The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Thomas Percy (1729–1811)The Distracted Puritan
When zeal and godly knowledge
Have put me in hope
To deal with the Pope,
As well as the best in the college?
Boldly I preach, hate a cross, hate a surplice,
Mitres, copes, and rochets;
Come, hear me pray nine times a day,
And fill your heads with crotchets.
I had my education,
Where my friends surmise
I dazel’d my eyes
With the sight of revelation.
They lash’d my four poor quarters;
Whilst this I endure,
Faith makes me sure
To be one of Foxe’s martyrs.
Through antichrist’s perswasion:
Take off this chain,
Neither Rome nor Spain
Can resist my strong invasion.
I have knock’d off three already;
If they let me alone
I’ll leave him none:
But they say I am too heady.
I met the great red dragon;
I kept him aloof
With the armour of proof,
Though here I have never a rag on.
There fought I with this monster:
But the sons of pride
My zeal deride,
And all my deeds misconster.
With a flying book between them.
I have been in despair
Five times in a year,
And been cur’d by reading Greenham.
The black line of damnation;
Those crooked veins
So stuck in my brains,
That I fear’d my reprobation.
I plac’d my chiefest pleasure;
Till I prick’d my foot
With an Hebrew root,
That I bled beyond all measure.
And all the high commission;
I gave him no grace,
But told him to his face,
That he favour’d superstition.
Boldly I preach, hate a cross, hate a surplice,
Mitres, copes, and rochets;
Come hear me pray nine times a day,
And fill your heads with crotchets.