The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- I. MSS.
IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM - Additional MS. 18204, f. 193. Letter to J. Losh. 1798.
- —— 27457, f. 36. Sonnets. 1809. Copies.
- —— 27925, ff. 105, 109. Letters to F. Reynolds. n.d.
- —— 30262, f. 96. Particulars concerning W. W., by his son William. 1860.
- —— 34046, ff. 114–131. Letters to D. Stuart. 1801–38.
- —— 34225, f. 192. Letter to H. N. Coleridge. 1834.
- —— 34588, f. 57. Letter to Dr. S. Butler. 1831. Copy.
- —— 35344, ff. 135–161. Letters to T. Poole. 1798–1815.
- ———— f. 142. Letter to C. J. Fox. 1801. Copy by S. T. Coleridge.
- ———— f. 143. Letter to W. Wilberforce. 1801. Copy by S. T. Coleridge.
- —— 35344, f. 162. Agreement with J. Bartholomew for tenancy of Alfoxden. 1797. Copy.
- —— 36526, f. 31. Letter to J. Scott, with three sonnets. 1816.
- —— 36527, f. 196. Biographical Notice. 1832.
- —— 36997, ff. 42b, 132. Letters to Mrs. Clarkson. 1806, 1814.
- —— 37425, f. 113b. Allusions, by Sir Walter Scott. 1808.
- —— 37496, f. 76. W. W.’s Poet’s Epitaph, transcribed by P.B. Shelley. 1812.
- —— 37725, f. 10. Quatrain. 1844. Holograph.
- Egerton MS. 2075, f. 118. Letter to A. Cooper. 1844.
- ———— f. 226. Portrait.
- II. P
OEMS - A. Collections
- For Lyrical Ballads, see under Separate Poems, sect. c, post.
- Poems in two volumes. 1807. Rptd. ed. Hutchinson, T. 2 vols. 1897.
- Poems … including Lyrical Ballads, and the miscellaneous pieces of the author. With additional poems, and a new preface, and a supplementary essay. 3 vols. 1815–20.
- Poetical Works. 4 vols. Boston (U.S.A.), 1824.
- Poetical Works. 5 vols. 1827.
- Poetical Works. Paris, 1828.
- Poetical Works. A new edition. 4 vols. 1832.
- Poetical Works. A new edition. 6 vols. 1836–7.
- Poetical Works. A new edition. 6 vols. 1840.
- Poems, chiefly of early and late years; including The Borderers, a tragedy. 7 vols. 1842–54.
- Poetical Works. A new edition [with notes, appendix, preface, etc.] 1849.
- Poetical Works. A new edition. 6 vols. 1849–50.
- Poems … A new edition. 1851.
- Poetical Works. A new edition. 6 vols. 1857.
- Poetical Works. 7 vols. Boston (U.S.A.), 1827.
- Poetical Works. Edinburgh [1859].
- Poetical Works. 1861.
- Poetical Works. Edinburgh, 1863.
- Poetical Works. 1869.
- Poetical Works. A new and complete annotated edition. (The Centenary edition.) 1870.
- Poetical Works. Ed., with a critical memoir, Rossetti, W. M. [1870.]
- Poetical Works. A new edition. 6 vols. 1882.
- Poetical Works. Ed. Knight, W.
II vols. [The Life of Wordsworth, by Knight, W., vols.IX —XI. ] 1882–9. Also ed. Knight, W. 8 vols. [Full bibliography in vol.VIII ]. 1896. - Poetical Works. With a prefatory notice … by Symington, A. J. (The Canterbury Poets.) [1884, etc.]
- Poetical Works. With an introduction by Morley, J. (Bibliography by Tutin, J. R.) 1888.
- Poetical Works. 8 vols. Glasgow [1889].
- Poetical Works. Ed., with memoir, by Dowden, E. 7 vols. [Memoir in vol.
I and bibliography and chronological table of poems in vol.VII. ] (Aldine edition of the British Poets.) 1892–3. - Poetical Works. Ed., with introduction and notes, Hutchinson, T. 5 vols. 1895.
- Poetical Works. Ed., with introduction and notes, Hutchinson, T. (Oxford edition.) 1904.
- Poems. Ed., with an introduction and notes, Smith, C. N. 3 vols. 1908.
- Poetical Works. With introduction by Dowden, E. [1910.]
- B. Selections
- The Earlier Poems of William Wordsworth corrected as in the latest editions. With preface and notes, showing the text as it stood in 1815. Ed. Johnson, W. 1857.
- Pastoral Poems.… Illustrated with numerous engravings. 1858.
- Poems.… Selected and ed. Willmott, R. A. 1859.
- Poems.… Chosen and edited by Arnold, Matthew. (Golden Treasury Series.) 1879.
- Poems.… Selected from the best editions. 2 vols. 1880.
- Poems of Wordsworth. Selected from the best editions. 2 vols. [1885.]
- Selections from Wordsworth, with a brief sketch of his life. Cincinnati, 1886.
- Selections from Wordsworth. By Knight, W. and other members of the Wordsworth Society. With preface and notes. 1888.
- Early Poems. [Selected by Tutin, J. R.] 1889.
- Selections from Wordsworth. With notes by George, A. J. Boston, (U.S.A.), 1889.
- Select Poems.… Ed., with notes, Rolfe, W. J. New York, 1889.
- Lyrics and Sonnets of Wordsworth. Selected and ed. Shorter, C. K. 1892.
- Shorter Poems. With introduction and notes by Dent, W. 1895.
- The Lyric Poems of Wordsworth. (The Lyric Poets.) [1897.]
- Poems.… A selection. Ed. Dowden, E. Boston, U.S.A. and London, 1897.
- Poems dedicated to National Independence and Liberty. Rptd. on behalf of the Greek struggle for the independence of Crete. With an introduction by Brooke, Stopford A. 1897.
- Selections from Wordsworth. Ed., with introduction and notes, Webb, W. T. 1897.
- Selections.… With an introduction by Caird, E. 1899.
- Selections. Ed. Smith, N. C. (Little Library.) 1901.
- Poems from Wordsworth. (Chosen and ed. Moore, T. S.) 1902.
- Poems. With an introduction by Meynell, A. (Red Letter Library.) 1903.
- Poems.… Selected and ed. Knight, W. 1904.
- Selections from Wordsworth, preceded by Lowell’s Essay on Wordsworth and annotated by Cotterill, H. B. 1904.
- Select Poems from Wordsworth. With an introduction by Morley, H. (Cassell’s National Library.) 1905.
- Poems.… Selected, with an introduction, by Brooke, Stopford A. Illustrated by New, E. H. 1907.
- A Decade of Years. Poems by William Wordsworth, 1798–1807. [Selected by C. S. i.e. Cobden-Sanderson, T. J.] Hammersmith, 1911.
- C. Separate Poems
- Descriptive Sketches. In verse. Taken during a pedestrian tour in the Italian, Grison, Swiss and Savoyard Alps. 1793.
- An Evening Walk. An epistle in verse; addressed to a Young Lady; from the Lakes of the North of England. 1793.
- Lyrical Ballads, with a few other poems. [With the Rime of The Ancient Mariner and The Nightingale, by S. T. Coleridge.] 1798. Rptd. ed. Dowden, E. 1891. Rptd. ed. Hutchinson, T. 1898. 2nd edn. 1907. Ed., with introduction, notes and appendix containing Wordsworth’s preface of 1800, Littledale, H. 1911.
- —— with other poems [including The Ancient Mariner, The Foster-Mother’s Tale, The Nightingale, The Dungeon, and Love, by S. T. Coleridge]. 2 vols. 1800. 2nd edn. 2 vols. 1800. 3rd edn. 1802. 4th edn. 1805.
- The Excursion, being a portion of the Recluse. 1814. 2nd edn. 1820. The Recluse, 1888.
- The White Doe of Rylstone; or the Fate of the Nortons. A poem. (The Force of Prayer; or the Foundling of Bolton Priory. A tradition.) [In verse.] 1815, 1859, 1867, 1889. Ed., with introduction, selected criticisms and notes, Quinn, M. T. Madras, 1889. Ed. Knight, W. Oxford, 1891.
- Thanksgiving Ode. January 18, 1816. With other short pieces, chiefly referring to recent public events. 1816.
- The Waggoner, a poem. To which are added Sonnets. 1819.
- Peter Bell: a Tale in verse. [With four Sonnets.] 1819. 2nd edn. 1819.
- The Little Maid and the Gentleman: or, We are Seven. [1820.]
- The River Duddon, a series of sonnets: Vaudracour and Julia: and other poems. To which is annexed a topographical description of the country of the Lakes in the North of England. 1820.
- Ecclesiastical Sketches. [Sonnets.] 1822.
- Memorials of a Tour on the Continent. 1822.
- Yarrow Revisited, and other poems. 1835. 2nd edn. 1836.
- Lines after the death of Charles Lamb. [1835?]
- The Sonnets of W. W..… with a few additional ones now first published. 1838. Ed. with an Essay on the history of the English Sonnet, by Trench, R. C. 1884.
- Ode on the Installation of H. R. H. Prince Albert, as Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. [1847.]
- The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet’s Mind; autobiographical poem. 1850. Ed. Smith, G. C. Moore. (The Temple Classics.) 1896. Ed., with notes and introduction, Worsfold, B. 1904.
- III. P
ROSE WORKS - A. Collections
- Prose Works. For the first time collected, with additions from unpublished manuscripts. Ed., with preface, notes and illustrations, Grosart, A. B. 3 vols. 1876.
- Prose Writings of Wordsworth; selected and edited, with an introduction, by Knight, W. (The Scott Library.) 1893.
- Prose Works. Ed. Knight, W. 2 vols. 1896.
- Wordsworth’s Prefaces and Essays on Poetry, with letter to Lady Beaumont, 1798–1845. Ed., with introduction and notes, George, A. J. (Heath’s English Classics.) Boston (U. S. A.), 1892.
- Wordsworth’s Literary Criticism. Ed., with an introduction, Smith, N. C. 1905.
- B. Separate Works
- Concerning the Relations of Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal, to each other, and to the Common Enemy, at this Crisis, and specifically as affected by the Convention of Cintra. 1809. 2nd edn. 1820. 3rd edn. 1836.
- A letter to a friend of Robert Burns [James Gray], occasioned by an intended republication of the Account of the life of Burns by Dr. Currie. 1816. Rptd. in Literary Pamphlets. Ed. Rhys, E. Vol.
II. 1897. - A Description of the Scenery of the Lakes in the North of England. Third edition. Now first published separately. [A portion originally appeared as an introduction to J. Wilkinson’s Select Views in Cumberland, 1810; and was included in The River Duddon, a series of Sonnets, 1820.] With additions, and illustrative remarks upon the Scenery of the Alps. 1822. Also 1823, 1835, 1853, 1859.
- A Guide through the District of the Lakes, in the North of England, with a Description of the Scenery, etc. For the use of Tourists and Residents. Fifth Edition, with considerable additions. Kendal, 1835.
- Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes. Fifth edition [rptd.]: With an introduction, appendices, and notes textual and illustrative, by Sélincourt, E. de. With a map and eight illustrations. 1906.
- Kendal and Windermere Railway: Two Letters reprinted from the Morning Post. Revised, with additions. Kendal [1844].
- IV. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - See, also, the various introductions to editions of Wordsworth’s works mentioned in sections
II andIII, ante. - Alger, W. R. The Solitudes of Nature and of Man. Pp. 277–289. Boston, (U. S. A.), 1867.
- Arnold, Matthew. Essays in Criticism. Second Series. 1888.
- Bagehot, W. Literary Studies, 1879.
- Baumgartner, A. William Wordsworth nach seiner gemeinverständl. Seite dargestellt. Zürich, 1897.
- Beatty, A. Wordsworth and Hartley. The Nation, 17 July, 1913. New York.
- Bensusan, S. L. William Wordsworth. His homes and haunts. (Pilgrim Books. No. 3.) [1910.]
- Blakeney, E. H. Wordsworth. An essay. 1891.
- Bömig, Karl. William Wordsworth im Urteile seiner Zeit. 1906.
- Boucher, Léon. Histoire de la Littérature anglaise. Pp. 355–363. Paris, 1890.
- Bourget, Paul. Études et Portraits. Vol.
II, pp. 83, 126–134. 1888. - Bradley, A. C. English poetry and German philosophy in the age of Wordsworth. 1909.
- Brandes, G. M. C. Hauptströmungen der Literature des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Vol.
IV, chaps.V andVI. Berlin, 1876. English trans. 1901, etc. - Brandl, A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge und die englische Romantik. Berlin, 1886.
- Brooke, Stopford A. Theology in the English poets. 1874. 10th edn. 1907.
- —— Dove Cottage: Wordsworth’s Home. 1890.
- Calvert, G. H. Wordsworth. A biographic aesthetic study. 1878.
- Carlyle, T. Reminiscences. 2 vols. Ed. Froude, J. A. Vol.
II, p. 330. 1881. - Carr, M. Thomas Wilkinson: a friend of Wordsworth. 1905.
- Catalogue of the varied and valuable, historical, poetical, theological and miscellaneous Library of … W. Wordsworth, which will be sold by auction … at … Rydal Mount, near Ambleside, Windermere … July, 1859, etc. Preston [1859].
- Clough, A. H. Poems and Prose Remains. Vol.
I. 1869. - Coleridge, S. T. Biographia Literaria. 2 vols. 1817.
- —— Letters. Ed. Coleridge, E. H. 2 vols. 1905.
- —— Table Talk. Ed. Ashe, T. 1846.
- Cooper, Lane. A Concordance to the Poems of W. Wordsworth. 1911.
- —— A Glance at Wordsworth’s Reading. Modern Language Notes, March, pp. 83–89, April, pp. 110–117. 1907.
- Corkran, A. The Romance of Woman’s Influence.… Dorothy Wordsworth. 1906.
- Cotterill, H. B. and Rolleston, T. W. Über Wordsworth und Walt Whitman. Zwei Vorträge. Dresden, 1883.
- Cottle, J. Early Recollections. 2 vols. 1837[–9].
- Cunningham, A. Biographical and critical history of the British Literature of the last fifty years. Paris, 1834.
- Darmesteter, J. Essais de Littérature anglaise. Pp. 227–236. Paris, 1883.
- De Quincey, T. De Quincey Memorials. Ed. Japp, A. H. 2 vols. 1891.
- De Vere, A. Essays, chiefly on Poetry. 2 vols. 1887.
- Dowden, E. Studies in Literature, 1789–1877. 1878.
- —— New Studies in Literature. 1895.
- —— The Text of Wordsworth’s Poems. Contemporary Review. Vol.
XXXIII, 734–757. 1878. - —— The Recluse. Saturday Review. Vol.
LXVII, p. 43. 1889. - Dunbar, A. M. Wordsworth’s Use of Milton’s Description of the Building of Pandemonium. Modern Language Notes. Vol.
XXIV, No. 4, p. 124. April, 1909. - Emerson, R. W. English Traits. 1856.
- Fortheringham, J. Wordsworth’s Prelude as a study of Education. 1899.
- Gilfillan, G. William Wordsworth. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
I. 1856. - Gingerich, S. F. Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning: a study in human freedom. 1911.
- Hales, J. W. The last Decade of the last Century. Contemporary Review. Vol.
LXII, pp. 422–441. 1892. - Hazlitt, W. The English Poets. 1818. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
V. 1902. - —— My first acquaintance with Poets. The Liberal, 1823. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
XII. 1904. - —— The Spirit of the Age, or contemporary portraits. 1825. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
IV. 1902. - Hepple, N. Lyrical Forms in English. Ed. Hepple, N. Cambridge, 1911.
- Herford, C. H. The Age of Wordsworth. 1897.
- Hood, E. P. W. Wordsworth, a Biography. 1856.
- Horne, R. H. A New Spirit of the Age. Vol.
I, pp. 307–332. 1844. - Howitt, W. Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. 2 vols. 1847.
- Hudson, H. N. Studies in Wordsworth. 1884.
- Hutchinson, T. Wordswroth’s Castle of Indolence Stanzas. Fortnightly Review. Vol.
LXII, pp. 685–704. 1894. - Hutton, R. H. Essays Theological and Literary. 2 vols. 1871.
- Kirlew, M. Famous Sisters of Great Men.… Dorothy Wordsworth, etc. 1905.
- Knight, W. A. The English Lake District as interpreted in the poems of Wordsworth. Edinburgh, 1878.
- —— Letters of the Wordsworth Family from 1787 to 1855 [chiefly by W. W.]. 1907.
- —— Memorials of Coleorton. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1887.
- —— Through the Wordsworth Country. 1906.
- —— Wordsworthiana. 1889.
- Lamb, Charles. Works. Ed. Ainger, A. 12 vols. 1899–1900.
- Landor, W. S. Imaginary Conversations. Ed. Crump, C. G. 6 vols. 1891.
- Lee, Edmund. Dorothy Wordsworth. [1894.]
- Legouis, E. The early life of Wordsworth, 1770–1798. Transl. by Matthews, J. W. 1897.
- Lienemann, K. Die Belesenheit von W. Wordsworth. 1908.
- Lockhart, J. B. Life of Sir Walter Scott. 10 vols. 1903.
- Lonsdale, H. W. Wordsworth [a biographical sketch]. The Worthies of Cumberland. 1867, etc.
- Lowell, J. R. Among my Books. 1870.
- Macaulay, T. B. Critical and Historical Essays. 1852.
- MacDonald, G. The Imagination and other Essays. Boston (U. S. A.), 1883.
- Mackie, Alexander. Nature Knowledge in Modern Poetry. 1906.
- Magnus, L. A Primer of Wordsworth. 1897.
- Malleson, F. A. Holiday Studies of Wordsworth. 1890.
- Mason, E. T. Personal Traits of British Authors. New York, 1885.
- Masson, David. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, etc. Pp. 3–74. 1875.
- Matthes, J. C. Naturbeschreibung bei Wordsworth. Dissertation. Leipzig, 1901.
- Mill, J. S. Autobiography. Ed. Taylor, Helen. 1873.
- Minto, W. The literature of the Georgian era. 1894.
- Mitford, M. R. Recollections of a Literary Life. 1852.
- Myers, F. W. H. Wordsworth. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1881.
- Park, J. A Greenockian’s visit to Wordsworth. 1887.
- Pater, W. H. Appreciations. 1889.
- Patterson, A. S. Poets and Preachers; four lectures, biographical and critical, on Wordsworth. 1862.
- Pichot, A. Voyage historique et littéraire en Angleterre et en Écosse. Vol.
II. pp. 363–394. Paris, 1829. - Pughe, F. H. Studien über Byron und Wordsworth. Anglistische Forschungen. Heft
VIII. 1902. - Punch, C. Wordsworth: an introduction to his life and works. [1907.]
- Raleigh, Sir W. A. Wordsworth. 1903.
- Rannie, D. Wordsworth and his circle. 1907.
- Reynolds, M. The treatment of Nature in English poetry between Pope and Wordsworth. Chicago, 1909.
- Robertson, E. S. Wordsworthshire. An introduction to a poet’s country. 1911.
- Robertson, F. W. Lectures on the Influence of Poetry, and Wordsworth. 1906.
- —— Wordsworth: a criticism. (Book Lovers’ Booklets. No. 1.) [1907.]
- Robinson, H. Crabb. Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence. 3 vols. 1869. 2 vols. 1872.
- Sanftleben, P. Wordsworth’s Borderers und die Entwicklung der nationalen Tragödie in England im 18 Jahrh. (Rostocker dissertation.) 1907.
- Sarrazin, G. La Renaissance de la Poésie anglaise. 1887.
- Searle, J. Memoirs of W. Wordsworth. 1852.
- Shairp, J. C. Wordsworth. Studies in Poetry and Philosophy. Edinburgh, 1872.
- —— The Three Yarrows.—The White Doe of Rylstone. Aspects of Poetry. Oxford, 1881.
- Shorthouse, J. H. On the Platonism of Wordsworth. [1882.]
- Sneath, E. H. Wordsworth: poet of nature and poet of man. New York, 1912.
- Southey, Robert. Life and Correspondence. Ed. Southey, C. C. 6 vols. 1849–50.
- Stephen, Sir L. Hours in a Library. New edn. Vol.
II. 1892. - —— Wordsworth’s Youth. Studies of a Biographer. Vol.
I. 1898. - Stuart, M. Letters from the Lake Poets. 1889.
- Suddard, S. J. M. L’imagination de Wordsworth. Essais de littérature anglaise. Cambridge, 1912. (Also in English.)
- Sutherland, J. M. W. Wordsworth, the story of his life. 1892.
- Swinburne, A. C. Miscellanies. 1886.
- Symonds, J. A. Matthew Arnold’s Selections from Wordsworth. Fortnightly Review. Vol.
XXXII, p. 686. 1879. - Taylor, H. Notes from Books, in four essays. 1849.
- —— Works. 5 vols. 1877–8.
- Ticknor, G. Life, Letters, and Journals. 2 vols. Ed. Hillard, G. S. New York, 1909.
- Transactions of the Wordsworth Society. 1882, etc.
- Tutin, J. R. An Index to the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms of Wordsworth. 1892.
- —— The Wordsworth Dictionary of Persons and Places. 1891.
- Whipple, E. P. A review of the 1837 edition of Wordsworth’s Works. North American Review. Vol.
LIX, pp. 352–384. 1844. - White, W. H. A Description of the Wordsworth and Coleridge Manuscripts in the possession of Mr. T. N. Longman. 1897.
- —— An Examination of the charge of Apostasy against Wordsworth. 1898.
- Wilson, John. Recreations of Christopher North. 3 vols. 1842.
- Wintringham, W. H. The Birds of Wordsworth. 1892.
- Wordsworth, Christopher. Memoirs of W. Wordsworth. (Autobiographical memoranda dictated by Wordsworth, Nov. 1847.) 2 vols. 1851.
- Wordsworth, Dorothy. Journals. Ed. Knight, W. 2 vols. 1897.
- —— Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland,
A.D. 1803. Ed. Shairp, J. C. Edinburgh, 1894. - Wordsworth, Elizabeth. William Wordsworth. 1891.
- Wright, J. The Genius of Wordsworth harmonized with the wisdom and integrity of his reviewers. 1853.
- Yarnall, E. Wordsworth and the Coleridges. 1899.
G. A. B.