The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume XI. The Period of the French Revolution.
- I. C
- Works. 8 vols. 1792–1827. (Vols.
IV–VIII, ed. King, W., bishop of Rochester.) - Works. Ed. by Laurence, F. and King, W. 16 vols. 1803–27.
- Works. 9 vols. Boston, 1839. Revised, 12 vols. 1865–7.
- Works and Correspondence. 8 vols. 1852.
- Works. 6 vols. Speeches. 2 vols. (Bohn.) 1854–5.
- Select Works: 1. Thoughts on the present discontents and Speeches on America. 2. Reflections on the French Revolution. 3. Four Letters on the Regicide Peace. Ed. Payne, E. J. Oxford, 1874–8.
- B. Speeches and Letters
- Speeches in the House of Commons and in Westminster Hall. 4 vols. 1816.
- Epistolary correspondence of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke and Dr. French Laurence. 1827.
- Correspondence between 1744 and 1797. Edd. Fitzwilliam, Earl, and Bourke, Sir R. 4 vols. 1844.
- Letters, Speeches, and Tracts on Irish affairs. Ed. Arnold, M. 1881.
- American Speeches and Letters. Ed. Law, Hugh. (Everyman’s Library.) 1908.
- Correspondence of Edmund Burke and William Windham. Ed. Gilson, J. P. (Roxburghe Club.) 1910.
- II. S
EPARATE WORKS - A Vindication of Natural Society in a Letter to Lord——, by a late Noble Writer. 1756. Rptd. Oxford, 1796; London, 1858.
- A Philosophical Enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful. 1756.
- Transl. into French, 1803; German, 1773; and Spanish, 1807.
- An Account of the European settlements in America. (Burke revised and contributed to this work, which was probably written by William Burke.) 2 vols. 1757.
- The Annual Register. 1759, etc. (Burke supplied or inspired the annual survey of events. Some of these surveys were printed in a separate form in 1763 as A Compleat History of the late War.)
- A Short Account of a Short Administration. 1766.
- Observations on a late State of the Nation. 1769.
- Thoughts on the cause of the present Discontents. 1770.
- Observations on Modern Gardening illustrated by descriptions. (Attributed to Burke, but really by Whately, T.) 1770.
- A Speech on American taxation. 1774.
- Transl. into German, 1864.
- A Speech on moving his resolutions for conciliation with the Colonies. 1775.
- Transl. into German, 1864.
- A Letter from E. Burke … on the affairs of America. 1777.
- Two Letters to gentlemen in Bristol on the Bills depending in Parliament relative to the trade of Ireland. 1778.
- The Substance of Speeches (15 Dec., 1779) on Mr. Burke’s giving notice of his intention to bring in a Bill for the retrenchment of public expences. 1779.
- A Speech on presenting to the House of Commons (11 Feb., 1780) a plan for the better securing the independence of Parliament. 1780.
- A Speech at the Guildhall in Bristol upon certain points relative to his parliamentary conduct. 1780.
- A Letter to a Peer of Ireland [Viscount Kenmare] on the Penal Laws. 1782. Ed. Clifford, H. C. 1824.
- A Speech on Mr. Fox’s East India Bill. 1784.
- A Representation to His Majesty moved by E. Burke and seconded by W. Windham, 14 June, 1784. 1784.
- A Speech on the Nabob of Arcot’s private debts, 28 Feb., 1785. 1785.
- Articles of charge of high crimes and misdemeanors against Warren Hastings. 1786.
- Reflections on the Revolution in France. 1790. 11th edn. 1791. Ed. Sampson, G. 1905. Ed., with contingent essays, by Grieve, A. J. (Everyman’s Library.) 1910.
- Transl. into French, 1790; German, 1793; and Spanish, Mexico, 1826.
- Substance of Speech in the debate on the Army estimates, 9 Feb., 1790. 1790.
- A Letter to a Member of the National Assembly; in answer to some objections to his book on French Affairs. 1791.
- Transl. into French, 1791; and Italian, 1793.
- An Appeal from the new to the old Whigs. 1791.
- A Letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe on the subject of the Roman Catholics of Ireland. 1792.
- A Letter to a Noble Lord on the attacks made upon him and his pension in the House of Lords by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale. 1796. 13th edn. 1796.
- Transl. into French, 1796; and German, 1796.
- Thoughts on the prospect of a Peace with the Regicide Directory. Letters I and II. 1796. 11th edn. 1796.
- Transl. into French.
- A Third Letter on a Regicide Peace. 1797. (Posthumous. The Fourth Letter was published for the first time in the collective editions, see sect.
I A. ) - Two Letters on the conduct of our domestick parties. 1797.
- A Letter to the Duke of Portland on the conduct of the Minority in Parliament. 1797.
- III. C
ONTEMPORARY CRITICS - Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft. See bibiography to Chap.
II, post. - Hardinge, G. (1743–1816). Miscellaneous Works. 3 vols. 1818.
- —— Rowley and Chatterton in the Shades. 1782.
- —— A series of letters to the Rt. Hon. E. Burke in which are contained enquiries into the constitutional existence of an impeachment against Mr. Hastings. 1791. 3rd edn. 1791.
- —— Essence of Malone. 1800.
- —— Another Essence of Malone. 1801.
- Macaulay, Mrs. C. (1731–1791). Observations on the Reflections of Burke on the Revolution in France. 1790.
- Mackintosh, Sir J. See bibliography to Chap.
III, post, - Paine, T. See bibliography to Chap.
II, post. - Price, Richard. See ante, Vol. X, Chap.
XIV, bibliography. - Priestley, J. Letters to Burke occasioned by his Reflections on the French Revolution. 1791.
- See, also, ante, Vol. X, Chap.
XIV, bibliography. - Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, 3rd earl (1753–1816). Letter to Burke in answer to his speech on the French Revolution. 1790.
- IV. B
IOGRAPHY AND CRITICISM - Bisset, R. The Life of Edmund Burke. 1798. 2 vols. 1800.
- Buckle, H. T. History of civilisation in England. Vol.
I. New edn. 1871. - Capadose, I. Edmund Burke. Overzigt van het leven en de schriften van een anti-revolutionair Staatsman. Amsterdam, 1857.
- Cecil, Lord Hugh. Conservatism. [1912.]
- Croly, G. A Memoir of the political life of the Rt. Hon. E. Burke. 1840.
- Dilke, C. W. Burke. Papers of a Critic. Vol.
II. 1875. - Extracts from Mr. Burke’s Table-Talk at Crewe Hall. Philobiblon Soc. Miscellanies. Vol.
VII. 1862–3. - Gilfillan, G. Edmund Burke. Galleries of literary portraits. Vol.
II. 1857. - Hunt, W. Burke. D. of N. B. Vol.
VII. 1886. - McCormick, C. Memoirs of E. Burke. 1797.
- McCunn, J. The political philosophy of Burke. 1913.
- Macknight, T. History of the life and times of Edmund Burke. 3 vols. 1858–60.
- Meusel, F. Edmund Burke und die französische Revolution. Berlin, 1913.
- Morley, J. (Viscount Morley of Blackburn). Edmund Burke. A historical study. 1867. Rptd. 1893.
- —— Burke. (English Men of Letters Series.) 1879. Rptd. 1888.
- Napier, Sir J. Edmund Burke. A lecture. Dublin, 1863. Rptd. in Lectures, Essays and Letters. 1888.
- Pillans, T. D. Edmund Burke: Apostle of Justice and Liberty. 1905.
- Prior, Sir J. Memoir of the life and character of the Rt. Hon. E. Burke. 1824. 5th edn. 1854.
- Weare, G. E. Edmund Burke’s connection with Bristol, 1774–80. Bristol, 1894.
- Windham Papers. With introduction by the Earl of Rosebery. 2 vols. 1913.
A. T. B.