The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Thomas Moore (1779–1852)The Rabbinical Origin of Women
Just picked from a corner, so snug, in the side;
But the Rabbins swear to you that this is a fib,
And ’twas not so at all that the sex was supplied.
With a tail like a monkey, full a yard and a span;
And when Nature cut off this appendage behind,
Why then woman was made of the tail of the man.
The ninny who weds is a pitiful elf;
For he takes to his tail, like an idiot, again,
And makes a most horrible ape of himself.
Every husband remembers th’ original plan;
And, knowing his wife is no more than his tail,
Why—he leaves her behind him as much as he can.