Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
To SleepGiovanni della Casa (1503–1556)
Translated by John Addington Symonds
Of humid, shadowy Night; O dear repose
For wearied men, forgetfulness of woes
Grievous enough the bloom of life to blight!
Succour this heart that hath outworn delight,
And knows no rest; these tired limbs compose;
Fly to me, sleep; thy dusky vans disclose
Over my languid eyes, then cease thy flight.
Where, where is Silence, that avoids the day?
Where the light dreams, that with a wavering tread
And unsubstantial footing follow thee?
Alas! in vain I call thee; and these grey,
These frigid shades flatter in vain. O bed,
How rough with thorns! O nights, how harsh to me!