The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- I. S
ATIRISTS A. The Rolliad and its Contributors - The Rolliad, i.e., Criticisms on the Rolliad; Probationary Odes for the Laureateship; and Political Eclogues and Miscellanies originally appeared in the Morning Herald and Daily Advertiser for 1784 and following years. 9th edn. 1791 (the first complete collection). 22nd edn. 1812. As to the authorship of the Rolliad, see Notes and Queries, ser.
I, vol.II., pp. 114–115 242, 373; vol.III, p. 129. - Courthope, W. J. On the Rolliad. History of English Poetry. Vol.
V. 1905. - George Ellis
- See The Anti-Jacobin, sect. C, infra.
- French Laurence
- Epistolary correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke and Dr. French Laurence. 1827.
- Poetical Remains, with a memoir. Dublin, 1872.
- Joseph Richardson
- Literary Relics, with his life, by his widow. 1807.
- The Fugitive. A Comedy. 1792.
- Richard Tickell
- Anticipation. 1778.
- The Project. 1778.
- [As to Tickell’s work as a dramatist, see ante, Vol. X, Chap.
IV, bibliography.] - B. Peter Pindar (John Wolcot)
- Works. With memoir. 5 vols. 1812.
- Lyric Odes to the Royal Academicians. 1782, 1783, 1785.
- The Lousiad. An heroi-comic poem. 5 cantos. 1785–95
- Farewell Odes to Academicians. 1786.
- Bozzy and Piozzi, or the British Biographers. 1786.
- Ode upon Ode, or a Peep at St. James’s. 1787.
- Instructions to a celebrated Laureat. 1787.
- An Epistle to the Emperor of China. 1817.
- Courthope, W. J. On Peter Pindar. History of English Poetry. Vol.
V. 1905. - Hazlitt, W. Peter Pindar. The Atlas, 5 April, 1829. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
XII. 1904. - Hunt, J. H. L. Selections from Wolcot, with critical notice. Wit and Humour. New ed. 1890.
- Reitterer, T. Leben und Werke Peter Pindars. Schipper’s Wiener Beiträge. Vienna, 1900.
- C. The Anti-Jacobin and its Contributors
- The Anti-Jacobin [ed. by Gifford, W.]. 36 nos. 20 November, 1797 to 9 July, 1798. 4th edn. 2 vols. 1799. [As to the contributors of poetry to this periodical, see Edmonds’s edition noted infra. It was succeeded by The Anti-Jacobin Review, ed. by Gifford, John, which, however, had no connection with its predecessor.]
- The Poetry of The Anti-Jacobin. 1799. 4th edn. 1801.
- Poetry of The Anti-Jacobin comprising the celebrated political and satirical poems, parodies, and jeux-d’esprit of the Rt. Hon. George Canning, the Earl of Carlisle, Marquis Wellesley, the Rt. Hon. J. H. Frere, W. Gifford, Esq., the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, G. Ellis, Esq. and others. With explanatory notes by Charles Edmonds. 1852. 2nd edn., with six etchings by James Gillray. 1854. 3rd edn. 1890. [Edmonds, in his preface, assigns the various pieces to their respective authors.]
- Courthope, W. J. On The Anti-Jacobin. History of English Poetry. Vol.
VI. 1910. - Hannay, J. English Political Satires. Quarterly Review, April, 1857. Rptd. in Essays. 1861.
- Hayward, A. The Rt. Hon. George Canning as a man of letters. [Review of Edmonds’s second edn.] Edinburgh Review, July 1858. Rptd. in Biographical and Critical Essays. New Series. Vol.
I. 1873. - George Canning
- Speeches. With a memoir of his life, by Therry, R. 6 vols. 1828.
- Poetical Works. With a biographical memoir of the author. [1823.]
- Parodies and other burlesque pieces. By Canning, G., Ellis, G., and Frere, J. H. With the whole of the poetry of The Anti-Jacobin. Ed. Morley, H. 1890.
- Selections from The Anti-Jacobin, together with some later poems. 1904.
- The Microcosm. A periodical work. By Gregory Griffin. [Ed. by Canning, G., Smith, J., Smith, R. and Frere, J. H.] 40 numbers. Eton, 1787. 4th edn. 2 vols. 1809.
- Bagot, J. George Canning and his friends. 2 vols. 1909.
- Temperley, H. W. V. Life of Canning. 1905.
- George Ellis
- Poetical Tales by Sir Gregory Gander. 1778.
- History of the late Revolution in the Dutch Republic. 1789.
- See, also, ante, Vol. X, Chap.
X, bibliography. - John Hookham Frere
- Works in prose and verse, with memoir by Frere, Sir Bartle, his nephew. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1874.
- The Monks and the Giants. Prospectus and specimen, etc. 1818. 4th edn. 1821.
- The Acharnians, The Knights, and The Birds (of Aristophanes transl.) Malta, 1839.
- The Frogs (of Aristophanes transl.). 1839.
- Theognis restitutus. Malta, 1842.
- Festing, G. J. H. Frere and his friends. 1899.
- William Gifford
- The Baviad. A paraphrastic imitation of the first satire of Persius. 1791.
- The Maeviad. 1795.
- The Baviad and Maeviad. New edn. 1797.
- Epistle to Peter Pindar. 1800.
- The Satires of Juvenal transl. into English verse. 1802.
- The Satires of Persius transl. into English verse. 1821.
- [As to his editions of Massinger, Ben Jonson, Ford, and Shirley, see Vol. VI.]
- Autobiography. Published with his transl. of Juvenal, 1802. Rptd. 1827.
- Hazlitt, W. Letter to W. Gifford (1819). Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
I. 1902. - Southey, C. C. Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey. 6 vols. 1849–50. [Important as describing Gifford as editor of The Quarterly Review.]
- II. T
- A full bibliography (42 pp.) of Cobbett’s writings will be found at the end of vol.
II of L. Melville’s Life and Letters of William Cobbett, 1913. - Works of Peter Porcupine. 12 vols. 1801.
- Selections from his Political Works, by his sons. 6 vols. 1835.
- Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley. 1794.
- Cobbett’s (Weekly) Political Register. 1802–35.
- English Grammar. 1817. Ed. Stephen, H. L. 1906.
- Advice to Young Men. 1829. Rptd. 1906.
- Rural Rides … with economical and political observations. 1830. Rptd., 2 vols. 1909. Ed. Thomas, E. 2 vols. 1912. Selected and ed. Lobban, J. H. Cambridge, 1908.
- Legacy to Parsons. 1835. 5th edn. 1835.
- Carlyle, E. I. William Cobbett. A study of his life as shown in his writings. 1904.
- Gilfillan, G. William Cobbett. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - Hazlitt, W. The Character of Cobbett. Table Talk. Essay
VI. Works. - Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
VI. 1903. - Huish, R. Memoirs of the late William Cobbett. 2 vols. 1836.
- Life. Written by himself. 7th edn. 1816.
- Melville, Lewis. The Life and Letters of William Cobbett in England and America. 2 vols. 1913.
- Saintsbury, G. William Cobbett. Essays in English Literature, 1780–1860. 2nd ser. 1895.
- Smith, Edw. William Cobbett. 2 vols. 1878.
- See, also, as to sources for Cobbett’s biography, Appendix C in E. I. Carlyle’s work mentioned above; and preface to L. Melville’s work, vol.
I. - William Godwin
- Sketches of History in six sermons. 1784.
- An Enquiry concerning Political Justice, and its influence on general virtue. and happiness. 2 vols. 1793. 2nd edn. corrected. 1796.
- Things as they are, or the Adventures of Caleb Williams. 3 vols. 1794. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1796. Rptd. 1839, 1904. Transl. into French. [A play entitled The Iron Chest, founded on Caleb Williams by George Colman, jun., was first acted at Drury Lane in 1796.]
- The Enquirer. Reflections on education, manners, and literature, in a series of essays. 1797. New edn. 1823.
- Memoirs of the author [Mary Wollstonecraft, Mrs. William Godwin] of a Vindication of the rights of Woman. 1798. 2nd edn. 1798.
- St. Leon. A tale of the sixteenth century. 4 vols. 1799. Transl. into French, 1800.
- St. Godwin. A tale of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. By Count Reginald de St. Leon. 1800. [A skit on Godwin’s novel.]
- Antonio. A tragedy in five acts. 1800.
- Thoughts occasioned by Dr. Parr’s Spital Sermon. 1801.
- Life of Geoffrey Chaucer: including memoirs of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. 2 vols. 1803. 2nd edn. 4 vols. 1804.
- Transl. into German, 1812.
- Fleetwood, or the new Man of Feeling. 3 vols. 1805.
- Transl. into French, 1805.
- Faulkener. A tragedy. 1807.
- Essay on Sepulchres. 1809.
- Lives of Edward and John Philips, nephews and pupils of John Milton. To which are added, I. Collections for the life of Milton by John Aubrey, II. The Life of Milton by Edward Philips. 1815.
- Mandeville. A tale of the seventeenth century in England. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1817.
- Transl. into French, 1818.
- Of Population. In answer to Mr. Malthus. 1820.
- History of the Commonwealth of England from its commencement to the Restoration of Charles II. 4 vols. 1824–8.
- Cloudesly. A tale. 1830.
- Thoughts on Man. 1831.
- Deloraine. A novel. 3 vols. 1833.
- Lives of the Necromancers. 1834.
- Essays, never before published. Ed. with a preface by Paul, C. Kegan. 1873.
- As to the children’s books and elementary historical works written by Godwin under the name of Edwin Baldwin, see the Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum.
- Gourg, R. William Godwin, sa vie, ses œuvres principales. 1908.
- Hazlitt, W. William Godwin. The Spirit of the Age. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
IV. 1902. - —— Mr. Godwin. Edinburgh Review, April, 1830. Works. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. Vol.
X. 1904. - Paul, C. K. William Godwin, his friends and contemporaries. 2 vols. 1876.
- Ramus, P. William Godwin der Theoretiker des kommunistischen Anarchismus. Eine biographische Studie mit Auszügen aus seiner Schriften. 1907.
- Saitzeff, H. William Godwin und die Anfänge des Anarchismus im
XVIII. Jahrhundert. 1907. - Simon, Helene. William Godwin und Mary Wollstonecraft. 1909.
- Stephen, Sir. L. History of English thought in the 18th century. 3rd edn. 2 vols. 1902.
- —— William Godwin’s novels. Studies of a Biographer. Vol.
III. 1902. - Thomas Hervey (1698–1775)
- A Letter to Sir Thomas Hanmer. [1741.]
- A Letter to William Pitt. 1746.
- Mr. Hervey’s Letter to the Rev. Sir William Bunbury. [1753.]
- Thomas Paine
- Works. Ed. Conway, M. D. 4 vols. New York, 1894–6.
- Common Sense. 1776. 9th edn., with additions and omissions. 1792.
- The Crisis. Philadelphia, 1776–83.
- The Rights of Man. Pt.
I. 1791. Pt.II. 1792. - The Age of Reason. 1794–5. Pt.
III. 1811. New edn. by Carlile, R. 1819. - Dissertations on the First Principles of Government. 1795.
- Cheetham, James. Life of Thomas Paine. New York, 1809.
- Conway, M. D. The Life of Thomas Paine, with a history of his literary, political, and religious career in America, France, and England. To which is added a sketch of Paine by W. Cobbett (hitherto unpublished). 2 vols. New York, 1892.
- “Oldys, Francis” [i.e., Chalmers, G.]. The Life of Thomas Pain (sic). 1791.
- Robertson, J. M. Thomas Paine. An investigation. 1888.
- Stephen, Sir L. History of English thought in the 18th century. 3rd edn. 2 vols. 1902.
- James Porter (1753–1798)
- Billy Bluff and Squire Firebrand. Belfast, 1796.
- Wind and Weather. Belfast, 1797.
- Samuel Jackson Pratt (1749–1814)
- Liberal Opinions. 6 vols. 1775–7.
- Mary Wollstonecraft (Mrs. William Godwin)
- Posthumous Works. [Ed. by Godwin, W.] 4 vols. 1798. [Vols.
I–II, The Wrongs of Woman; vols.III–IV, Letters and Miscellaneous pieces.] - Select Works abridged by Jebb, Camilla. [1912.]
- Thoughts on the education of daughters. 1787.
- Original Stories from real life. 1788. Illustrated by William [Blake. 1796. Ed. Lucas, E. V. 1906.
- A Vindication of the rights of Man in a letter to Edmund Burke. 1790.
- Elements of Morality for the use of children. Transl. from the German of C. G. Salzmann by Mary Wollstonecraft. 2 vols. 1790. 3rd edn. 3 vols. 1792.
- A Vindication of the rights of Woman. Vol.
I. (No more appeared.) 1792. - Ed. Pennell, E. R. 1892.
- Transl. into French, 1792.
- An Historical and Moral view of the origin and progress of the French Revolution. Vol.
I. (No more appeared.) 1794. - Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. 1796.
- Letters to Imlay, with prefatory memoir by Paul, C. Kegan. 1879.
- Love Letters to Gilbert Imlay. With prefatory memoir by Ingpen, R. 1908.
- A Defence of the character and conduct of the late Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. 1803.
- Pennell, E. R. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. 1885.
- Rauschenbusch-Clough, E. A study of Mary Wollstonecraft and the rights of woman. 1898.
- Taylor, G. R. S. Mary Wollstonecraft. A study in economics and romance. 1911.
- See, also, under William Godwin, ante.
- III. O
RATORS - Charles James Fox
- Speeches in the House of Commons. 6 vols. 1815.
- Letter to the Electors of Westminster. 5th edn. 1793.
- History of the early part of the reign of James II. 1808.
- Landor, W. S. Charles James Fox. A Commentary on his life and character. Ed. Wheeler, S. 1907.
- Mackintosh, Sir J. Character of Fox, printed in Memoirs of the life of Sir J. Mackintosh, ed. by his son. Vol.
I, pp. 322–5. 1835. - Russell, John, 1st earl. The life and times of C. J. Fox. 3 vols. 1859–66.
- —— Memorials and Correspondence of C. J. Fox. 2 vols. 1853.
- Trevelyan, Sir G. O. The early history of C. J. Fox. New edn. 1908.
- —— George III and Charles James Fox. (Concluding part of The American Revolution.) 1912.
- Henry Grattan
- Speeches, ed. by his Son. 4 vols. 1822.
- Miscellaneous Works. 1822.
- Speeches. Ed. Madden, D. O. 2nd edn. Dublin, 1859.
- Dunlop, R. Life of Grattan. 1889.
- Grattan, H. Memoirs of the life and times of Henry Grattan. 5 vols. 1839–46.
- Lecky, W. E. H. Leaders of public opinion in Ireland. 1861. New edn. 2 vols. 1912.
- McCarthy, J. G. Henry Grattan. 1886.
- William Pitt
- Speeches in the House of Commons. 2nd edn. 3 vols. 1808.
- Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. 8 vols. 1878–90.
- Lewis, Sir G. C. Essays on the administrations of Great Britain. 1864.
- Rose, J. H. William Pitt and national revival. 1911.
- —— William Pitt and the Great war (1791–1806). 1911.
- Rosebery, Earl of. Pitt. (Twelve English Statesmen.) 1891.
- Smith, G. Three English Statesmen. 1867.
- Stanhope, Earl. Life of the Rt. Hon. William Pitt. 4 vols. 1861–2.
- Whibley, C. William Pitt. Edinburgh, 1906.
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan
- Speeches. Ed. by a constitutional friend. 5 vols. 1816.
- Speeches of the managers and counsel in the trial of Warren Hastings. Ed. Bond, E. A. 4 vols. 1859–61. (Contains the Speeches of Sheridan, as well as those of Burke and Fox.)
- Moore, T. Memoirs of the life of the Rt. Hon. R. B. Sheridan. 2 vols. 1825.
- Wraxall, Sir N. W. Historical and Posthumous Memoirs, 1772–90. Ed. Wheatley, H. B. 5 vols. 1884.
- See, also, post, Chap.
XII, bibliography.
A. T. B.