The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Charles Dickens (1812–1870)
The Romance of Dick Turpin
From “Pickwick Papers”
OLD Turpin vunce, on Hounslow Heath,His bold mare Bess bestrode-er,Ven there he see’d the Bishop’s coachA-comin’ along the road-er.So he gallops close to the ’orse’s legs,And he claps his head vithin,And the Bishop says, “Sure as eggs is eggs,This here’s the bold Tur
pin!”CHORUS.—And the Bishop says, “Sure as eggs is eggs,This here’s the bold Turpin!”Says Turpin, “You shall eat your words,With a sarse of leaden bul-let!”So he puts a pistol to his mouth,And he fires it down his gul-let.The coachman, he not likin’ the job,Set off at a full gal-lop,But Dick put a couple of balls in his nob,And perwail’d on him to stop.CHORUS(sarcastically).—But Dick put a couple of balls in his nob,And perwail’d on him to stop.