The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Ben King (1857–1894)The Pessimist
Sometimes published under the title “The Sum of Life.”—EDITOR.
Nothing to eat but food;
Nothing to wear but clothes,
To keep one from going nude.
Quick as a flash ’tis gone;
Nowhere to fall but off;
Nowhere to stand but on.
Nowhere to sleep but in bed;
Nothing to weep but tears;
Nothing to bury but dead.
Ah, well, alas! alack!
Nowhere to go but out;
Nowhere to come but back.
Nothing to quench but thirst;
Nothing to have but what we’ve got;
Thus thro’ life we are cursed.
Everything moves that goes.
Nothing at all but common sense
Can ever withstand these woes.