sharpe, C.K., Edinburgh, 1853.
- Leyden, John. Scenes of Infancy. Edinburgh, 1803. Jedburgh, 1844. With memoir by Tulloch, W. W. Edinburgh, 1875.
- —— Scottish Descriptive Poems. Edinburgh, 1803.
- —— Poetical Remains with memoir by Mortion, J. 1819.
- —— Poems and Ballads. Ed. White, R. Kelso, 1858 and 1875.
- —— Poetical Works. London and Edinburgh, 1875.
- Logan, Rev. John. Poems. 1781. 2nd edn. 1782. 3rd. edn. 1789.
- —— Poems and Runnymede, a tragedy. Edinburgh, 1807 and 1812.
- —— Poetical Works. 1807.
- Mac Neil, Hector. The Harp, a Legendary Tale. Edinburgh, 1789.
- —— Scotland’s Scaith or the History of Will and Jean. Edinburgh, 1795.
- —— The Waes of War, or the Upshot of the History of Will and Jean. Edinburgh, 1796.
- —— The Links O’Forth, or a Parting Peep at the Carse of Stirling. Edinburgh, 1795.
- —— Poetical Works. 2 vols. London, 1801. 2nd edn. Edinburgh, 1806. 3rd edn., with portrait, and plates by Stothard. Edinburgh, 1812. Rptd. in one vol., 1856.
- —— The Pastoral or Lyric Muse of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1810.
- —— Town Fashions, etc. Edinburgh, 1810.
- Mayne, John. The Siller Gunn. Dumfries, 1777. Extended to two Cantos, 1779; to three Cantos, 1780; to four Cantos, London, 1808; to five Cantos, London, 1836.
- —— Glasgow, a poem. 1803.
- Miscellany of Popular Scottish Poems. Edinburgh, 1841.
- Motherwell, William. Minstrelsy Ancient and Modern. Glasgow, 1827 Paisley, 1873.
- —— Poems. Narrative and Lyrical. 2nd edn. Glasgow, 1847. 3rd edn. 1844. Rptd. Paisley, 1881.
- Musical Repository, The. Glasgow, 1799. Edinburgh, 1802.
- Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, Baroness. Lays from Strathearn, by Caroline, Baroness Nairn. Arranged with Symphonies and accompaniments for-the Pianoforte. n.d.
- —— The Life and Songs of the Baroness Nairne. Ed. Rogers, Charles. Edinburgh, 1872.
- —— Lady Nairne and her Songs, by Henderson, G. 1900. 2nd edn. 1901. Illust. edn. 1905.
- Nicholson, William. Tales in Verse. Edinburgh, 1814. 2nd edn. Edinburgh 1828.
- —— Poetical Works. Dalbeattie, 1895.
- Nicoll, Robert. Poems and Lyrics. Edinburgh, 1835. 4th edn. Glasgow, 1852. 5th edn. Paisley, 1877. Centenary edition. Paisley, 1914.
- Nithsdale Minstrel. Dumfries, 1805.
- Pollok, Robert. The Course of Time. Edinburgh, 1827. Frequently rptd.
- Rogers, Charles. The Modern Scottish Minstrel. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1856–7.
- Scots Minstrelsie. A National Monument of Scottish Song. Ed. and arranged by Greig, John. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1893.
- Scott, Sir Walter. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. 2 vols. 1802. Vol.
III. 1803. Frequently rptd. - Smith, R.A. The Scottish Minstrel. 6 vols. Edinburgh, 1821–4.
- Tannahill, R. Poems and Songs. Glasgow, 1807.
- —— Poems, with Life. Glasgow, 1815.
- —— Works. Edinburgh, 1835. With Life. London, 1857.
- —— Poems and Songs, with Life of Tannahill and R. A. Smith. Glasgow. 1838. Centenary edn. Paisley, 1874. With Life, by Semple, D. 1900.
- —— Political Songs, Ballads and Fragments. Ed. Laing, A. Brechin, n.d.
- Tennant, William. Austin Fair. Edinburgh, 1812. New and revised edn. 1814. With other poems. 1838.
- —— Papistry Stormed or the Dinging doun o’ the Cathedral. Edinburgh, 1821.
- —— The Thane of Fife. Edinburgh, 1822.
- —— Cardinal Bethune: a drama in five acts. Edinburgh, 1823.
- —— John Baliol: a historical drama. Edinburgh, 1828.
- —— Hebrew Dramas. Edinburgh, 1845.
- —— Life and Writings. Ed. Conolly, M.F. 1861.
- Thom, William. Rhymes and Recollections of a hand loom weaver. London, 1844 and 1847. Ed. by Skinner, W. Paisley, 1880.
- Thomson, George. Select Collection of Original Scottish airs for the voice, etc. With select and characteristic Verses by the most admired Scottish poets. 5 vols. Edinburgh, 1799–1818.
- Watt, William. Comus and Cupid. Glasgow, 1835. 2nd edn. 1844. 3rd edn. as Poems and Songs. Glasgow, 1860.
- Wilson, Alexander. Poems. Paisley, 1790. Poems with a Journal. Paisley, 1790. Poems humorous, satirical and serious. 2nd edn. Edinburgh, 1791. London, 1816. Paisley, 1816.
- —— Poetical Works. Paisley, 1857.
- —— Poems, with an Account of his Life and Works. Paisley, 1876.
- Wilson, Alexander. Poems and Literary Passages. Ed. Grosart, A.B. Paisley, 1876.
- —— The Shark, or Lang Mills Detected. n.p. 1792; rptd. as Lang Mills Detected. Paisley, 1832.
- —— Watty and Meg. [Anonymous.] n.p. 1795. Newcastle, 1801.
- —— The Spouter, a true Tale. Belfast, 1847.
- —— Whistle Binkie. Glasgow, 1832–47 and subsequent edns.
- Wilson, James Grant. The Poets and Poetry of Scotland. 1876.
- B. Historical and Critical Writings
- Auld Robin Gray, History of. n.p. n.d. See, also, under Lady Anne Barnard, ante.
- Ayrshire Ballads and Songs. Edinburgh, 1847.
- Borland, R. Yarrow, its Poets and Poetry. Dalbeattie, 1890.
- Borthwick, J.D. History of Scottish Song. Montreal, 1874.
- Burns, R. Notes on Scottish Song. Ed. Dick, J.C. 1908.
- Chambers’s Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Vol.
II. New edn. 1901. - Grant, W. What still remains to be done for the Scottish dialects. English Assoc. pamphlet. [19—.]
- Hecht, H. Neuere Literatur zur englisch-schottischen Balladendichtung. Englische Studien. Vol.
XXXVI. Leipzig, 1906. - Henderson, T. F. Scottish Vernacular Literature. 3rd edn. Edinburgh, 1910.
- Irving, D. History of Scottish Poetry. Ed. Carlyle, Alexander. Edinburgh, 1861.
- —— Lives of Scottish Poets. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1804. 2nd edn. 1810.
- Maclagan, D. J. Scottish Paraphrases. Edinburgh, 1889.
- Millar, J.H. A Literary History of Scotland. 1903.
- —— Scottish Prose of the
XVII andXVIII centuries. Glasgow, 1912. - Miller, F. The Poets of Dumfriesshire. Glasgow, 1910.
- Murray, T. Literary History of Galloway. Edinburgh, 1823.
- Ross, J.D. The Book of Scottish Poems, Ancient and Modern. 2 vols. Vol.
II, Paisley, 1882. - Sibbald, J. Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, 4 vols. 1802.
- Smith, J.C. Some characteristics of Scots literature. English Assoc. pamphlet [19—.]
- Stenhouse, W. Illustrations of the Lyric Poetry and Music of Scotland. With additional Notes and Illustrations [by Laing, David]. Edinburgh, 1853.
- Tytler, S. and Watson, J.L. Songstresses of Scotland. 2 vols. 1871.
- Todd, G.E. Scottish Poetry of the Eighteenth Century. (Abbotsford Ser.) 2 vols. Glasgow, 1896.
- Veitch, John. The Feeling for Nature in Scottish Poetry. 2 vols. Vol.
II. Edinburgh, 1887. - —— History and Poetry of the Scottish Border. 2 vols. Vol.
II. Edinburgh, 1893. - Watt, Lauchlan, M. Scottish Life and Poetry. 1812.