The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Charles Lamb (1775–1834)The Housekeeper
Carries his house with him where’er he goes;
Peeps out—and if there comes a shower of rain,
Retreats to his small domicile again.
Touch but a tip of him, a horn—’tis well—
He curls up in his sanctuary shell.
He’s his own landlord, his own tenant; stay
Long as he will, he dreads no Quarter Day.
Himself he boards and lodges; both invites
And feasts himself; sleeps with himself o’ nights.
He spares the upholsterer trouble to procure
Chattels; himself is his own furniture,
And his sole riches. Whereso’er he roam—
Knock when you will—he’s sure to be at home.