
The World’s Wit and Humor: An Encyclopedia in 15 Volumes. 1906.

Sayings from the Talmud

THE LIAR is punished when he tells the truth, for then nobody believes him.

Use your best vessel to-day; by to-morrow it may be broken.

A donkey will complain of the cold in midsummer.

The soldiers fight, and the kings are heroes.

Step down in choosing a wife; step up in choosing a friend.

Throw no stones into the well that gives you water.

Repent of your sins the day before you die.

A small coin in a large jar makes much noise.

The wine is the master’s, but the serving-man is thanked for it.

The cat and the rat are friends over a carcass.

Truth is burdensome; few have inclination to carry it.

This world is the waiting-room to the next.

If it were not for a man’s passions, he would neither build a house, marry a wife, beget children, nor work.

Keep away from well-meaning fools.

It is better to be a lion’s tail than a fox’s head.

Silence is the hedge that guards wisdom.

Too many captains sink the ship.

One man says grace, another eats.

If a thief is wanting for an opportunity, he believes himself an honest man.

A man will see anybody’s leprosy but his own.

Not what you say of yourself is accepted, but what your friends say.