Arnold, Edward B., Prescott, Ariz. |
Akin, James E., Dolores, Col. |
Anderson, Arthur T., Albuquerque, N. M. |
Andrews, William C., Sulphur Springs, Tex. |
Beck, Joseph H., San Antonio, Tex. |
Bishop, Louis B., San Antonio, Tex. |
Brumley, Jr., William H., Dolores, Cal. |
Brown, Robert, Gallup, N. M. |
Brown, Edwin M., San Antonio, Tex. |
Brazelton, William H., St. Louis, Mo. |
Beissel, John J., Gallup, N. M. |
Camp, Cloid, Raton, N. M. |
Camp, Marion, Raton, N. M. |
Covenaugh, Thomas F., Raton, N. M. |
Absent since June 24th on account of wound received in battle. |
Cody, William E., St. Louis, Mo. |
Chopetal, Frank W., Buffalo, N. Y. |
Coyle, Michael H., Raton, N. M. |
Absent on sick leave since June 24th on account of wound in arm received in battle. |
Clark, Winslow, Milton, Mass. |
Absent on sick leave since July 1st on account of gunshot wound through lung received in battle. Right lung, severe. Missile or weapon, Mauser rifle. |
Cotton, Frank W., Jennings, La. |
Conover, Alfred J., Chicasee, I. T. |
Detwiler, Sherman, Muscatine, Ia. |
Dunn, Alfred B., Calvert, Tex. |
Edmunds, John H., Alleghany, Pa. |
Faupel, Henry F., Martington, Ill. |
Fornoff, Frederick, Albuquerque, N. M. |
Fitch, Roger S., Buffalo, N. Y. |
Gibson, William C., Gallup, N. M. |
Gevers, Louis, Austin, Tex. |
Absent from July 1st till Aug. 2d on account of gunshot wound in hips received in battle. |
Goodwin, John, Gallup, N. M. |
Healey, Frank F., Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Henderson, John, Gallup, N. M. |
Absent from July 1st to Sept. 2d on account of wound in arm received in battle. Wrist. Missile or weapon, Mauser rifle. |
Henshaw, Laten R., El Paso, Tex. |
Johnson, Albert John, Raton, N. M. |
Kline, John S., San Marcial, N. M. |
Keeley, Bert T., Lamy, N. M. |
King, Henry A., Massitee, Mich. |
Littleton, Elias M., Springer, N. M. |
Lincoln, Malcom D., Lucknow, I. T. |
Larson, Anton, Silverton, Col. |
Lyle, James C., Georgetown, Col. |
Miller, Frank P., Los Angeles, Cal. |
Meyers, Fred P., Gallup, N. M. |
Reduced from 1st Sergt. to Trooper on account of absence caused by wound received in battle, July 1, 1898. Head, severe. |
Moran, Daniel, Gallup, N. M. |
Mann, Eugene M., Omaha, Neb. |
McCarthy, George H., Los Angeles, Cal. |
McKinney, Frank G., Harrison, Ark. |
McKinney, Oliver, Cannon City, Col. |
McMullen, Samuel J., St. Louis, Mo. |
Noish, John, Raton, N. M. |
Phipps, T. W., Bland, N. M. |
Petty, Archibald, Gallup, N. M. |
Pennington, Elijah, San Antonio, Tex. |
Preston, Robert A., Stiles, Tex. |
Quigg, George H., Gallup, N. M. |
Quinn, Walter D., San Marcial, N. M. |
Radcliff, William, Gallup, N. M. |
Richards, Richard, Albuquerque, N. M. |
Rayburn, Harry C., Camden, Ia. |
Reid, Robert W., Raton, N. M. |
Absent on sick leave from June 24th to Sept. 8th on account of wound in side received in battle. G. S. to right hip. |
Ragland, Robert C., Guthrie, O. T. |
Roland, George, Deming, N. M. |
G. S. right side, June 24, 1898. |
Stillson, Earl, Topeka, Kan. |
Simmons, Charles M., Raton, N. M. |
Slaughter, Benjamin, San Antonio, Tex. |
Shannon, Charles W., Raton, N. M. |
Thomas, Neal, Aztec, N. M. |
Travis, Grant, Aztec, N. M. |
Van Horn, Eustace E., Halstead, Kan. |
Welch, Toney, Durango, Col. |
Whittington, Richard, Gallup, N. M. |
Whited, Lyman E., Raton, N. M. |
Wood, William D., Bland, N. M. |
Wright, Clarence, Springer, N. M. |