The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.
James Whitcomb Riley (1849–1916)A Old Played-Out Song
Whenever I hear that old song
“Do They Miss Me at Home,” I’m so bothered,
My life seems as short as it’s long!—
Fer ev’rything ’pears like adzackly
It ’peared in the years past and gone—
When I started out sparkin’, at twenty,
And had my first neckercher on!
Right now than my parents was then,
You strike up that song “Do They Miss Me,”
And I’m jest a youngster again!—
I’m a-standin’ back thare in the furries
A-wishin’ fer evening to come,
And a-whisperin’ over and over
Them words “Do They Miss Me at Home?”
The first time I heerd it; and so,
As she was my very first sweethart,
It reminds me of her, don’t you know—
How her face ust to look, in the twilight,
As I tuck her to Spellin’; and she
Kep’ a-hummin’ that song tel I ast her,
Pine-blank, ef she ever missed me!
And hear her low answerin’ words;
And then the glad chirp of the crickets,
As clear as the twitter of birds;
And the dust in the road is like velvet,
And the ragweed and fennel and grass
Is as sweet as the scent of the lilies
Of Eden of old, as we pass.
And softer—and sweet as the breeze
That powdered our path with the snowy
White bloom of the old locus’ trees!
Let the whipperwills he’p you to sing it,
And the echoes ’way over the hill,
Tel the moon boolges out, in a chorus
Of stars, and our voices is still.
That’s missed when her voice is away!”
Though I listen from midnight tell morning,
And dawn tel the dusk of the day!
And I grope through the dark, lookin’ up’ards
And on through the heavenly dome,
With my longin’ soul singin’ and sobbin’
The words “Do They Miss Me at Home?”