The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Josephine Daskam Bacon (1876–1961)The Woman Who Used Her Theory
“Oh, no,” she answered; “I Cannot understand Ibsen at all.”
The Next Time he called he brought her a Bunch of Violets and asked her if she read Maeterlinck.
“No; I think it is Very Silly,” she replied.
Then the Man brought her a Box of Chocolates, remarking, “‘Sweets to the Sweet’—do you not think Shakespeare was Right?”
The Woman saw that she was Making Progress. Now was her Time to Stop, but this she Did Not Perceive.
“Shakespeare?” said she. “Oh, yes, I have read a little of His Works, but I do not see Much Sense in them, to tell the Truth.”
“Nay, nay,” said the Man, “this is Too Much. Not to Understand Ibsen, shows that you are a Good Woman; to think Maeterlinck Silly, augurs Well for your Intelligence; but not to see Much Sense in Shakespeare, implies that you are Uneducated.”
And he did not Call Again.
This teaches us that it is Possible to Get Too Much of a Good Thing.