Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
The Transfiguration of BeautyMichelangelo (1475–1564)
Translated by John Addington Symonds
(A Dialogue with Love)
(A Dialogue with Love)
My lady, do mine eyes her beauty see
In truth, or dwells that loveliness in me
Which multiplies her grace a thousandfold?
Thou needs must know; for thou with her of old
Comest to stir my soul’s tranquillity;
Yet would I not seek one sigh less, or be
By loss of that loved flame, more simply cold.—
The beauty thou discernest, all is hers;
But grows in radiance as it soars on high,
Through mortal eyes unto the soul above:
’Tis there transfigured; for the soul confers
On what she holds, her own divinity:
And this transfigured beauty wins thy love.