The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Students’ SongsPope and Sultan
He fears not married care nor strife;
He drinks the best of Rhenish wine—
I would the Pope’s gay lot were mine.
I would the Pope’s gay lot were mine.
He has not maid nor blooming wife,
Nor child has he to raise his hope—
I would not wish to be the Pope.
His is a life of jollity;
His wives are many as his will—
I would the Sultan’s throne then fill.
He must obey his Alcoran;
And dares not drink one drop of wine—
I would not change his lot for mine.
And live in German fatherland;
I’ll kiss my maiden fair and fine,
And drink the best of Rhenish wine.
I’ll think that I the Sultan be;
And when my cheery glass I tope,
I’ll fancy then I am the Pope.