The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
Frank Dempster Sherman (1860–1916)In Parenthesis
A bunch of fancies culled from Keats,
A rime of rose and drowsy poppy,
Of maiden, song, and other sweets:
The lines—so patiently I penned them,
Without one sable blot or blur—
I knew had music to commend them
And all their secret thoughts to her.
And made a comment there and here;
I read on to the final stanza,
Where timid love had made me fear.
A long parenthesis; the meter
Went lamely on without a foot,
Because the sentiment was sweeter
Than love emboldened me to put.
The truant thought refused to come!
The point—to think the rime should lack it!
My wakeful conscience struck me dumb.
She took the little leaf a minute—
Ah, what a happy time was this!
The bracket soon had something in it—
I kissed her in parenthesis.