The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Heinrich Heine (1797–1856)Whims of the Amorous
He has fallen in love with a ladyfly madly.
Art the wife I have chosen to be my own!
For I have a belly of glistening gold.
There rubies glitter, there emeralds glow.”
I’d never marry a beetle, I vow.
I know that no happiness riches enfold.
For I am in truth a haughty fly.”
The fly went away, a bath to take.
That she, when I’m washing, may wait on me;
For I am now a beetle’s bride.
For handsomer beetle never did live.
There rubies glitter, there emeralds glow.
With envy will burst full many a creature.
And lace my waist; use perfumes rare;
And lavender oil on my feet then pour—
When I in my bridegroom’s arms shall dwell.
As maids of honor to wait on me too.
The blossoms white of the orange so fine.
And singers as well, of the grasshopper race.
To blow on the trumpet and beat the drum.
The gay-wingèd guests, from greatest to least,
The commoner insects among them frisk.
Are coming, while trumpets are blowing by dozens.
Has also arrived, and the hour grows late.
But where’s my dear bridegroom ling’ring so long?”
The bridegroom, however, has flown far away.
“But where’s my dear bridegroom ling’ring so long?”
On a distant dunghill, enjoying the heat.
Poor bride has long been dead and rotten.