The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Thomas Percy (1729–1811)Lilli Burlero
Lilli burlero, bullen a-la,
Dat we shall have a new deputie,
Lilli burlero, bullen a-la,
Lero lero, lilli burlero, lero lero, bullen a-la,
Lero lero, lilli burlero, lero lero, bullen a-la.
Lilli, etc.,
And he will cut de Englishmen’s troate.
Lilli, etc.,
De law’s on dare side, and Crish knows what.
Lilli, etc.,
We’ll hang Magna Charta and dem in a rope.
Lilli, etc.,
And with brave lads is coming aboard:
Lilli, etc.,
Dat dey will have no Protestant heir.
Lilli, etc.,
Ho! by my shoul ’tis a Protestant wind.
Lilli, etc.,
And we shall have commissions gillore.
Lilli, etc.,
Shall be turn out, and look like an ass.
Lilli, etc.,
By Crish and Shaint Patrick, de nation’s our own.
Lilli, etc.,
“Ireland shall be rul’d by an ass and a dog.”
Lilli, etc.,
For Talbot’s de dog, and James is de ass.
Lilli, etc.