The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- I. P
OETICAL WORKS - A. Collected Editions
- Works. In seven volumes. 1820. Also 5 vols., 1820; 7 vols., 1822; 5 vols., 1823.
- Poetical Works. Paris [1829].
- Poetical Works: with his letters and journals, and his life by his Son. In eight volumes. 1834. Also (in 8 vols.) 1835, 1836, 1847; and (in
I vol.) 1847, 1854, 1861, 1866, 1901. - Poetical Works. With a life by W. R. 1858.
- Poems. Ed. Ward, A. W.… Cambridge. 3 vols. 1905, 1906, 1907.
- [Contains previously unpublished poems, and a bibliography in vol.
III, pp. 554–568.] - Poetical Works. Ed. Carlyle, A. J. and Carlyle, R. M. Oxford, 1908.
- B. Selections
- Beauties of the Rev. George Crabbe. With a biographical sketch. 1832.
- Cullings from Crabbe, with a memoir of his life and notices of his writings. Bath, 1832.
- Readings in Crabbe’s Tales of the Hall. [Selected and edited by FitzGerald, E.] Guildford, 1879. Re-issued (with an Introduction) 1882, 1883.
- The English Poets. By Ward, T. H. 1883–4. (Crabbe, ed. Courthope, W. J. vol.
III, p. 581.) - Poems (selected). Ed. Morley, H. 1886.
- The Poetical Works of George Crabbe (selected), with prefatory notice, biographical and critical, by Lamplough, E. 1888.
- Tales by George Crabbe, ed. with an introduction by Morley, H. 1891.
- The Poets and the Poetry of the Century. Ed. Miles, A. H. Vol.
I, pp. 1–84. [1891.] - The Poems of George Crabbe. A selection arranged by Holland, B. 1899.
- English Tales in Verse. With an introduction by Herford, C. H. Pp. 155–182. 1902.
- Selections from the Poems of George Crabbe, with an introduction and notes by Deane, A. 1903.
- C. Separate Poems
- For Juvenilia, consult Crabbe’s Poems, ed. Ward, A. W., Cambridge, 1905–7, prefatory note to vols.
I, III and bibliography. - Inebriety, a Poem, in three Parts. Ipswich, 1775.
- The Candidate. A Poetical Epistle to the Authors of the Monthly Review. 1780.
- The Library. A Poem. 1781. 2nd edn. 1783.
- The Village: a Poem. In two books. 1783.
- The News-Paper: a Poem. 1785.
- Poems. 1807. 2nd edn. 1808. 3rd edn. 1808. 8th edn. 1816.
- The Borough: a Poem in twenty-four letters. 1810. 2nd edn. 1810. 3rd edn. 1810. 6th edn. 1816. Ed. Williams, H. (Temple Classics.) 1903.
- Tales. 1812. 2nd edn. 1812. 5th edn. 1814.
- Tales of the Hall. In two volumes. 1819. 2nd edn. 1819. 3 vols. 1820.
- Lines (“Of old when a Monarch of England appear’d”). [1822.]
- Lines addressed to the Dowager Duchess of Rutland. The Casket, a Miscellany, consisting of unpublished poems. Pp. 142–3. 1829.
- Poetical Epistles by the Rev. George Crabbe. Literary Anecdotes of the Nineteenth Century. Ed. Nicoll, W. Robertson, and Wise, T. J. Vol.
II, p. 143. 1896. - D. Translations
- For translations into foreign languages, see bibliographies in Poems, ed. Ward, ante, and in Huchon, Un Poète Réaliste Anglais, post.
- II. P
ROSE WORKS - For Prose Works, see bibliography in Huchon, Un Poète Réaliste Anglais, post.
- III. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - See, also, the various introductions to Crabbe’s works mentioned in sect.
I A, B, C, ante.] - Ainger, A. Crabbe. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1903. Review in The Athenaeum, 31 Oct., 1903.
- Broadley, A. M. and Jerrold, W. The Romance of an Elderly Poet. A hitherto unknown chapter in the life of George Crabbe revealed by his ten years’ correspondence with Elizabeth Charter, 1815–1825. 1913.
- Crabbe Celebration. Souvenir and Catalogue of the exhibits at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 16–18 September, 1905.
- Druzhinin, A. George Crabbe and his Productions. St. Petersburg, 1857. [In Russian.]
- Gilfillan, G. A Second Gallery of Literary Portraits. 1850.
- Huchon, R. Un Poète Réaliste Anglais. George Crabbe, 1754–1832. Paris. 1906. English translation by Clarke, Frederick. George Crabbe and his Times. 1907. [Contains a bibliography.]
- Kebbel, T. E. The Life of George Crabbe. (Great Writers Series.) 1888.
- Pesta, H. George Crabbe: Eine Würdigung seiner Werke. Vienna and Leipzig, 1899.
- Saintsbury, G. Crabbe. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 1890.
- Stehlich, F. George Crabbe, ein englischer Dichter. Halle, 1875.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie. Hours in a Library. Vol.
II. 1892. - Woodberry, G. E. Studies in Letters and Life. P. 29, A neglected poet. Boston (Mass.), 1890.
- IV. A
RTICLES IN MAGAZINES AND REVIEWS - A complete list of the contemporary reviews of Crabbe’s poems is given in Huchon, ante, pp. 663–5. The following may also be consulted:
- Quarterly Review. Vol.
L, p. 468 (Jan., 1834), Life and Poems, by Lockhart; vol.LII, p. 184 (August, 1834), Posthumous Tales, by Lockhart; vol.CXCIII, p. 21 (Jan., 1901), Crabbe, by Statham, Heathcote. - Gentleman’s Magazine. New Series, vol.
I, p. 253 (March, 1834), Life of Crabbe, by Mitford; vol.II, p. 563 (Dec., 1834), Posthumous Tales; vol.CCLXXXVI, p. 356, Crabbe, by Prower, Maude. - Monthly Review. Vol.
III, p. 101 (Sept., 1834), On Burns’s and Crabbe’s Poetry. - Edinburgh Review. Vol.
LX, p. 255 (Jan., 1835), Life and Poems; vol.CXCVIII, p. 30 (July, 1903), Crabbe. - National Review. Jan., 1859, p. 1, Crabbe, by Roscoe, W. C.
- Nineteenth Century. Vol.
XV, p. 583 (April, 1884), Wordsworth and Byron, by Swinburne, A. C. (p. 598.) - Cornhill Magazine. Vol.
LXXXIII, p. 750 (June, 1901), Some memories of Crabbe, by Hutton, W. H. - Atlantic Monthly. Dec., 1901, p. 850, A Plea for Crabbe, by More, P. Elmer.
- Monthly Review. March, 1904, p. 117, Two Unpublished Poems of Crabbe, by Huchon, R.
- Modern Language Review. Vol.
II, p. 266 (April, 1907), Review of Ward’s edn. of Crabbe, by Huchon, R.