The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume VIII. The Age of Dryden.
- A. P
- The Forc’d Marriage, or the Jealous Bridegroom. A tragicomedy. 1671, 1688.
- The Amorous Prince, or the Curious Husband. A comedy, acted at the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1671.
- Abdelazar, or the Moor’s Revenge. A tragedy, acted at the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1671, 1677.
- The Dutch Lover. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1673.
- The Rover, or the Banished Cavaliers. A comedy, acted at his Royal Highness the Duke’s Theatre. 1677.
- The Debauchee, or the Credulous Cuckold. A comedy, acted at the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1677.
- The Town-Fopp, or Sir Timothy Tawdrey. A comedy, acted at his Royal Highness the Duke’s Theatre. 1677.
- Sir Patient Fancy. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1678, 1681.
- The Feign’d Curtizans, or a Night’s Intrigue. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1679.
- The Second Part of The Rover, [a comedy] acted by the Servants of his Royal Highness. 1681.
- The Round-Heads, or the Good Old Cause. A comedy, acted at his Royal Highness the Duke’s Theatre. 1682.
- The City Heiress, or Sir Timothy Treatall. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1682.
- The False Count, or A New Way to Play an Old Game. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1682.
- The Young King, or the Mistake. A tragicomedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1683, 1698.
- The Lucky Chance, or the Alderman’s Bargain. A comedy, acted by their Majesties’ Servants. 1686.
- Emperor of the Moon. A farce, acted by their Majesties’ Servants at the Queen’s Theatre. 1687.
- The Widow Ranter, or the History of Bacon in Virginia. A tragicomedy, acted by their Majesties’ Servants. 1690.
- The Younger Brother, or the Amorous Jilt. A comedy. Ed. Gildon, C. 1696.
- The Plays of Mrs. Aphra Behn. 2 vols. 1702, 1716. 4 vols. 1724. [Contains all of the foregoing plays except The Debauchee.]
- The Plays, Histories, and Novels of the Ingenious Mrs. Aphra Behn. With a Life and Memoir. 6 vols. 1871.
- Sir George Digby, Earl of Bristol
- Elvira, or the Worst not always True. A comedy written by a person of quality. 1667, 1685. Rptd. in Hazlitt’s Dodsley, vol.
XV. - Sir Aston Cokain (1608–1684)
- The Obstinate Lady. A comedy. 1657; and 1658 with the author’s Poems.
- Dramatic Works. With prefatory memoir, introduction and notes by Maidment, J. and Logan, W. H. Edinburgh and London. 1874.
- Abraham Cowley
- See, also, bibliography to Vol. VII, Chap.
III. - Love’s Riddle. A pastoral comedy. 1638.
- Naufragium Joculare, comoedia, publice coram Academicis acta, in collegio S.S et individuae Trinitatis. 1638.
- These two plays were published in one volume.
- The Guardian. A comedy. Acted before Prince Charles at Trinity College, Cambridge, the 12th of March, 1641. 1650.
- Cutter of Coleman Street. A comedy. 1663. [This is a new version of The Guardian.]
- Robert Cox and Francis Kirkman
- The Wits or Sport upon Sport in select pieces of drollery digested into scenes by way of dialogue. Together with variety of Humours of several nations, fitted for the pleasure and content of all persons, either in court, city, country or camp. 1662, 1672, 1673.
- Sir William D’Avenant
- For a bibliography of the plays and masques of D’Avenant, performed before the closing of the theatres, see Vol. VI, pp. 508, 509 and 546.
- The Siege of Rhodes. Made a Representation by the Art of Prospective in Scenes, and the Story sung in Recitative Musick. At the back part of Rutland House in the upper end of Aldergate Street, London. 1656, 1659.
- The first dayes Entertainment at Rutland House, by declamations and musick after the manner of the ancients. 1657.
- The Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru, expressed by instrumental and vocal musick and by art of perspective in scenes. Represented daily at the Cockpit in Drury Lane at three afternoon punctually. 1658.
- The History of Sir Francis Drake expressed by Instrumental and Vocal Musick and by Art of Perspective in Scenes. The First Part. Represented daily at the Cock-pit in Drury Lane at Three Afternoon punctually. 1659. [No second part is known; but both this and the play above form portions of The Playhouse to be Let and are thus reprinted in the folio of 1673.]
- The Siege of Rhodes. The first and second part. As they were lately represented at his Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. The first part being lately enlarged. 1663, 1670.
- The Rivals. A comedy. Acted by his Highness’ the Duke of York’s Servants. 1668.
- The Man’s the Master. A comedy, written by Sir William D’Avenant, In the Savoy. 1669, 1673, 1775.
- The Tempest, or the Enchanted Island. A comedy. [Altered by Dryden and D’Avenant.] As it is now acted at his Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre. See bibliography to Chap.
VI, post, under Shadwell (1). - Macbeth, A Tragedy; with all the Alterations, Amendments, Additions and New Songs as it is now acted at the Theatre Royal. 1673, 1687, 1695, 1710.
- Julius Caesar. A tragedy (altered from Shakespeare). 1719. [This on the authority of Maidment and Logan, Works of D’Avenant, vol. 1, p. x.]
- The Works of Sir William D’Avenant, Kt. Consisting of those which were formerly printed and those which he designed for the press, now published out of the Author’s Originall Copies. 1673.
- [This folio contains, besides the works given above, the following dramas: The Play-house to be Let, The Unfortunate Lovers, The Wits, Love and Honor, The Law Against Lovers, The Platonic Lovers, The Tragedy of Albovine, King of the Lombards, The Just Italian, The Cruel Brother, News from Plymouth, The Distresses, The Siege, and The Fair Favorite.]
- Dramatic Works, with Prefatory Memoir and Notes. Edd. Maidment, J. and Logan, W. H. 5 vols. Edinburgh and London, 1872–4.
- Love and Honour and The Siege of Rhodes. Ed. Tupper, J. W. Boston, 1909.
- Sir George Etherege
- The Comical Revenge, or Love in a Tub. A comedy acted at his Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. 1664. A second edition appeared in the same year; others in 1667, 1669, 1689, 1690, 1723.
- She Would if She Could. A comedy, acted at his Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1668, 1671, 1693.
- The Man of Mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter. A comedy acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1676, 1733.
- The Works of Sir George Etheredge containing his Plays and Poems. 1704, 1715, 1735.
- Works. Ed., with introduction, by Verity, A. W. 1888.
- Henry, Viscount Falkland
- The Marriage Night. Written by the Lord Viscount Falkland. 1664. Rptd. in Dodsley’s Old Plays, ed. 1744, and in subsequent editions.
- Sir Robert Howard
- The Blind Lady. A comedy. In Poems, etc. 1660.
- The Surprisal, The Committee. Two comedies. With the Indian Queen and The Vestal Virgin. Tragedies. As they were acted by his Majesty’s Servants. 1665, 1692.
- The Committee was rptd. separately in 1710, and frequently since in modern collections: The British Theatre, vol.
III, 1791; Modern British Theatre, vol.III, 1811; and New English Theatre, vol.V, 1775. - The Great Favourite, or the Duke of Lerma. 1668.
- Henry Killigrew
- The Conspiracy. A Tragedy, 1638. [A surreptitious edition. The play was subsequently rewritten and published as]
- Pallantius and Eudora. A tragedie. 1658.
- Thomas Killigrew
- The Prisoners and Claracilla. Two tragae-Comedies. As they were presented at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane by her Majesties Servants. 1641.
- Comedies and Tragedies written by Thomas Killigrew, Page of Honour to King Charles I and Groom of the Bed-Chamber to King Charles the Second. 1664.
- [This folio contains, besides the two plays above, the tragicomedies; Bellamira her Dream, a comedy; The Pilgrim, a tragedy; The Princess, a tragicomedy, and Thomaso, or the Wanderer, a comedy in two parts.]
- Sir William Killigrew
- Three Playes, written by Sir William Killigrew, Vice Chamberlain to her Majesty the Queen Consort, viz.: Selindra, Pandora, Ormasdes. 1664, 1674.
- Four new plays, viz.: The Seege of Urbin, Selindra, Love and Friendship, tragycomedies. Pandora, a comedy. 1666.
- John Lacy
- The Dumb Lady, or the Farrier Made Physician. A comedy. 1672.
- The Old Troop, or Monsieur Ragout. A comedy acted at the Theatre Royal, 1672, 1698.
- Sir Hercules Buffoon, or the Poetical Squire. A comedy acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1684.
- Sawney the Scot, or the Taming of the Shrew. A comedy acted at Drury Lane. 1698, 1708, 1714.
- Dramatic Works. With prefatory memoir and notes by Maidment, J. and Logan, W. H. Edinburgh and London, 1875.
- Shakerley Marmion
- Dramatic Works of Shackerley Marmion. Edd. Maidment, J. and Logan, W. H. Edinburgh and London, 1875.
- Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
- Playes written by … the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle. 1662. [Contains twenty-one plays.]
- Plays never before printed. 1668. [Contains five plays.]
- William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle
- The Country Captaine. A comoedye lately presented by his Majesties Servants at the Blackfreyers. 1649.
- The Varietie. A comedy lately presented by his Majesties Servants at the BlackFriers. 1649.
- [These two plays are usually bound together.]
- Sir Martin Mar-all, or the Feign’d Innocence. A comedy [rewritten] by J. Dryden. Acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1668, 1678, 1691.
- The Humorous Lovers. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1677.
- The Triumphant Widow, or the Medley of Humours. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1677.
- Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery
- Mr. Anthony. A comedy. As it was acted by their Majesties Servants. 1690, 1704.
- Guzman. A comedy. 1693.
- Six plays, viz.: The History of Henry V and the tragedy of Mustapha, the Black Prince and Tryphon tragedies, Herod the Great a tragedy and Guzman a comedy. 1694.
- Altemira. A tragedy. 1702.
- The Dramatic Works of Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery. To which is added a comedy entituled As You Find It, by the Honourable Charles Boyle Esq. 2 vols. 1739. [Contains Guzman, but not Mr. Anthony.]
- Edward Ravenscroft
- The Citizen Turned Gentleman. A comedy acted at Dorset Gardens. 1672.
- Afterwards called Mamamuchi and printed with this title, 1675.
- The Careless Lovers. A comedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1673.
- Scaramouch, a Philosopher, Harlequin, a School-boy, Bravo, Merchant and Magician. A comedy, acted at the Theatre Royal. 1677.
- King Edgar and Alfreda. A tragicomedy, acted at the Theatre Royal. 1677.
- The Wrangling Lovers, or the Invisible Mistress. A comedy acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1677.
- The English Lawyer. A comedy acted at the Theatre Royal. 1678.
- London Cuckolds. A comedy acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1682.
- Dame Dobson, or the Cunning Woman. A comedy acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1684.
- Titus Andronicus, or the Rape of Lavinia. A tragedy altered from Mr. Shakespear’s Works. 1686.
- The Canterbury Guests, or a Bargain Broken. A comedy acted at the Theatre Royal. 1695.
- The Anatomist, or the Sham Doctor. A comedy. 1697, 1722. Rptd. in Bell’s British Theatre, vol. 1, 1784, and in the British Stage, Farces, vol. 1, 1786.
- The Italian Husband. A tragedy, acted at Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. 1698.
- Sir Charles Sedley
- The Mulberry Garden. A comedy, acted by his Majesty’s Servants at the Theatre Royal. 1668, 1675, 1688.
- Antony and Cleopatra. A tragedy, acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1677.
- Bellamira, or the Mistress. A comedy, acted by their Majesties’ Servants. 1687.
- The Works of Sir Charles Sedley. 2 vols. 1722, 1778.
- The Dramatic Works of Sir Charles Sedley. 2 vols. 1776.
- Sir Robert Stapylton
- The Slighted Maid. A comedy, acted at Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. 1663.
- The Stepmother. A tragicomedy, Acted at Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields. 1664.
- The Tragedie of Hero and Leander. 1669.
- Works, Dramatic and Other, of Sir Robert Stapylton. 1663.
- John Tatham
- Love Crownes the End. A Pastorall presented by the Scollees [sic] of Bingham in the County of Notingham, in the yeare 1632. 1640.
- The Distracted State. A tragedy. Written in the year 1641 by J. T. Gent. 1651.
- The Scots Figgaries, or a Knot of Knaves. A comedy. 1652.
- The Rump, or the Mirrour of the Late Times. A new comedy acted at Dorset Court. 1660, 1661.
- Dramatic Works. With introduction and notes by Maidment, J. and Logan, W. H. Edinburgh and London, 1879.
- Sir Samuel Tuke
- The Adventures of Five Hours, A tragicomedy. 1663, 1664, 1671, 1704. Rptd. in Dodsley’s Old Plays, ed. 1744, and later eds.
- John Wilson
- The Cheats. A comedy, written in the year 1662. 1664, 1671, 1684, 1693.
- Andronicus Comnenius. A tragedy. 1664.
- The Projectors. A comedy. 1665.
- Belphegor, or the Marriage of the Devil. A tragi-comedy. Lately acted at[char]the Queen’s Theatre in Dorset-Garden. 1691.
- Dramatic Works. With memoir and notes by Maidment, J. and Logan, W. H. Edinburgh and London, 1874.
- William Wycherley
- Love in a Wood or St. James’s Park. A comedy, as it is acted by their Majesties Servants. 1671, 1694, 1711.
- The Gentleman Dancing-Master. A comedy acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1673, 1693, 1702.
- The Country-Wife. A comedy acted at the Theatre Royal. 1675, 1688.
- The Plain Dealer. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal. 1677 (three eds.), 1681, 1686, 1691, 1694, 1700, 1709.
- Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Farquhar, and Vanbrugh. Ed. Hunt, Leigh. 1840.
- Plays. Ed. with introduction and notes, by Ward, W. C. (Mermaid Series.) 1888.
- B. C
OMEDIES BY OTHER WRITERS - For the plays of Shadwell and Crowne, see bibliographies to Chaps.
VI andVII. - Arrowsmith. The Reformation. A comedy. Acted at the Duke’s Theatre. 1673.
- Bulteel, J. Amorous Orontus, or Love in Fashion. A comedy in heroic verse. 1665.
- Duffet, Thomas. The Spanish Rogue. A comedy. As it was acted by his Majesty’s Servants. 1674.
- —— Mock Tempest, or the Enchanted Castle. A farce. Acted at the Theatre-Royal. 1675.
- Fane, Sir Francis. Love in the Dark, or the Man of Business. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal by his Majesty’s Servants. 1675.
- —— Sacrifice. A tragedy. 1686, 1687.
- Flecknoe, Richard. Demoiselles à la Mode. A comedy. 1667.
- Howard, Edward. Six Days’ Adventures, or the New Utopia. A comedy. Acted at his Royal Highness the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1671.
- —— The Man of Newmarket. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal. 1678.
- —— All Mistaken, or the Mad Couple. A comedy. Acted by his Majesties Servants at the Theatre-Royal, 1672. Rptd. in Dodsley’s Old Plays, ed. 1744.
- —— The English Monsieur. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal by his Majesties Servants. 1674.
- Jordan, Thomas. Money is an Ass. A comedy. 1668.
- Maidwell, Laurence. The Loving Enemies. A comedy. As it was acted at the Duke of York’s Theatre. 1680.
- [Southland, T.] Love à la Mode. A comedy “acted at Middlesex House.” By a person of honour. 1663.
- St. Serfe, Sir Thomas. Tarugo’s Wiles, or the Coffee-House. A comedy. As it was acted at his Highness the Duke of York’s theatre. 1668.
- The Mistaken Husband. A comedy by a person of quality. Acted at the Theatre Royal. 1675.
- C. B
IOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL WORKS - Arber, E. The Term Catalogue, 1668–1709 A.D. A contemporary Bibliography of English Literature in the Reigns of Charles II, James II, William and Mary, and Anne. Ed. Arber, E. 3 vols. 1903–6.
- Aronstein, P. Samuel Pepys und seine Zeit. Die neueren Sprachen, Zeitschrift für den neusprachlichen Unterricht, vol.
VII. Marburg, 1899–1900. - Behn, A. The History of the Life and Memoirs of. Written by one of the fair sex. First prefixed to the Collected Edition of Mrs. Behn’s Works, ed. 1702. Rptd. in the ed. of 1871.
- Beljame, A. Le Public et Les Hommes de Lettres en Angleterre au dix-huitième Siècle. Paris, 1883.
- ? Betterton, T. The History of the English Stage from the Restoration to the Present Times. 1741. [Probably not by Betterton.]
- Biographia Britannica, or the Lives of the Most Eminent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland. 6 vols. 1747.
- Campbell, K. Notes on D’Avenant’s Life. Modern Language Notes, vol.
XVIII. Baltimore, U. S. A., 1903. - —— The Source of The Siege of Rhodes. In the same, vol.
XIII, 1898. - Canfield, D. F. Corneille and Racine in England. 1904.
- Charlanne, L. L’Influence Française en Angleterre au dix-septième Siècle. Paris, 1906.
- Churchill, G. B. The Relation of Dryden’s State of Innocence to Milton’s Paradise Lost and Wycherley’s Plain Dealer. An inquiry into Dates. Modern Philology, vol.
IV. 1906–7. - Cibber, C. Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland. 1753.
- Clément, F. and Larousse, P. Dictionnaire des Opéras. Paris [n.d.].
- Courthope, W. J. History of English Poetry. 6 vols. 1895–1910. [Especially vol.
IV, chap.XIII. ] - Davey, H. History of English Music. 1895.
- Dibdin, C. A Complete History of the English Stage. 5 vols. 1800.
- Doran, J. Their Majesties’ Servants. Annals of the English Stage from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Keene. 2nd ed. 1865.
- Downes, J. Roscius Anglicanus, or an Historical Review of the Stage. 1709. New ed. by Davies, T. 1789.
- Ebsworth, J. W. Westminster Drolleries. 1671, 1672. Rptd., with an introduction, 1875.
- Edwards, H. S. History of the Opera. 2 vols. 1862.
- Elze, K. Sir William Davenant. Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vol.
IV. 1869. - Evelyn, J. Diary. Ed. Dobson, A. 3 vols. 1906.
- Fleay, F. G. A Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama. 2 vols. 1891. [Sections D’Avenant, the Killigrews, etc.]
- Gardiner, S. R. History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate. 2 vols., ed. 1897.
- Gaw, A. The Adventures of Five Hours by Sir Samuel Tuke. A study in the History of the Early Restoration Drama. Unpublished Thesis in the Library of the University of Pennsylvania. 1908.
- Genest, J. Some Account of the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. 10 vols. Bath, 1832.
- Gosse, E. Seventeenth Century Studies. A contribution to the History of English Poetry. 3rd ed. 1897. [Sir George Etherege, pp. 259–98.]
- Grisy, R. A. de. Histoire de la Comédie Anglaise au dix-septième Siècle. Paris, 1878.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. A Collection of Ancient Documents respecting the Office of the Master of the Revels and other papers relating to early English theatres. 1870.
- Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the English Comic Writers. First published 1819. Collected works of William Hazlitt. Edd. Waller, A. R. and Glover, A. 12 vols. 1902–4.
- Hazlitt, W. C. Collections and Notes, 1867–76. 1876.
- —— The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543–1664. Illustrated by a series of Documents, Treatises and Poems. (Roxburghe Library.) 1869.
- —— Manual for the collector and amateur of old English plays. 1892.
- Klette, J. William Wycherley’s Leben und dramatische Werke mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Wycherley als Plagiator Molière’s. Münster, 1883.
- Krause, E. Abriss der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Oper. Hamburg, 1891.
- Langbaine, G. An Account of the English Dramatic Poets. 1691. Revised and extended by Gildon, C., as The Lives of the Poets, 1699; by Baker, D. E., as The Companion to the Playhouse, 1764; as Biographia Dramatica, by Reed, I., 1782; and by Jones, S., 4 vols., 1812.
- Lavoix, H. La Musique Française. Paris, 1891.
- Lissner, M. Sir Charles Sedley’s Leben und Werke. Anglia, vol.
XXVIII, pp. 145–254. 1905. - Longueville, T. Rochester and Other Literary Rakes of the Court of Charles II with some account of their Surroundings. 1903.
- Lowe, R. W. Bibliographical account of English dramatic literature. 1888.
- Macaulay, T. B. Art. Leigh Hunt. The Dramatic Works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. Edinburgh Review, January, 1841. Republished in his Essays.
- Malone, E. Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the English Stage and the Economy and Usages of our Ancient Theatres. Printed in vol.
III of Malone’s edition of Works of Shakespeare, 1821. - Meindl, V. Sir George Etheredge, sein Leben, seine Zeit und seine Dramen. Wiener Beiträge zur englischen Philologie, vol.
XIV. 1901. - Meyers, C. L. Opera in England from 1656 to 1728. Western Reserve Bulletin, vol.
IX, no. 5. Cleveland, Ohio, 1906. - Morgan, A. William Shakespeare’s Literary Executor (D’Avenant). Magazine of American History,
XVI. New York, 1886. - Mulert, A. Pierre Corneille auf der englischen Bühne und in der englischen Übersetzungs-Literatur des siebenzehnten Jahrhunderts. Münchener Beiträge, vol.
XVIII. 1900. - Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of. A true Relation of the Birth, Breeding and Life of Margaret Cavendish, written by herself. With a Critical Preface by Sir Egerton Brydges, Lee Priory, Kent. 1814. Reprinted from Nature’s Pictures Drawn by Fancie’s Pencil. 1656.
- —— The Life of the thrice noble … William Cavendish, Duke, Marques and Earl of Newcastle. 1667, 1675.
- —— The Life of William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle, to which is added the Life of Margaret Duchess of Newcastle. Ed. Firth, C. H. 1886.
- Nuitter, C. and Thoinan, E. Les Origines de l’Opéra Français. Paris, 1886.
- On the Poets and Actors in King Charles II’s Reign. The Gentleman’s Magazine, vol.
XV. 1745. - Parry, C. H. H. The Music of the Seventeenth Century. The Oxford History of Music, vol.
III. Oxford, 1902. - Pepys, Samuel, The Diary of. Ed., with additions, Wheatley, H. B. 9 vols. 1897–9.
- Saint-Évremond, C. de M. de St. Denis. (Euvres Meslées de M. de Saint-Évremond. Publiées sur les Manuscrits de l’Auteur. Londres. 2 vols. 1705.
- —— The Works of Monsieur de St. Évremond. Made English from the French Original, with the Author’s Life by Des Maizeaux, P., 3 vols. 1714.
- Saintsbury, G. Saint-Évremond. Miscellaneous Essays. 2nd ed. 1895.
- Siegel, P. Aphra Behn’s Gedichte und Prosawerke. Anglia, vol.
XXV, pp. 86–128, 329–85. 1902. - Siegert, E. Roger Boyle, Earl of Orrery und seine Dramen. Zur Geschichte des heroischen Dramas in England. Wiener Beiträge,
XXIII. 1906. - Sieper, E. Die Geschichte von Soliman und Perseda in der neueren Litteratur. Weimar, 1895.
- Ward, A. W. History of English Dramatic Literature. 2nd ed. 1899. [Especially vol.
III, chap.IX. ] - Wright, J. Historia Histrionica, a Dialogue on the Old Drama. 1699. Rptd. in Hazlitt’s Dodsley, vol.
XV. - D. S
PANISH INFLUENCES ON ENGLISH DRAMA - Bahlsen, L. Eine Comödie Fletchers, ihre spanische Quelle. Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Jahresbericht der sechsten städtischen Realschule zu Berlin. 1894.
- —— Spanische Quellen der dramatischen Litteratur besonders Englands zu Shakespeare’s Zeit. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. N. F. vol.
VI. 1893. - Becker, G. Spanisches und englisches Drama. Note in Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vol.
XLVI. 1910. - Fitzmaurice-Kelly, J. Introduction to his Translation of Cervantes’ Exemplary Novels. 1902.
- —— The Relations between Spanish and English Literature. Liverpool, 1910.
- —— The History of Don Quixote. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes by Thomas Shelton. With Introductions. 4 vols. (Tudor Translations.) 1896.
- —— Littérature Espagnole. Trans. by Davray. 1904.
- Hume, M. Some Spanish Influences in Elizabethan Literature. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdoms, 2nd Series, vol.
XXIX. 1909. - —— Spanish Influence on English Literature. 1905. [Especially chap.
IX, The Spanish Theatre and the English Dramatists.] - Koeppel, E. Quellen-Studien zu den Dramen Beaumont und Fletchers. Münchener Beiträge,
XI. 1895. - Lawrence, W. J. A Forgotten Restoration Playhouse. Englische Studien, vol.
XXXV. Leipzig, 1905. - Murch, H. S. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. Ed. with introduction, notes and glossary. (Yale Studies in English.) New York, 1908.
- Perott, J. de. Eine spanische Parallele zu Love’s Labour’s Lost; and Shakespeare und die Reali di Francia. Two notes in Jahrbuch der deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, vol.
XLIV. 1909. - Rapp, C. M. Studien über das englische Theater. Tübingen, 1862.
- Rosenbach, A. S. W. The Curious Impertinent in English Drama. Modern Language Notes,
XVII. 1902. [Part of a larger, as yet unpublished, study, Spanish Sources of Beaumont and Fletcher.] - Schevill, R. On the Influence of Spanish Literature upon English in the Early Seventeenth Century. Romanische Forschungen, vol.
XX. 1907. [Contains an admirable summary of the history of opinion on this topic.] - Siegel, P. Aphra Behn’s Gedichte und Prosawerke. Anglia, vol.
XXV. Halle, 1902. - Stiefel, A. L. Die Nachahmung spanischer Komödien in England unter den ersten Stuarts. Romanische Forschungen, vol.
V. 1890. - —— Die Nachahmung spanischer Komödien in England; und Über die Quelle von Fletchers Island Princess. (Herrig’s) Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen, vols.
XCIX andCIII. 1897, 1899. - Ticknor, G. History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 1849.
- Underhill, J. G. Spanish Literature in the England of the Tudors. (Columbia University Thesis.) New York, 1899.