Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
“To every heart that feels the gentle flame”Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)
Translated by Henry Francis Cary
From the “Vita Nuova”
From the “Vita Nuova”
To whom this present saying comes in sight,
In that to me their thoughts they may indite,
All health! in Love, our lord and master’s name.
Now on its way the second quarter came
Of those twelve hours, wherein the stars are bright,
When Love was seen before me, in such might,
As to remember shakes with awe my frame.
Suddenly came he, seeming glad, and keeping
My heart in hand; and in his arms he had
My Lady in a folded garment sleeping:
He waked her; and that heart all burning bade
Her feed upon, in lowly guise and sad:
Then from my view he turned; and parted, weeping.