Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
O Fair Unsullied RosePietro Metastasio (1698–1782)
Translated by James Glassford, of Dougalston
Leggiadra Rosa
Leggiadra Rosa
With sweetest dews, and drank the morning ray;
Whose graceful bud now bending on the spray,
Fanned by Aurora’s breath, puts on the red;
That careful hand which plucks thee from thy bed
Removes thee only to a brighter day,
Where stripped of thorn, and never to decay,
Thy choicer beauties may unmingled spread.
Thus art thou planted a perennial flower,
Far from this fickle region full of gloom,
Which winds disturb, and frost and sweeping shower,
A faithful Guardian tends thee now, by Whom
Secured thou shalt combine, in peaceful bower,
Immortal fragrance with immortal bloom.