The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Ivan Khemnitser (1745–1784)The House-Builder
From the “Fables”
The place is with materials filled,
And everything is ready there;
Is it a difficult affair?
Yes, till you fix the corner-stone;
It won’t erect itself alone.
Day rolls on day, and year on year,
And nothing yet is done;
There’s always something to delay
The business to another day.
The heaps of stone and piles of wood,
Till Death—who in his vast affairs
Ne’er puts things off (as men in theirs),
And thus, if I the truth must tell,
Does his work finally and well—
Winked at our hero as he passed:
“Your house is finished, sir, at last—
A narrower house, a house of clay,
Your palace for another day!”