The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Richard Kendall Munkittrick (1853–1911)The Patriotic Tourist
And fancy it so grand,
They see its marvels everywhere
About their native land.
While all its beauties shine,
They most enthusiastic say,
“Behold the Yankee Rhine!”
Enrapt at every turn,
’Tis thus their voices up they lift,
“America’s Lake Lucerne!”
The Alps their travels know,
And then they breathe in Morristown
The air of Monaco.
For, from an Alpine gorge,
I view Lucerne, and sing in glee,
“’Tis Switzerland’s Lake George!”
I drift, serene and gay,
I fancy, in a dream, I float
On great Peconic Bay.
Upon the heather bunk,
I look about and fondly sigh
O’er Caledon’s Mauch Chunk.
I wander happy, when
I fancy that I gaily jog
Around in Pittsburg, Penn.
The Alps the Swiss Catskills;
Lake Como is the Ho-pat-cong
Of the Italian hills.
From Berne to Ispahan,
Wonders that imitate, I know,
Our own as best they can.
To tread this earthly way,
Sky-high in classic Athens, Greece,
Manunka Chunk, N. J.