Samuel Waddington, comp. The Sonnets of Europe. 1888.
“So gentle seems my lady and so pure”Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)
Translated by Thomas William Parsons
From the “Vita Nuova”
From the “Vita Nuova”
When she greets any one, that scarce the eye
Such modesty and brightness can endure,
And the tongue, trembling, falters in reply.
Some in their speech, and many with a pen,
But meekly moves, as if sent down to earth
To show another miracle to men!
On him who gazeth, while she passeth by,—
A sense of sweetness that no mortal knows
Who hath not felt it,—that the soul’s repose
Is woke to worship, and a spirit flows
Forth from her face that seems to whisper, “Sigh!”