The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Abu-Ishak (15th Century)
Parody on Hafiz
WILL those who can transmute dust into gold by looking at it ever give a sidelong glance at us?Will those who sell cooked sheep’s-head give us a sidelong glance, when they open their pots in the morning?
The beauteous Turk, who is the cause of death to her lovers, has to-day gone forth intoxicated. Let us see from whose eyes the heart’s blood shall begin to flow.The cook has to-day bought onions for giving a relish to minced meat. Let us see, now, from whose eyes tears shall begin to flow.
I have a yearning for seclusion and peace. But, oh! those narcissus-like eyes! The commotion they cause me is inexpressible!I have an inclination for abstinent living and observing fasts. But, oh! in what a tempting way doth the roasted lamb wink at me!
No one should give up his heart and his religion in the expectation of faithfulness from his sweetheart. My having done so has resulted to me in lifelong repentance.No one should partake of sauce to accompany sweetened rice colored with saffron. My having done so has given me cause for infinite regret.
I have an inclination for abstinent living and observing fasts. But, oh! in what a tempting way doth the roasted lamb wink at me!
No one should partake of sauce to accompany sweetened rice colored with saffron. My having done so has given me cause for infinite regret.