
Alfred H. Miles, ed. The Sacred Poets of the Nineteenth Century. 1907.

By Prefatory, Vol II.

THIS and the preceding volume of “The Poets and the Poetry of the Nineteenth Century” are devoted to the sacred, moral, and religious verse of the period.

Some of the acknowledgments made in the former volume cover, to some extent, the contents of this one; but, even at the risk of repetition, the Editor desires to express his high sense of the favour shown to him in this connection by poets and publishers alike.

His special thanks are due to Dr. Alexander, Dr. Bickersteth, Dr. Walter C. Smith, and Mr. Selwyn Image, for kind permission to include selections from their works, and to their publishers for gracious acquiescence. Beyond these there are many who since the publication of the first edition of this work have passed the bourn—many whose sympathetic interest is gratefully remembered and whose correspondence is treasured. These include the late Francis Turner Palgrave, Aubrey de Vere, Coventry Patmore, George MacDonald, E. H. Plumptre, W. Walsham How, H. S. Sutton, John Ellerton, Richard Wilton, Christina Rossetti, Alexander Grosart and S. J. Stone.

The Editor feels that the not inconsiderable time, thought, and expense devoted to the perfecting of this edition has greatly added to its value, and hopes that the study and enjoyment of the poetry of the period may be thereby facilitated and enhanced.

A. H. M.

NOTE:—IN In the prefatory note of the first edition this work (1891) the Editor invited criticism with a view to the improvement of future editions. Several critics responded to this appeal, and their valuable suggestions have been considered in preparing this re-issue. In some cases the text has been revised and the selection varied; in others, additions have been made to complete the representation. The biographical and bibliographical matter has been brought up to date.