Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
Truth and BeautyLupercio Leonardo de Argensola (1559–1613)
Translated by James Y. Gibson
That dame Elvira’s charming red and white,
Though fair they seem, are only hers by right
In that her money purchased their perfection;
But thou must grant as well, on calm reflection,
That her sweet lie hath such a lustre bright,
As fairly puts to shame the paler light,
And honest beauty of a true complexion!
And yet no wonder I distracted go
With such deceit, when ’tis within our ken
That Nature blinds us with the self-same spell;
For that blue Heaven above, that charms us so,
Is neither Heaven nor blue! Sad pity then,
That so much Beauty is not Truth as well!