The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313–1375)Three Girls and Their Talk
From “The Sonnets”
Full of green grass and flowers of every hue,
Sat three young girls, relating (as I knew)
Their loves. And each had twined a bough to shield
Her lovely face; and the green leaves did yield
The golden hair their shadow; while the two
Sweet colors mingled, both blown lightly through
With a soft wind forever stirred and stilled.
After a while one of them said,
“Think you, if, ere the next hour struck,
Each of our lovers should come here to-day,
Think you that we should fly, or feel afraid?”
To whom the others answered, “From such luck
A girl would be a fool to run away.”