
Home  »  The Second Book of Modern Verse  »  The Last Piper

Jessie B. Rittenhouse, ed. (1869–1948). The Second Book of Modern Verse. 1922.

The Last Piper

DARK winds of the mountain,

White winds of the sea,

Are skirling the pibroch

Of Seumas an Righ.

The crying of gannets,

The shrieking of terns,

Are keening his dying

High over the burns.

Grey silence of waters

And wasting of lands

And the wailing of music

Down to the sands,

The wailing of music,

And trailing of wind,

The waters before him,

The mountains behind,—

Alone at the gathering,

Silent he stands,

And the wail of his piping

Cries over the lands,

To the moan of the waters,

The drone of the foam,

Where his soul, a white gannet,

Wings silently home.