Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919). Theodore Roosevelt’s Letters to His Children. 1919.
Quentin’s Sixth BirthdayD
I was much pleased at your being chosen captain of the Seventh. I had not expected it. I rather suspect that you will be behind in your studies this month. If so, try to make up next month, and keep above the middle of the class if you can. I am interested in what you tell me about the Sir Galahads, and I shall want to talk to you about them when you come on.
Mother is back with Aunt Emily, who looks very well. It is so nice to have her. As for Mother, of course she makes the house feel like a home again, instead of like a temporary dwelling.
Leo is as cunning as ever. Pinckney went to see Allan yesterday and said he found him “as busy as a bee in a tar barrel,” and evidently owning all the trainer’s house. He is not yet quite fit to come back here.
To-day is Quentin’s birthday. He has a cold, so he had his birthday cake, with the six candles, and his birthday ice-cream, in the nursery, with Ethel, Archie, Mother, Aunt Emily, myself, Mame and Georgette as admiring guests and onlookers.