
Home  »  The Second Book of Modern Verse  »  How much of Godhood

Jessie B. Rittenhouse, ed. (1869–1948). The Second Book of Modern Verse. 1922.

How much of Godhood

HOW much of Godhood did it take—

What purging epochs had to pass,

Ere I was fit for leaf and lake

And worthy of the patient grass?

What mighty travails must have been,

What ages must have moulded me,

Ere I was raised and made akin

To dawn, the daisy and the sea.

In what great struggles was I felled,

In what old lives I labored long,

Ere I was given a world that held

A meadow, butterflies and Song?

But oh, what cleansings and what fears,

What countless raisings from the dead,

Ere I could see Her, touched with tears,

Pillow the little weary head.