The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Volume III. Renascence and Reformation.
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RIGINAL EDITIONS - (1) ¶ A Hundreth sundrie Flowres bounde up in one small Poesie. Gathered partely (by translation) in the fyne outlandish Gardins of Euripides, Ovid, Petrarke, Ariosto, and others: and partly by invention, out of our owne fruitefull Orchardes in Englande: Yelding sundrie sweete savours of Tragical, Comical, and Morall Discourses, bothe pleasaunt and profitable to the well smellyng noses of learned Readers. Meritum petere, grave. At London, Imprinted for Richarde Smith. [1573.] [This edition contains Supposes, Jocasta, A pleasant discourse of the adventures of master F. J., Gascoines last voyage into Holland, Dan Bartholmew of Bathe, and a large number of shorter poems, all of which, with four exceptions, are included in the following.]
- (2) The Posies of George Gascoigne Esquire. Corrected, perfected, and augmented by the Author. 1575. Tam Marti, quàm Mercurio. ¶Imprinted At London by H. Bynneman for Richard Smith. These Bookes are to be solde at the North-west dore of Paules Church. [Another issue of this edition, with slight variations in the text, has a different title. Instead of Imprinted etc. it reads: “Printed at London for Richard Smith, and are to be solde at the Northweast doore of Paules Church.” The contents of this edition are substantially the same as the above, with the addition of Dulce bellum inexpertis, The fruite of Fetters and Certayne notes of Instruction concerning the making of verse or ryme in English.]
- (3) ¶ The Glasse of Governement. A tragicall Comedie so entituled, bycause therein are handled as well the rewardes for Vertues, as also the punishment for Vices. Done by George Gascoigne Esquier. 1575. Blessed are they that feare the Lorde, their children shalbe as the braunches of Olive trees rounde about their table. Seen and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Queenes majesties Injunctions. ¶ Imprinted at London for C. Barker.
- (4) The Steele Glas. A Satyre cõpiled by George Gascoigne Esquire. Togither with The Complainte of Phylomene. An Elegie devised by the same Author. Tam Marti, quàm Mercurio. Printed for Richard Smith. [Epistle Dedicatory dated 15 April 1576.]
- (5) The Droomme of Doomes day. Wherin the frailties and miseries of mans lyfe, are lyvely portrayed, and learnedly set forth. Decided, as appeareth in the Page next following. Translated and collected by George Gascoigne Esquyer. Tam Marti, quam Mercurio. Imprinted at London, for Gabriell Cawood: dwelling in Paules Churchyard, at the signe of the holy Ghost. 1576. [Dedication, 2 May, 1576.]
- (6) A Delicate Diet, for daintie mouthde Droonkardes. Wherein the fowle abuse of common Carowsing, and Quaffing with hartie draughtes, is honestlie Admonished. By George Gascoyne, Esquier. Tam Marti quam Mercurio. Imprinted at London by Richard Jhones. Aug. 22. 1576. [Dedication, 10 August, 1576.]
- (7) The Princelye pleasures, at the Courte at Kenelwoorth. That is to saye. The Copies of all such verses Proses, or Poeticall inventions, and other Devices of pleasure, as were there devised, and presented by sundry Gentle men, before the Quenes Majestie: In the yeare 1575. Imprinted at London by Rychard Jhones and are to be solde without Newgate over against Saint Sepulchers Church. 1576. [For Robert Laneham description of the festivities, see ed. Furnivall, F. J., Ballad Soc., 1871, and John Nichols’s Progresses and Public Processions of Queene Elizabeth, 1788–1821 and 1823.]
- (8) The Spoyle of Antwerpe. Faithfully reported by a true Englishman, who was present at the Same. Novem. 1576. Seene and allowed. Printed at London by Richard Jones. [Authorship doubtful, but generally ascribed to Gascoigne.]
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ANUSCRIPTS - (9) Jocasta A tragedie written in Greke by Euripides, translated and digested into Acte by George Gascoign and ffraunces Kynwelmershe of Grays ynne. 1566. [British Museum.]
- (10) The tale of Hemetes the heremyte Pronownced before the Q. Majesty att Woodstocke. 1575. [British Museum.] [Abraham Fleming appended this tale to his translation of Synesius Encomium calvitii (1597). “Hereunto is annexed the pleasant tale of Hemetes the Heremite, pronounced before the Queenes Majestie. Newly recognised both in Latine and Englishe by the said A. F.”]
- (11) The Grief of Joye. Certeyne Elegies: wherein the doubtfull delightes of mañes lyfe are displaied. Written to the Queenes moste excellent Matie. Tam Marti quam Mercurio. 1576. [British Museum.]
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EPRINTS - The pleasauntest workes of George Gascoigne Esquyre: Newlye compyled into one Volume, That is to say: His Flowers, Hearbes, Weedes, the Fruites of warre, the Comedie called Supposes, the Tragedie of Jocasta, the Steele glasse, the Complaint of Phylomene, the Storie of Ferdinando Jeronimi, and the pleasure at Kenelworth Castle. London Imprinted by Abell Jeffes, dwelling in the Fore Streete, without Creeplegate, neere unto Grubstreete. 1587.
- There is another issue, the title of which reads: “The Whole woorkes” &c. The contents are the same, including (2), (4), and (7).
- There have been numerous modern reprints of portions of Gascoigne’s work. The Complete Poems of George Gascoigne, edited by William Carew Hazlitt in two volumes (The Roxburghe Library, 1869–70) includes (2), (3), (4), (7), (10) and (11). The Works of George Gascoigne, edited by John William Cunliffe (Cambridge English Classics, 1907), comprises in the first volume (1), (2) and (9). Vol.
II is in the press. - B
IOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL - Herford, C. H. Gascoigne’s Glasse of Government, in E. Stud.
IX, 201–9. - Hunter, Joseph. Chorus Vatum Anglicanorum. Vol. 1. 1838–54. MS. in British Museum.
- Schelling, Felix E. The Life and Writings of George Gascoigne. Boston, Mass. U. S. A., 1893. (Publications of the University of Pennsylvania.)
- Whetstone, George. A Remembr&adot;unce of the wel imployed life and godly end of George Gaskoyne Esquire. 1577.
- [For Gascoigne’s plays, see Vol. V of the present work, and for a list of the literary productions of Gascoigne’s friend, George Whetstone (1544?–87?), see Lee, S., in D. of N. B.]